Chapter 1

Sophie POV

The monsters. They surrounded me, breaking the thin walls that held together my sanity. I fell, they had succeeded. I was sure to pass soon, yet I still heard Umber's evil cackles in the back of my breaking mind. Even though anyone else would surely be dead by now, I could still feel the sharp sting of the arrows on my skin, and the shadows seeping through my heart, veins and brain. 

Was that a good thing? I asked myself. Is it good that I have to endure all this pain, and it will never stop? No! I realised, shaking myself. Although the monsters were still torturing me, and I could feel myself dying, it did not hurt as much as one would have thought. I knew I was dying, yet all I felt was a cold, empty numbness. An arrow must have killed my adrenaline. I concluded. I could sense that I was slowly slipping into the deep, endless  abyss of nothingness.

3rd person POV

What seemed like the entire elvin community, but could only be about fifty people, gathered at the healing centre. You could see how each and every one of them was anxious; Oralie was biting her perfect, natural nails, both Alden and Fitz Vacker were running their hands through their neatly gelled hair, Keefe was frantically attempting to fix his already perfect hair, and Bianca was huddled in a corner, looking in a mirror and needlessly trying fix her neatly ironed dress. 

 All expected to soon receive  devastating news from Elwin , and they were, just not quite what they expected. The tired physic emerged from the centre, shaking his head as if to wake himself up. "Well, I have both good and bad news," Elwin sounded exhausted. "Good news first?" Keefe sounded although he was asking, " As you wish, well, she is alive!" Elwin tried to look excited, but it came out more like grimace. "And the bad news ...," Edaline trailed off. " This is closest she has ever come to death, and she will never be the same." The group looked miserable, yet they followed when Elwin gestured for them to follow him into the healing centre, leading him to Sophie's cot. Everyone made some...unique faces when they saw the blood covered cot next to the one that the patient laid on, no doubt Sophie had previously been in that cot. 

While some gasped when they saw the mangled body of their fellow elf, others stood completely still, as if in some sort of trance. Since elf could feel their faces setting into the strong grimaces that were fixed on their faces, which were pale from the amount of blood seen, Elwin lead their startled figures out of the room.

The gods watched from their thrones as the hero's of the lost cities fell, feeling helpless as they saw what they knew to be the strongest thing in history to grace the Earth be tortured to the point of breaking.

 That was saying a lot, because although the gods had not been there since the beginning of time, they had forced information out of the titans. The titans, they had surprised the Olympians with their co-operation to speak of any powerful beings to exist. 

They knew soon she would have to be brought here, and were sharing a knowing glance when out of nowhere, Apollo began to speak. 

" Those the gods seek, will find their savour,

None other than the neverseens  traitor,

The seven and the elven shall unite, 

And either lose or win the devilish fight, 

All species will play their role, 

And no matter the outcome, it will take its toll"
