After the Tragedy

Kaitlin's P.O.V.

So it is the day after her funeral and Andy his is so broken. I feel really bad even though I did not really know my mom. I can tell they were really close but, I did not really know Andy that well until now he tells me everything and we talk all the time. He tells me all of his secrets and weaknesses. Sometimes it is really nice to now these things but it gets really awkward sometimes. So right now we are getting ready to go to the studio yes with them that is because I made a promise to my dad. That promise was I would not leave my brothers side.                               ( So this what I look like )

I know I do not look like him also cause his hair his dyed. I also think I have a different mother but I really do not want to look into that.                                                                                                                (my outfit)

We are going to do something after this so i am doing my hair and makeup.                                             (my hair)

(my makeup)

So we have been at the studio for about 30 minutes and the guys are now doing vocal warm ups.  Because they have decided they want to sing the cover of supermarket flowers. I have inserted it above. 
