Chapter 2: True Friendship and a Triangle?

Tails used his communicator to call Knuckles, Amy and a telephone of course for Sticks as she always will refuse to use such technology. All agreed they will meet at the food court in the village. 

Knuckles left his workout bench thinking he's ready to put back on calories despite all that exercise but he couldn't turn down a Meh Burger. 

Amy herself was about to leave for the village town herself. Just as she was admiring her pretty self in the mirror she was more than thrilled thinking today was going to be a good day to get closer to Sonic after having a wonderful fairy tale like dream. Although she had her doubts too. She wanted to meet up with Sticks before doing so. 

"Tails, I am not gonna walk this slow". Sonic said hysterically.

"Well, no one can keep up with you, well, on the ground". 

"Oh, do I hear a competition?" "Tails"? 

"Hoverboard,  race around the the island, to the mountain peak, turn back to above Meh Burger, and make a 90-degree descent to the restaurant". Tails said in a cocky manner. 

"Ha, I hope you don't think I'm scared".

"Scared to pay for everyone's food if you lose". 

"Ha Tails, you sure have grown," Sonic said stretching. "IT'S ON!" Sonic cried. 

They both zoomed out Tails' skyline on their hoverboards. 

During Sonic and Tails' crazy wager Amy was able to meet up with Sticks by the jungle border on the way to the central village.  

"Sticks!" Amy said out loud. "How are you, sweetie?"

They gave a quick hug.

"Oh, I'm quite alright, nothing too crazy has been happening recently, I dare say I'm feeling less paranoid". 

"Oh that's wonderful, sure is nice Eggman is on hiatus or so it seems". 

"Oh so true, although I do miss giving that kinda not so lovable but lovable goofball a smashing".

"Oh is that so Sticks". Amy gave a half hearted laugh. 

"I think I remember Sonic complaining about that a week or so ago, ah well I'm sure that doesn't make a fight lover". Amy dreamily walked with her hands together raised to her face". 

"I think that's super cool of Sonic to think like that. There's evil and danger at every corner Amy!" Sticks said in a warning manner. "Of course you cannot stop being on guard, for that's what we do right?" Sticks exclaimed, "So, of course, you'd get bored".

Amy giggled "Well I'm sure we all have our different views and extremes on such, I'm sure Sonic isn't as passionate as you are tho Sticks". 

Amy started to think to herself while starting to walk aimlessly "Could Sticks be attracted to Sonic?" Amy said in her thoughts.
"No, it couldn't be, it's just one thing she likes about him and of course, that is beating someone many times over". 

Amy sighed to herself and thought nothing of it. If anything it was cute and more mature and calm of sticks to think in such a way about someone.

"Well hello, ladies!" Knuckles called out from a few yards away in the edge of the central part of the village. 

"Heya Knuckles" Both girls replied simultaneously.       

Both girls quickly scuttled towards Knuckles. 

"Ah isn't is great Amy and Sticks?" Knuckles said as he put his arms around each of them. "Three weeks of peace and quiet, I'm sure Sonic is enjoying lazing around his shack all day since he refuses to do anything with me". 

"Ahaha, that's great Knuckles" Amy responded quickly pushing herself out of Knuckles' arm. 

"Oh actually, I think Sonic is kinda miserable actually." Sticks added. 

"Oh er, what do you mean Sticks"? Amy quickly questioned. 

"Well, it was just the other day actually. I was gardening and prancing around looking for evil robotic seed poisoning bugs. Anywho, I noticed Sonic just sitting in a tree, all quiet and alone but he also looked like he was in a state of complete serenity". 

"Oh, so you talked to him?" An intrigued Amy asked.

"I guess you could say that. He was so willing to just help me plant plum and peach seeds everywhere. He even took his time slowly and didn't use his speed. Oh, he was just wonderful". 

Amy had trouble formulating a response. 

"She sounds like she's falling for my darling Sonic". Amy said to herself. "Oh no, how could I be saying such a thing. She's my best friend, she can do that but surely she knows that I've always loved Sonic". 

"Hey, Ames!" Knuckles waved his hand in front of a distracted Amy. "You were about to walk into that well." 

"Oh yeah, sorry, thanks, Knuckles". 

"It's all good, anyway Meh Burger just ahead, where are those two"?

"Late as usual, probably messing around." Amy added. 

"You all hear that high pitched whirring sound too right?" Sticks said twitching her large ears. 

"Oh, no what sound-" Amy paused her sentence and looked up in shock; Knuckles and Sticks following suite. 

Sonic and Tails were making a 90-degree descent right for the ground! 

"HOLD UP, HOLD UP, HOLD UP!" Sonic yelled jumping off his hoverboard at the last second before hitting the ground, another bang sounded almost immediately after as Tails also crash landed his board into the ground. 

Sonic was down sitting on the ground while Tails over slightly above him. They both started to laugh hysterically. 

"I totally won that one". Sonic said. "Yeah, you want to believe that!" replied Tails.

Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks looked a little unamused. Amy quickly changed her expressions from agitated to concern as she went to check Sonic for injuries. Amy didn't hesitate to offer Sonic her hand. 

"Oh why, thank you, Ames". 

"Oh no problem Sonic, you know I'm always here for you".
"No injuries or pains?" 

"Er no, I'm fine really -". 

"Oh great". Amy interrupts him. "Come on, let's go eat!"

Amy grabs Sonic hand firmly and forces him to run a long with her"

"This time for sure I'll get him to have fun with me if he is so depressed surely it should be to cheer him up". Amy schemed in her head. 

"Hehe, sorry Knucks and Sticks about that". Tails said. 

"I think my heart nearly stopped" replied a distraught Sticks. 

"What was that all about anyway Tails?" questioned Knuckles.

"Oh well, actually Sonic and I were having a bet, first one here wins, the loser pays for everyone's food."
"Although we seem to have missed Meh burger a bit, probably better tho". Tails said as he stared at the wreckage of the hoverboards. "Oh yeah, so, do say for me I won right?" Tails winked. 

"Well if you could return the favor". Replied Knuckles. 

"Are we going to eat or what?" Sticks cried. 

"Oh yeah sorry, let's go". 

The three quickly chased up with Sonic and Amy, simultaneity Tails was inquiring with Knuckles and Sticks wondering if they too noticed anything off about Sonic recently. Knuckles knew he wasn't willing to play any sports or video games with him. Sticks thought back to the gardening Sonic so unusually calm and willingly helped with. 

"What? Really Sticks?" Tails said surprised. "I mean Sonic is a good guy and willing to help a friend but I imagine he would almost destroy the field planting those with speed than but walking at a snail's pace, that's actually a worrying thought. Sonic loves running more than anything else". 
"Perhaps he will be open to talking with all of us over lunch". 
