You okay?


I got put in a room with Maddie I normally shared a room with Emily and it sort of seemed weird that I wasn't this case. If I'm honest I was a little hurt Emily had kept her daughter a secret from the team but mostly me. Emily and I have been best friends since she started working at the BAU a few years ago and I thought we told each other everything. I was so zoned out that I hadn't realized Maddie was out of the shower and standing next to me.

"Hey JJ you okay?" I heard her say as I came back to reality.

"Oh yeah sorry I just spaced out for a second. Here you can pick the movie" I told her handing her the remote.

She picked out Madagascar to watch and I thought it was cute. We got about 15 minutes into the movie when I heard Maddie's phone ring.

"Hey mom" I heard her say and she walked into the bedroom part of the room.

After a few minutes she came back and sat on the couch I gave her a a puzzled look and she smiled at me.

"Sorry she is VERY protective over me." she told me laughing

"I understand Emily does a lot for the people she cares about."

"Are you and my mom close?" She asked me neither of us paying attention to the movie anymore.

"Honestly Emily is probably my best friend. Uh Maddie can I ask you something?"

"Yeah JJ anything"

"I know your mom kept you a secret from us but did she ever tell you about us?"

"You guys are all my mom ever talks about. She calls you guys her family she kept talking about telling you guys about me when she first started at the BAU incase anything ever happened to her but she was scared I guess." I could tell I hit a nerve Maddie was looking at the ground now.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry." I said putting my hand on her leg.

She just stared at my hand not moving I could tell she was nervous.

Maddie's POV

I couldn't move she put her hand on my leg and I froze.

"You aright Maddie?" I heard her ask me.

"Uh yeah I'm good" I said finally looking back at her. 

"Uh I'm kinda tired" I told her.

"Okay yeah come on" She said taking my hand.

The room only hand one bed so JJ and I were gonna have to share the bed. We both laid down facing away from each other I was careful to not accidently touch her she made me nervous and I didn't really know why.

I woke up with the sun on my face and what felt an arm around me. I looked down and saw JJs arm wrapped around my waist I could feel my heart start racing and so without waking JJ up I hurried to the bathroom. I looked back and saw her almost completely on my side of the bed. She looked so peaceful and sweet as if nothing could hurt her. I realized I was staring at her when I heard both of our phones start to ring. She started to wake up so I ran to answer the phone. Hotch told us to be at the station in 20 minutes so JJ and I both quickly got ready and met my mom in the lobby.

"Hey sweetheart how'd you sleep" My mom asked me as she gave me a hug.

"Oh I slept great." I told her 

We all pilled into the car as Rossi drove us to the station with my mom in the passenger seat and JJ and I in the back. I couldn't stop thinking about last night when she put her hand on my leg and then when I woke up to her arm around me. Maybe I was just over thinking it. The rest of the car ride I just stared out of the window.


I think Maddie's avoiding me I don't really know what happened last night. I remember we went to sleep and then I woke up in the middle of the night and... oh no I cuddled up to her no wonder she's avoiding me. Should I talk to her about it or act like it never happened.

We kept working the case Maddie and I barely talking to each other. The team still hasn't found the killer so we were here for at least another day. As we were heading back to the hotel I could feel Maddie looking at me but every time I would look over at her she would look away. 

Once we were back in our hotel room Maddie went straight into the bathroom to shower. When she came back out she was wearing red t-shirt and black sweatpants. Wow she looked just like Emily. I could feel her looking at me again so I decided to break the silence.

"You know a picture would last longer." I said smiling.

"What oh sorry." I could tell she was getting all nervous. 

"Its okay." I decided to see how far I could go.

"I think its cute." I told her I watched her eyes get really wide.

"JJ?" She asked me.

"Yeah honey?"

"When I woke up this morning your arm was around me and I got nervous and I guess that's why I've been kinda avoiding you." She was looking at the ground again.

"I figured that's what it was I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"I was nervous... but I liked it." She told me looking up at me

"You did?"

"Yeah last night was the first time I slept through the night in months I felt safe in your arms." 

"Well I'm glad" I told her

"I'm kinda tired" She told me

"Okay I'm gonna go shower real quick" I told her going into the bathroom 

When I came back out she was already in bed under the covers. I remembered what she said about feeling safe in my arms so I got into bed and wrapped my arm around her. I felt her ease into me and we both fell asleep.
