Chapter 4 - Help

TW!!! This chapter has mentions of self-h@rm.

Nagito POV

Clatter! Thud!

What was that?!


No response.

I called out again.

"L-L/N-san?! Are you ok? I- I heard something there..."

Again, no response.

My heart beat faster and faster. I was getting worried. I called out again and again, but no answer came. Hinata heard the noise I was making and came over.

"Komaeda-san? What happened?"

"It's L/N-san! She- she's not answering! And I heard something inside! I think she might be..."

"Another murder? No, that can't be..."

I decided to break open the door, when...

She was lying there, unconscious in a pool of blood. Her jacket half-put on, like she was in a hurry. A stab wound in her left thigh. I noticed cuts on her wrist. A small pocket knife lay close to her. I froze in place.

Is she... is she...

Why I felt this way, I don't know. I've never felt this much fear for someone else before. Much less one with a worthless talent as hers. I've seen many people dying. But this felt like... despair...
A hot tear fell down my cheek.

Am I... crying?

I wiped it off. I don't think I've ever felt like this before. It was horrible. It felt like my world came crashing down. Why...?

I heard a shrill scream from behind me. Tsumiki had seen the scene.


I had probably been standing there for a good minute, but it felt like a painful hour.

Hinata broke the silence.

"She's not dead."


"The body discovery announcement. It didn't ring. That's three people. She's not dead."

"But we have to act quick. We can't just leave her here."

"I-I'll take c-care o-of her!"

"But how? There's no hospital, or anything," I stuttered out.

"I-I a-am the U-Ultimate N-Nurse... I can t-try!"

Me and Hinata carried L/N to Tsumiki's room.

"Thank you, Tsumiki-san."

"I-I'll do my best! A-and you c-can call me M-Mikan!"

"Thank you, Mikan."

I left the room, but something kept bugging me.

What happened to L/N?


(30 mins later)

You opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar room. It looked identical to yours, except with a first aid kit hanging in corner. Your leg and wrists were bandaged neatly.


"L/N-san! You're awake!"

Tsumiki was sitting in a chair next to the bed I lay in.

"Tsumiki-san... where am I?"

"You're i-in m-my room. W-we found you p-passed o-out i-in your r-room. What h-happened? Did s-someone attack y-you?"

Oh. Right. You blacked out in your room.

"N-no! No one attacked me. I just... slipped is all."

That wasn't a complete lie. You did slip on your own knife you were trying to hide after all.

"A-are you s-sure? A-and those w-wounds o-on your wrist... do you h-hurt yourself?!"


Suddenly, the Monokuna announcement rang.

"Ding dong bong bing! Alrighty guys, it's finally time! That's right. It's time for the long-awaited class trial! Now then, I shall tell you all the meeting place. At the central island of Jabberwock Island, there is a mountain with my adorable face carved into it. That my friends, is Monokuma Rock! Once you're there, please proceed to the underground by taking the elevator located at the secret entrance. Puhuhu! I'll see you soon!"

The class trial... once again, I was useless... I didn't do anything for the investigation...

Nervous, you tried to stand up, only to feel a sharp pain in your thigh. You collapsed back to the bed in pain.

"Aah! L/N-san! L-let me h-help you s-stand!"

"It's alright, Tsumiki-san, I think I can bear with it for a while... I've been through worse..."

"Waaaaah! You're so kind L/N-san!"

After calming Tsumiki down, she helped you walk to Monokuma Rock.

Everyone gave you cold glances when they saw you.

They probably still think I'm a murderer from that outburst...

"L/N-san! Y-you're ok!"

"Komaeda-kun... you were... worried? For me? I-I don't know why you were worried for someone like me... I'm sorry I made you worry and made your investigation harder!"

"No need to apologize, L/N-san! And just call me Nagito from now on."

"Thank you Nagito-kun! And you can call me Y/N too."

As soon as everyone arrived, an escalator descended from the mouth of a giant rock-shaped Monokuma. We all walked inside. I was anxious for the dreaded class trial.

Everyone knew.

Someone was going to be executed.

Everyone's lives depended on this class trial.
