
"She's not getting any better" Lavan groaned as he leaned against an outer wall of his sister's palace. He would hang around inside, where he could keep abreast of her condition. But several of the Guardians gave him nasty looks whenever he went towards her chambers.

He heard the whispers.

"How do we know he didn't do this?"

"He hangs around with those toadstool folks. They carry diseases don't they? What if he gave her something?" They said.

Didn't really matter who said it. He knew that most common fairies treated him with almost superstitious fear. Even the Guardians, the 'best and brightest' of fairy kind weren't immune.

Azura zoomed around a corner, her wing beats severe. She was angry. "I am going to strangle Ruby" She hissed.

Lavan raised an eyebrow "Did he do something special or did the sun just rise this morning?"

Azura sidled up next to him, slumping her shoulder against the wall in a very un-guardian like manner.

"He thinks we should 'encourage' you to leave until the Enchantress recovers. He's always been suspicious of you but this is just ridiculous. She's your sister! You have more right to be here than he does! By the stars, some of the Guardians haven't even bothered to show up yet" she huffed.

Lavan ran a hand through his hair. "I did discourage my sister from appointing him as a Guardian. I suppose he has a right to harbor a grudge"

"If he has a problem with you then he can take it to you directly. Not try to manipulate the Guardian council so get you kicked out of the Rainbow Palace!"

"Though Ruby is an idiotic blowhard he does make a point. Her condition hasn't improved in days. And my presence isn't helping much. It may be a good idea for me to return to my region"

Azura's wings flared in surprise "You're not listening to them are you!? This isn't your fault Lavan!"

"No, but judging by her symptoms I'd say this was an intentional poisoning. Not just an illness she caught from being around me as the geniuses in there seems to think"

Azura froze, then looked around to ensure no one could hear them "You think this was done intentionally?" She asked in a hushed tone.

He stroked his beard "I didn't want to bandy my knowledge of poisons and toxins around. Its necessary knowledge to have when I spend so much time around the bogs and swamps. But the Guardians are likely to take it as an admission of guilt if I so much and breath that I might know what happened to her"

"What poison is it? Is there a cure?"

He shook his head "I'm not positive yet. I'll need to go back and consult with my apothecaries and alchemists. Their knowledge goes much deeper than mine. I'm sure they would know what was used and how to cure it. But that leaves the issue of who poisoned her"

Azura straightened, her blue eyes shining with cunning "If this was done intentionally then there might be something bigger going on. Some plot that would require the Enchantress out of the way"

Lavan tightened his jaw as he looked out to the intersecting waterfalls in front of the palace  "I wont be trusted. So you'll have to purge her staff. Quietly. Replace them with people you can trust. I'll go back to my hall and work on an antidote"

"After Ive done that Ill need to go back to Fairytown" Azura said grimly. She played with her butterfly necklace, running her fingers over the gem in thought.


"I trust my Cerulean Guard implicitly. If I can collect them and bring them here to the capitol I can ensure the Enchantress is fully defended. Right now, there's only so many attendants and guards in her hall that I actually trust"

"Very well" Lavan flapped his wings and rose slowly into the air "Lets get to work. Before her condition worsens"

Azura snapped a nod and zoomed deeper into the palace.

Lavan sighed, he didn't like this. Any of it. And his gut was telling him that it was likely only the calm before the storm.
