Birthday Party!

March 28th 9:30am Sakura POV

I awoke to the sound of somebody getting out of the bed. It was Sasuke. What was he doing? He slowly went up to my side of the bed.

"Sakura.." he whispered

"yes anata?"

"I have to go for a mission on April 1st, i'm sorry"

My heart stopped

"for how long?" I didn't want to know the answer

"I don't know how long. I would say maybe 10 years at least"

I felt tears roll down my face.

After all the years he has been gone in the past

He's leaving again

This time is even longer than before

I didn't even want to look at him

I couldn't even look at him

I understand that it's not his fault but....

I still feel this great pain in my heart

Like the one I had when he left the village,.......


the academy 



I actually thought he would stay 

with me



but no

I was a fool to think that he would actually stay for a long time

I guess he's still the same Sasuke

I got up and went to the bathroom

I went past him without saying a word

I locked the bathroom door and cried

I couldn't take this pain anymore

It was so frustrating!

I still loved him somehow!!


I heard a knock on the bathroom door

It was Sasuke

"Sakura we need to talk now" he said with sadness in his voice

"there's nothing to talk about" I said, my voice barely a whisper

"Sakura please" he asked

I thought about for a second and then I opened the bathroom door slowly


"i'm sorry I have to leave again, I understand that your mad bu-" he was cut off by Sakura

"mad??!! i'm not mad. I'm frustrated! Hell, I don't even know what to think!!I hate this pain every time you leave!! I thought you would stay for a long time and actually watch your daughter grow up!! I actually trusted you!! I feel so stupid. Why!! Why do you do this to everyone!! You let everybody down! Naruto, the village, Sarada your own DAUGHTER!! AND ME!!! THE ONE YOU HAVE HURT THE MOST OUT EVERYBODY!!! when you left... *sob* you just called me annoying and said 'thank you for everything' then knocked me out. I woke UP THE NEXT DAY TO FIND THAT YOU WEREN"T THERE AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN MEAN THE THINGS YOU SAID TO ME!! IT WAS ALL A LIE!! IT WAS ALL FAKE!!!!HOW DO I STILL LOVE YOU....*sob* I don't get it Sasuke.....why do you hurt everybody?"

Sasuke POV

I was shocked. All of it was true. I hurt her a lot and I was just going to leave her again. I felt this huge pain in my heart

I felt bad. I hurt everybody including Sakura. My first Sakura. Why did I have to leave the village. It wasn't worth it at ALL. I was sad too when I found out about the mission I didn't want to leave this family again....not one bit.

"Sakura i'm very sorry"


"I know I have caused you much pain.......I get it. You just need to understand something. I'm not the same Sasuke as before and I will only say it once. Sakura I love you to death and I don't know what I would do without you. You and Sarada mean the world to me and i'm very sad that I have to leave you too for so long. I pains my heart just thinking about it. Sakura, thank you for everything and I mean it! I love you for giving me a beautiful daughter! I love you to death Sakura! I feel the same emotions as you right now! I'm going to miss you to death Sakura. You need to understand that i'm protecting you two and the village. I hate to say it, but Sakura I have to leave in 4 days. I'm so sorry and I mean it" Tears slowly running down my face

"i'm also sorry Sasuke, I should have understood"

"its okay and we have 2 birthdays today" I smiled, wiping the tears off my face

*giggles* "No matter how long you gone Sasuke, I will still love you"

"me too" I smiled

"okay i'll get me and Sarada ready" she said as she kissed me and walked over to are bed and picked up Sarada

Sakura POV

The more I think about Sasuke leaving, the more I realize that it's to protect outside of Konaha. Now I understand. At least he's not leaving us to get power. He's leaving so he can protect us. Now i'm very grateful to him. Thank you Sasuke.

My thoughts were interrupted by Sarada crying. She's been a lot more cranky than she was as a baby. She's a toddler now and she's about to turn 1. I feel so proud and happy. I wonder what it would be like without Sasuke. Never mind I don't wonder, I don't even want to think about that. 

I picked her up and put her birthday clothes on. I picked out a cute little red dress for her and I kept her hair down and added a little red bow on the side of her head. I also decided since it's shes going to her birthday party, I put her some light pink lip gloss on, even though she's probably going to lick it off.

I put on a nice little pink dress and some silver high heels. I kept my hair down and put on some clear lip gloss and mascara.

Me and Sarada were ready for the birthday party that Naurto threw for me, Sarada and Boruto, even though Sarada's birthday was on March 31st, we just decided to celebrate it early because it would be easier. Thank the lord Karin wouldn't be there because I would have already killed her if I seen her.

I got out of the bathroom to see Sasuke in his button down black shirt, with some black pants and his cape. I realized that's his outfit that he usually travels in. My heart sank. Is he leaving already?!

I walked past him to get Sarada's shoes and completely ignored him. As I was about to walk away, he grabbed my by the arm.

"Sakura what's wrong?"

"leave me alone" I said coldly

I glanced at him. His eyes was filled with pain, sorrow, sadness, anger and guilt. I could tell he was confused and hurt.

"i'm sorry" I whispered

"tell me what's wrong please?"

"your leaving today..." tears slowly went down my face

"what are you talking about"

"your wearing the outfit you travel with...." I covered my face

"that's because I had nothing else to wear, Sakura"

"oh" I said as Sarada walked out of the bathroom. "i'm sorry anata I thought you were lying...." I picked up Sarada, put her on the bed and put on her shoes.

"you 2 look beautiful" he blushed

*giggles* "thank you anata"

*giggles* papa!!!

My heart melted. She's so cute!!!

"yeah papa!" he picked her up and hugged her tightly

"oh and Sakura" he went towards me. I blushed. "happy birthday" he whispered, then I felt his lips on mine. He pulled back and hugged me. "i'm sorry I have to leave soon. I love you both to death, but it's for the village's safety. I have no clue when I can start visiting, probably when Sarada's past 10 years old, maybe."

"I understand, but what if Sarada asks where you are"

"say I have a long mission"


"It's almost time for the party, let's go" he said with Sarada in his arms

"okay anata"

They went out of the house and walked to Naruto's house, well was about to.....

"papa mama!!" Sarada yelled

"yes sweetie?" I asked in my baby voice

"d-d-d down!" Sarada pointed to the ground

"you want to walk?" Sasuke asked

Sarada clapped and giggled

"okay okay calm down" he put Sarada down and held her hand, she was in the middle of the 2 of us looking cute as ever

"mama!" she grabbed my hand

"oh okay" I got surprised

I glanced at Sasuke who was smiling. He looked like he was very happy. Like he never wanted to let us go. The more I thought about him leaving, the more I realized that he will come back soon. He would never leave us forever. I know it, I have faith in him.....

Naruto's House 11:30am Sakura's POV

"I guess were early" I said looking at their house. We didn't hear anything from the house. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Hinata holding Boruto. 

"hey guys" she said in her cute little voice

"hey Hinata" I gave her a light hug

"and hey little man" I was about to kiss Boruto on the cheek, but I felt a tiny hand slap my face. It was Boruto

"no t-touchy" Boruto stuttered

"why did you hit me Boruto?" I said "that's mean" I did a fake pout

He crossed his arms and did a 'hmph' sound that was cute for some reason.

"i'll get you for that when you get older" I glared at Boruto playfully, even though I was dead serious

He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same.

"trust me when you get older.....just wait young mister!!" I glared at him

I turned around to see Sasuke glaring at Boruto. 

"anata calm down" I hit his chest playfully

"hn" he mumbled

Hinata just laughed and brought us to the living room where Naurto was. He was watching tv and then he noticed us

"oh hey teme and Sakura-chan" Naruto gave us that idiot smile

"hey baka" I said innocently

"Hinata!! Sakura's being mean" he huffed and started walking over to Hinata, who was in the kitchen, cooking something.

"Hinata, Sakura's being a meanie" he said in his baby voice, which made Hinata's face red a tomato. It didn't get any better when Naurto wrapped his arms around Hinata's waist. This caused Hinata to faint.

I laughed to myself and Sarada also did. We watched as Naruto carried her to the living room to try to wake her up.

She soon woke up from Boruto tapping her forehead. 

"huh...." she mumbled

"mama!!" Boruto yelled

"oh hi Bourto" she said in her soft voice

"hey Hinata" Naruto said

"N-N-N-Naruto-kun" she looked away and blushed

I laughed as Sasuke just held Sarada in his lap with no emotion, like when we were kids....

"I need to finish the cake for them Naruto-kun...." she whispered

"okay" Naruto said as Hinata left the living room with the reddest face I have ever seen

There was a awkward silence until, surprisingly, Sasuke broke it.

"how did ya'll even have sex if she faint's when you just wrap your arm's around her?" he asked coldly

I blushed 

oh god Sasuke...

This boy is going to be the death of me

Naruto's neck became flushed.


"how?" Sasuke asked again

"it's none of you business teme" he blushed

"I was just joking....tch" he said

"don't joke like that Sasuke, it's weird" I whispered to him

"yuckie!!!" Boruto yelled at us

It went silent...





"how did he know that...." I asked, breaking the silence. God this baby was a smart cookie, but yet a dumb cookie at the same time. Just like his dad.

"I have no idea" Naruto said in shock

Sasuke just stared at the boy and tried to suppress a laugh, but failed.

lord help jesus......

5:30pm (still Sakura's POV sis. Hope your enjoy the story so far because I am sis :D)


We have been at Naruto's house for about 6 hours and so far it has been fun. We got to go out to their backyard and watch Boruto and Sarada play with each other. They were so cute!! Even Sasuke was smiling, but when ever Boruto got too close to Sarada his smile would turn into a evil frown that was scary as hell. I still managed to calm him down by giving him my death glares that I knew he was scared of. 

We talked in the living room while the kid's played in Boruto's playroom and Naruto being Naruto was asking dumb questions to Sasuke, which amused me. I loved to Naruto annoying Sasuke. It was funny to see them call each other stupid names. 

It was about 5pm now and I was hungry. I went in the kitchen while Sasuke and Naruto were arguing about who is stronger. Of course.


"oh hey Sakura" she smiled

"so how did you and Naruto...'conceive' Boruto" I blushed

"w-w-w-wha huh why do you ask this question?" she blushed and looked away

"because Sasuke asked it earlier and you always seem to faint when Naruto's around so....." I looked away

"oh umm I don't know either.....I guess I was just in the mood" she whispered


"so..." she said


"how did you and Sasuke 'conceive' Sarada" she asked back

"wha!!!" I ran back over the living room because I was too enbarrassed, which was a bad idea since Sasuke had his shirt off because they were seeing who could do the most push ups

I sometimes feel like god is really praying for my downfall




Sasuke looked at me, then looked at his body and then blushed a deep red. He got up from doing push ups and put back on his shirt.

I blush and pretty much ran to their bathroom and locked it. Oh god....his muscules and his nice rock hard abs and sweat dripping down on his body and his d- WOAH WOAH SAKURA CALM DOWN JESUS CHRIST!!!!!

I stayed in the bathroom and tried to calm down, but the more I thought about 'him' the more I got turned on...Jesus...he's going to be the death of me...

I heard and knock on the door. Oh god. I bet it's Sasuke. LORD HELP JESUS!!!

"Sakura it's time to eat dinner" I heard him say. GOD HIS VOICE!!!

"uhmmm not right now Sasuke!" I said

"Sakura what's wrong are you okay?" he asked

"yes i'm fine" I laughed nervously

"no your not, let me in Sakura"

"I said i-" I cut off by him opening the door

"wha-how did you-" I was cut off by him

"whats wrong..." he paused "or i'll have to punish you, he whispered hotly in my ear 

It took me a hot minute to figure out

If I should tell him..



I gulped.

how do I end up in the kinds of situations

"it's you" I moaned

"huh wh-" 

I pulled the collar of his shirt and kissed him hard. I pulled back before he had the chance to understand what just now happened

"because you looked so damn sexy without your shirt off early" I teased him back, whispering hotly in his ear

I heard him gulp and pant

"anata" I moaned in his ear

A groan was his response 

"I need" I demanded , then kissed his lips passionately

"oh god.." he groaned

30 minutes later Normal POV

Hinata and Naruto were done setting up the table and they already put Sarada and Boruto in their high chairs.

They kept on hearing moaning and groaning in the bathroom, but they just ignored it and fed some of the food to the kids and waited.

"they have been in are bathroom for 30 minutes now, i'm starting to get worried Naruto"

"i'm sure their fine"

"okay I guess"

In the bathroom (still normal POV)


They were both panting, they were sweating and their hair was messed up. The room smelled like....nevermind. 

"I think we should stop, their going to suspect something" Sakura said

"hn" Sasuke said

They both put on their clothes and tried to look the same as they did before. They clean up the bathroom a bit and getting that smell out of the bathroom too

They were ready and they walked out.

"what took you guys so long" Naurto asked

"umm we just had a little talk" Sakura laughed nervously

"uhh yeah" Sasuke mumbled

"uhh ok....." Naruto said

Sakura glanced over at Sasuke. He smiled and pecked her lips as they watched Boruto and Sarada eat their birthday cake messily

'this was the best birthday ever' Sakura thought and smiled as she went up to go steal some cake from the 2 kids...

AN sis

I know it's mainly just Sasusaku crap right now, but after the next chapter it should be more of Borusara than Sasusaku since Sasuke is gonna leave....

he gunna go bye bye

love all of you weeAboo's!!

xoxo kisses my little weeAboo's
