Chapter 1- The Fall

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!"
That's what she said.

1 hour, 2 minutes and 21 seconds go;
22, 23, 24
to the T.
27, 28 29.
I had been standing. On the ground. In my yard. Playing with my dog.
20,000 feet in the air about to jump out of a plane.
My sister.
1 hour, 3 minutes, and 2 seconds ago, 3, 4, 5.

I was playing with my dog, Cat. While my cat, Fish watched from the window occasionally looking back at Dog swimming in circles in the bowl.
"Oh maw GAWD! Is that BLUE!!!" I heard a high pitched squeal from behind and turned around only to be tackled to the ground, Fish hissing and darting away.
"Star! Jesus Christ you scared the horns off the bull!" I leaned back laughing while my sister laid on top of me, pouting.
"Not my fault you were paying too much attention to Cat."
I chuckled "So, hows Bird in the show business?" Star frowned
"Not as good as i would like. She keeps on getting spooked by the crowds."
Cat came bounding back dropping the fish to tackle Star. "Hi Cat! Do you still like your fish toy? Yes you do! Yes you doo!" She cooed at him.
"Get a room!" I said trying to stand up.
"Only if you do!" Star winked at me and tackled me again.
"First off, no. Just no. I'm not getting a boyfriend." I sighed.
Star straddled my waist. "Why? It's not like you don't like that stuff." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
"MY GOD STAR!" I flipped her over. Getting her long red hair tangled with the sticks and leaves.
"Be gentle." She said blushing and giving her best innocent face.
"NOPE!" I stood up and started going back into the house. Hearing Star bubbly laugh from where she still lay.
"Alright, tell ya this." I stopped.
"This better not be one of your deals again. Remember last time?"
"I do. And yes it is. But fear not! This isn't another set up."
I turned around "it better not be otherwise you owe me."
"It won't! I promise! Would i ever lie to you?" She blinked her eyes at me. I didn't pause for a millisecond when I answered.
"Yes. Yes you would."
"Fine! But you should know, if you do this you have a chance of getting 50,000 dollars."
Sighing i held out my hand to help her up. "Fine. You have my attention. What do you want?" She jumped up despite wearing pencil thin heels.
"Alright! All you have to do is go skydiving." I froze and paled.
"S-skydiving?" Star put her hands on her hips.
"You can stare down a stampeding horse, but you are afraid of heights?"
"YES! As a matter of fact." She sighed.
"Please? I bet Bird that you'd do it with the troop."
Whirling on her i screamed, "What!?", then face palmed "Fine! I'll do it. But." I got up in her face "Never. Again. Understood?"
Star nodded, happy. "Never!"
"And if you do, I'll make you clean out Bull's stable."
"YES!" I laughed, she hated cleaning out the big ox's pen ever since he had come to live with us.

And that is how i came to be stuck in a plane 20,000 feet above the ground, about to jump.
"STAR I HATE YOU!!" I could almost hear her saying 'I love you too Blue.' But of course i couldn't actually since she was on the nice, hard, safe ground.
"Here goes nothing." I strapped on my parachute, about to jump.
"Wait." One of the pilots stopped me.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, the door was still open.
"We don't know but something is off." I started to step away from the door but we hit a patch of turbulence and i fell out.

Ya know, free falling isn't fun. However, free falling while uncontrollably spinning is even worse. It's not just the nauseating fact that nothing stays still, it's the fact that if you try to let out your parachute, you'll get tangled and it won't deploy. So, here you are. Falling, feeling like you're gonna throw up, and having absolutely no chance of survival.

How fate loves to play games.
