Chapter 8

Yerim walked away from yeojin's house trying to hold in her excitement.

She practically jumped as high as she could once she was a good distance away from her house.

"Wow." yerim said crouching to the ground as she covered her face with her hands. She sprung back up to her feet, and began walking back home.

Finally arriving at home she opened the door to see hyejoo and chaewon doing there homework together.

"Hey you two!" she said making her way towards them.

They looked up at her and smiled. "So....did you take her home?" hyejoo asked, yerim nodded.

"What's her name" chaewon asked taking her eyes off her work. "Her names yeojin and she's so cute and tiny I just wanna put her in my pocket, and her sisters the council president!" she said blabbering on an on about how cute the girl was.


"Oh my god hyejoo are you ok!" chaewon yelled rushing over to her the poor girl had slammed her face onto the table, she wasn't even moving maybe she died?


"Unnie finally likes someone" hyejoo said hugging onto chaewons arm.

"Well it seems like you do to hyejoo" yerim fired back pointing at her.

They girl immediately turned red, chaewon just patted hyejoo's head. "I have to admit she is hot" chaewon commented, this made the girl even more flustered.

"Who was the girl you were talking on and on about again, I kinda forgot" chaewon said scratching her nape with an awkward smile on her face.

"Im yeojin" yerim simply said smiling widely.

"Oh I know her!" hyejoo said letting go of chaewon's arm. Yerim already knew that hyejoo might've had a class with her. "Yerim you have feelings for her right?" chaewon asked.

Yerim wasn't really sure whether or not she really did, she's never really been in love before.

"I'm not to sure" she said crouching down. "You'll figure it out eventually unnie just wait and see what happens for now" hyejoo said giving her a warm smile.

"I'll talk to yeojin about it in class tomorrow" she said.

It made yerim immediately stand up to her feet in a flustered manner. "NO NO NO! Don't talk to her about it" she said grabbing both of hyejoo's hands.

"Really yerim why would hyejoo tell her, you're overthinking" chaewon said writing down notes for her homework.

"Oh I almost forgot when's hyunjin-unnie coming home?" yerim asked.

"Probably later, she's pretty busy with her club" hyejoo said helping chaewon with her notes.

"Almost forgot to tell you heejin's gonna be staying over tonight to let's just hope we get some sleep"


"YAH! Why did they give us so much work on the first day!" haseul yelled flopping onto her desk.

"Unnie it's you fault for running a council and a club" hyunjin said reading all the paperwork.

"Heejin what time is it?" hyunjin asked walking over to the girl as she gave her a back hug. "It's around 4" heejin replied printing out papers.

"You two get a room we still have work to do" haseul said with a disgusted look on her face.

"You and vivi-unnie are just as worse as us so we're pretty even" heejin said, making vivi and hyunjin burst out laughing while haseul turned completely red.

"She's not wrong seulie" vivi said sitting on haseul's lap. The other two couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Vivi-unnie maybe you could convince haseul-unnie to let us leave early" hyunjin said raising her eyebrows slightly.

Vivi looked at haseul then looked back at hyunjin giving her a wink signaling that she'll try an convince the very stubborn student president.

"Seulie can we leave early hmm, if we do I'll give you a reward" vivi said whispering the last part to haseul who immediately looked up from her papers.

"Promise" she asked cutely. "I promise, maybe it could even happen today".

"All right, you guys can go home early but we'll work extra hard tomorrow" haseul said. "Bye bye!" hyunjin said walking out of the room with heejin.

"I better get going" vivi said as she was about to get off of haseul's lap before she felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist.

"You still haven't given me my reward yet" haseul said before pulling vivi into a kiss.



Yeojin was now home alone practically on the verge of death thinking about yerim.

"My brain hurts thinking about her" she said wrapping herself up in her sweater. For some reason her sweater smelt different from usual.

"Lilac? Since when did haseul by lilac detergent" yeojin said looking at her sweater only to realize that it wasn't even hers.

She broke in a blush hiding her face in the sweater. "I-I'm wearing yerims sweater!" she yelled out loud enough for her neighbors to hear her.

All of a sudden she head the door open from downstairs. She sprung out of her bed when she heard footsteps walking in.

It definitely wasn't haseul who was home judging on the amount of footsteps.


The door slammed shut, yeojin didn't know what to do so she grabbed her phone an hid in her closet.

"Fuck my life" she mumbled trying to keep as quiet as possible.

As she was mentally cursing at herself for not locking the front door all the way she suddenly heard the foot steps once again.

But this time they were walking up the stairs, her eyes started to get watery as her breath hitched her fever was getting even worse by the minute because of this.

"Where is she" said a muffled voice, yeojin practically screamed when she realized that they or whatever it is was in her room.

Yeojin was silently crying no clenching onto her phone she couldn't even move, she was paralyzed in fear. She prayed that they would come into the closet.


"Are you sure we're even in the right house?" she heard a voice say. She couldn't quite tell if it was a man or women's voice because of how soft they were speaking.

"We're in the right house we followed them here after all" she heard another voice say, judging by the sound of footsteps in her room there were about more than three people.

She tried holding her sobs back but it was so difficult.

That's when she fucked up.

Yeojin let out a small squeak and before she knew it she was breaking down into yerim's sweater.

Her closet door opened.

"i-i found her" said a familiar voice. Yeojin looked up with tears streaming down her face.

"u-unnies!" she said getting up and jumping into there arms.

"Yeojin wh-what's wrong why're you crying" sooyoung asked embracing the younger in her arms.

"I thought I was going to...sniff......get....kidnapped" yeojin said voice cracking in between her words.

The three of them all turned and looked act chuu who was acting like nothing even happened.

"Sorry for um barging into you house without your permission" jungeun apologized wiping the tears from yeojin's face.

"Sniff...why did you guys come here anyways" she said in a soft voice.

"We wanted to take care of you since you're sick and um we have something to ask you" chuu said trying not to make eye contact with her.

"It's not "we" it's you, we're not involved in this all, we wanted to do was take care of yeojin" jungeun said.

Yeojin rubbed her eyes and looked up at chuu. "What do you want to know unnie" the older gulped.

"Do you like yerim?" yeojin froze remembering what the girl had said earlier.

"She only thinks of me as a friend nothing more nothing less" she said forcing a smile. Even though she just met the girl it already hurt so much.

"I don't like this feeling this way for someone I barely know I-I.......I hate it some much" yeojin said breaking down.

"it's ok to cry" jinsoul said hugging the younger girl in her arms, the other's joined in to embracing the small girl.

Yeojin's sobs only got worse, she just wanted all this weight to be lifted off her shoulder's but she knew there was no easy way in life.

Her small hands were clutching onto the olders shirt, as her sore eyes stained it with tears.

She didn't know why it made her cry thinking about yerim.

Maybe it was because yerim thought of her as a friend?

Or maybe it was the thought of being rejected once again just like what her parent did to her.


"Bye bye chaewon see you tomorrow" yerim said as she escorted her out of the house.

Closing the door behind her she ran and flopped herself onto the couch."AHHHH I'm so BORED!" she whined rolling onto the floor.

"Why don't you stop then" hyunjin said grabbing a piece of bread from the cabinet with a clingy heejin attached to her.

Yerim was bored out of her mind, all chaewon and hyejoo did was homework.

"Unnie we were doing homework" hyejoo complained walking over to them and sitting on the couch.

"So how did you guys like your first day of high school?" heejin asked stealing a bite from hyunjin bread.

"It was good I practically met an angel during lunch" hyejoo said.

The three olders laughed at her choice of words. " could've just said chaewon, but um my day was amazing I made new friends to!" yerim said no fully energized.

"Yup totally made friends."

"What did I tell you about being to nice to everyone" hyunjin said sighing as she leaned onto heejin's shoulder.

"Unnie be more careful with how you talk to people ok, you might lead other's on and it could hurt there feelings"

Yerim tilted her head thinking about how talking to people could hurt there feelings. But somehow she a way.

"Ok I will!" she replied smiling brightly at them.

"Alright you two were gonna head upstairs" hyunjin said getting up with heejin and walking to the stairs.

"Unnie maybe we should go to bed to ok um sl-sleep tight" hyejoo said worriedly.

Who knows what those two could be up to.


"Yeojin I'm home!" haseul yelled closing the door behind her.

"Are you sure I can even stay over?" vivi asked cling onto haseul's arms. She nodded and placed there stuff on the floor.

"Come, let's go see yeojin I think she still has a fever" haseul said leading the two of them upstairs.


"Yeojin are you up" haseul called out in a low but calming tone. But what vivi and haseul saw made both there hearts melt.

"Sigh...the four of them are so annoyingly protective" she said walking over to yeojin's bed.

There on the bed laid a sleeping yeojin in jinsoul's arms while jungeun was on the other side of her arms wrapped around the both of them. While chuuves um......chuuves were sleeping at the end of the bed. Jungeun had her foot on chuu's face while sooyoung cuddled chuu practically covering her. Haseul and vivi thought it was weirdly cute for some reason.

"Should we wake them up?" haseul asked looking down at the five of them.

"We should let them sleep even though they skipped doing club work" vivi said taking haseul's hand and guiding her out to yeojin's room.

They went to haseul's room and flopped onto her bed. Haseul turned over to vivi and buried her face in her chest.

"~Vivi" haseul whined wrapping her arms around the girl. "What is it seulie" vivi said placing her chin on top of haseul's head.

"I-I'm so happy that yeojin could.....SNIFF.....get along with them" she said.

"S-seulie are you crying?!" vivi asked cupping haseul's face as she wiped the tears from her face.

"I-I'm so happy she could have people that care about her like I do. I don't want her feeling like she has to put up with every single challenge she faces just because she doesn't want to be rejected by everyone" haseul said.

"Haseul you don't have to feel like that either alright. I love both of you so so much, please don't cry remembering what happened ok" vivi said hugging haseul.

Haseul could never bring herself to tell yeojin what truly happened with there parents if she did.

Who knows if yeojin would even be here.


Hello beautiful froggies sorry for not posting for a while I just needed a small break

um todays chapter is a lot longer for making up for the lost chapter i hope you like it :)

ANDD I have weird news about meeee when I grow up I want to have a café that sells reallyyy good pastries and there will be themes every year.

But that's only a dream who knows if I still want to do that.

yeo logged out with a happy heart.......( - _ - / )
