The Return

10 weeks have passed since Tanjiro left. No one has seen him or even heard of him. When I-Mitsuri told the master and the other Hashira the truth about Tanjiro, I was surprised to find out that I wasn't in trouble for hiding it. In fact, they even asked me why I kept it hidden in the first place.

I was now laying down on my bed thinking. They had sent multiple people from the demon slayer corps to try and find him but no one had been successful.

'Tanjiro...Where are you?' Is that the last thing I thought before finally going to bed

(Aoi POV)

I was one of the people sent out to go find this "Tanjiro Kamado." Even though I work in the butterfly estate I never got to see him once but from the impression that I got from Shinobu, he seemed like a terrible guy. But then one day she came into my room and said "You are to try and find Tanjiro Kamado. He has black hair with reddish tips and a red mark on his forehead. If you find him please tell him that I'm sorry," 

She said it rather quickly but you could tell that she obviously felt terrible about all the bad things she had said about him before.

I was walking through a nearby town when on the roof of one of the buildings I see the man who Shinobu described, to put one word he looked... Beautiful. The moonlight shimmered down on him as he looked at the busy streets with eyes that looked empty. He bore no expression on his face and just continued to look at the people walking by.

I quickly jumped up from behind him when faster than I could react he already had a sword being held at my neck

"I'm guessing you were sent here to kill me?" He said emotionlessly

"N-no I was not. I was sent here to find you though," I said nervously, hoping he wouldn't cut my head off.

He then put his blade back but then I realized something, He has two swords? How did he get another?

"Why do I even have to go back in the first place? I'm still doing my missions," Tanjiro said

"Well... Mitsuri told everyone the truth about what happened so Shinobu sent people to go find you so she can apologize,"

"Don't need it. I already got my apology in the form of money,"

Ah yes, Shinobu did also mention how he robbed all of the money in the estate.

"Please just come back with me. Also if you don't mind me asking why do you have two swords?"

He looked at me and didn't respond for a while before saying "I can't use other breathing styles with the love breathing sword. Anyway no more questions, let's go. I want to see that love for brains idiot."

With that, I led him all the way back home.

(Tanjiro POV)

Over the past 10 weeks, a certain man kept on appearing in my dreams. When we first met he gave me a wooden sword and did a breathing style I'd never seen before. he called it "Sun breathing." I spent the next 10 weeks trying to master all 13 forms however I still have trouble with the 13th. I was also taught how to use the Selfless state. It was the state that I was in during my fight with Sanemi where the world seemed slow and my battle spirit completely disappeared.

Now though I was back at the butterfly estate and the first person I see is Shinobu and Kanao.

"Tanjiro... I am truly very sorry," Shinobu said while both of them bowed their heads

I didn't look at them and kept on walking "Next time don't try to kill someone based on what you hear, do it on what you see." 

I couldn't see them but it seemed like Shinobu broke out into tears again and Kanao seemed fairly sad but was not crying.

As I kept walking with Aoi to the master's house I saw Mitsuri. I intently went ahead of Aoi and grabbed her by the shirt and said "What the hell was that? You realize you jeopardized your whole career on what you did right? Besides I had to go against the whole Demon Slayer corps for that," Although I still had a monotone voice there was a hint of anger behind it

"I couldn't stand to have you shunned for the rest of your life. I know you a lot better than you think I do, and I know you set everything up to protect me but I couldn't possibly go through with that! You mean too much to me for you to disappear forever. Not to mention when you went missing... I-I..." Mitsuri then burst out into tears as I let go of her shirt and wrapped her in a hug.

"Sorry," I said in a monotone voice

However, she soon as I did that I felt a familiar blade press against my neck

"Why is Mitsuri crying?" He asked angrily 

"I'm happy to see him again! why wouldn't I cry! I thought that he might've... WAHHHHH!" she then started bawling her eyes out again

He then put his sword away, pulled Mitsuri out of my arms, and started comforting her.

I looked back at Aoi who seemed a little annoyed but I figured it was nothing. We then continued walking with Mitsuri finally calming down.

"Master I have brought him here," Aoi said while bowing

"Thank you. Now Tanjiro I would like to discuss a promotion for you," The master started "Since you have beaten a Hashira normally you would take the place of the Hashira, but since we can't have two love-breathing Pillars at the same time. So I will give you the rank of Kinoe and something of your wish,"

"I accept, as for my request I will tell you at a later date,"

"One last thing Tanjiro. How did you get a second sword?" The master asked

"I stole it from a dead demon slayer," I said emotionlessly 

All the Hashira looked surprised except Sanemi who suffered a humiliating defeat against me the last time I saw him

"Mitsuri..." The master said while looking at her with a sweat drop going down his forehead

"I understand master. I am working on him with that," Mitsuri responded

With that, the meeting ended and I started going back to the town when Shinobu stopped me "Tanjiro you're welcome to continue to stay at our place,"

"I just stole all of the money you had in there. Are you sure you want me back," I said

"Well... although you did steal it, it doesn't matter now,"


'Walking back would have been a hassle anyway

"By the way where is Boar head and blonde?"

"They are still recovering from the fight," she responded as we walked to her home

With that, I finally went back to bed. I thought about the training that I had, had over the past 10 weeks. The man Yoriichi who had thought me Sun breathing and the selfless state was now gone. He told me that the last time we met the rest of his soul will disappear from my body. But something he said before he went away still bothered me, he said, "Tanjiro in the future you will meet demons far beyond the power of anything you have seen. If you wish to beat Muzan then you need more experience. If anyone can become stronger than me...It's you,"

With that I finally drifted off to sleep


Thank you for reading this chapter! Tanjiro will mainly still use love breathing but will use sun breathing accordingly. Using sun breathing uses far more stamina than love breathing so that is why. The next chapter is the beginning of Mugen Train arc!
