
After having a wonderful steamy night with his mother and sister, and an equally steamy morning threesome, Naruto was walking with his slightly limping mother to school. He was grinning like an idiot as the way she walked. 'Heheh! I love that walk!' It brought great pride to him as a man to know he fucked his mother so hard it made her walk with a limp.
Kushina saw her son's smirk and growled a little. "Bastard." She mumbled with fake anger but was blushing brightly as her hair. Naruto heard her and walked close to her and wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her close to him. Her face gained a brighter glow at the close proximity.
"Don't make it you didn't like it." Naruto teased out, tickling her curves. "I know you really liked it because you and Naruko-chan even screwed each other while I fucked your dirty little ass." He reminded his mother of how his sister licked and sucked her pussy when he was ploughing her tight bum.
The red-head MILF blushed as she remembered all the dirty things her daughter did to her and she did to her. "Oh you." She lightly slapped his arm. "Like you didn't enjoy it too. You jacked-off to us." She reminded him, making him blush.
"Well, what man could not enjoy such a sight, dattebayo?" Naruto asked, lightly slapping her ass.
A sudden idea popped in her head. Smirking seductively, she whispered in his ear, her hot breath sending shivers up his spine. "Why don't you go for Izumi-chan next?" She proposed.
"W-What?!" He asked, shocked at her idea. "B-But I don't think she likes me." Naruto tried to say, not really getting that Izumi had liked him as well.
"Heheh. You really are dense, even after fucking four girls." She teased. "Trust me, she has the hots for you. Why don't you go to their house after school and try to lay on your charm?" Kushina said, rubbing his chest sensually.
Blue eyes dipped down a little as he thought about Izumi and her hot and tight body she shared with her MILF of a mother and sister. "Sure. I think that would be good." Naruto said, accepting the idea.
"Good." Kushina nodded happily. "Now, come on." Letting go, she continued to walk to school with a sway of her hips. We're going to be late." Naruto followed like a lost dog, drooling over his sexy mother.
While this was happening, Naruko was finally waking up from the vigorous fuck-session. Her legs were weak and she could feel her beloved brothers' dick milk seeping from her womb. "He fucked me so good~!" She moaned out happily. Getting the feeling back in her legs, she slowly walked into the kitchen to get some food.
Naruko was surprised when she found a note attached to the fridge. Picking it up, she saw it was addressed to her from her mother.
"Hey Ko-chan. Hope you feel fine enough to do me a favor." The note began. "I've got a plan today that will make our sexy blonde happy. Why don't you go and talk to Izumi-chan today and try to talk her into joining our little harem? I know she likes Naru-chan too. I'm going to try and make Naru accept the idea during school. Help me out with this, kay." A chibi version of Kushina begging was on the end of the note.
"Oh, Kaa-chan." The beauty sweat-dropped at her mothers' weirdness. A smirk graced her lips, however, when she thought of the idea. "Well...we have done things in college. It wouldn't be so bad to have her join us." Naruko and Izumi had experimented with one another in the first few weeks of college and found themselves screwing each other because they didn't want anyone man to fuck them and they needed some way to release the sexual stress they felt.
"Well, this is a pleasing sight." The blonde Uzumaki stated as he stood in the teachers' lounge. His face spread in a large smirk at the sight before him.
"Shouldn't you have seen this coming?" An alluring voice asked, a very light tease in the voice. "You've left me alone for a couple of days and I need my Naru time." The woman pouted, her legs shaking a little in desperate need of the man before her.
"Heheh." Naruto chuckled sheepishly. "Guess you're right, Mikoto-chan." He admitted to his second MILF lover. Said MILF was wearing a very slutty outfit she had prepared for him.
Sitting on her desk, Mikoto Uchiha was outfitted in a tight-fit white t-shit that hugged her giant melons, showing she was not wearing a bra and was aroused since her nipples were hard. The beauties hips and lovely ass were also hugged by black form-fitting pants that were slightly soaked at the front, showing that she was leaking pussy juice. The look in her eyes, however, was really making it hard for Naruto to not jump her. Her eyes were hooded and she looked at him with deep desire through her eye-lashes.
"Now." Mikoto spoke, her lips moistening as she licked her lips when she spotted the large bulge in his pants, just waiting to be sucked. "Why don't you come over her so I can suck that big cock of yours." The woman said.
Shivering a little Naruto walked close to the woman until he was just a few inches away. He smiled at the woman as she went fishing for his erect tool. 'Such a horny woman.' The blonde Uzumaki mused to himself as he let out a soft moan when Mikoto's soft hands slowly began to jack him off. He didn't expect Mikoto, someone he had seen as a gentle woman who would not indulge herself in sexual acts, so slutty and willing to do anything to please her lover.
Standing up, she pressed her entire body against Naruto, making sure to squash her massive marshmallows against his strong chest. Naruto groaned at the sensation of her body pressed so close to him along with the way she was stroking his member. Letting her head fall to his shoulder, she nipped and sucked at his neck and ear. "Does it feel good. Does it feel good to have your aunt stroke you off?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
This turned Naruto on very much. Since he was a child, he thought of Mikoto as an aunt or second mother, like Satsuki and Izumi thought of Kushina. "Yes." He whispered back, his voice a little breathless. "It feels so good to have my slutty aunt stroking me." The blonde growled a little when she ripped his shirt off and her other hand slid all over his chest, giving him goosebumps.
"Oh." Mikoto said, feeling the head of his cock beginning to drip pre-juice. Letting the finger dip down her body, she lightly poked his ass, making him jump a little. "Little Naru likes his ass being played with. How interesting." The black haired beauty mused after the cock-juice increased. The juice coated her hand, making it easier to please him more.
"M-M-Miko-chan!" The teen grunted in pleasure of the seductress in front of him. He didn't expect the finger near his asshole, but he couldn't deny that it felt kind of good. 'It's so weird.' He mused to himself before blushing harder when she moved her hand from his butt and sensually rubbed his chest while letting her stroking hand play with his balls. "It's so good." Naruto whispered in pleasure.
"I'm glad." Mikoto answered with a smile and blush of her own. Her voice turned quiet and husky as she continued to speak. The teens blue orbs were locked onto the soft kissable lips. "I've read on how to please a man since I hit puberty. When I became sexually active, I learned all the ways to make my lover pleased. What sounds to make, what to wear, and how to speak." Naruto didn't know why, but the feelings Mikoto were shooting through his body made him hotter. His body flush in arousal as the woman's hand came back to stroke him off. "I would like to think that you would have loved to take my purity. To watch my hot young body writhe under your dominating thrusts." She let her other hand tease his sack.
"Oh, Mikoto-chan." Naruto said with lust filled eyes and voice. "Ah!" He let out a surprised sound when Mikoto had pushed him down to the couch in the lounge. The woman quickly startled him, her ass rubbing his prick as she grounded her covered mound along his body. "You look so sexy." He complemented, staring into those black orbs of hers.
Leaning down, Mikoto started the kiss soft and slow, showing that she loved him, before biting his lips, begging for access. Allowing it, Naruto let her play with his tongue. Her tongue was so sweet to his taste and he wanted to push her down at the moment, but decided to let her have her fun.
Raising his hand, the blonde let it run through her black silk like raven hair, loving the soft texture along his digits. Smiling in the kiss, he enjoyed the way her soft melons rubbed against him while her ass pumped his erection. He groaned and moaned in the kiss, loving the way she was pleasing him.
Ending the kiss, the need for air becoming too much, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and spoke in his ear. "It feels so good to have you hold me, Naru. To be loved again." She cooed as his bigger hands ran over her clothed tits and plump bottom.
"And I'll give you all the love you deserve." Naruto whispered back, holding her tight to his own while gently kissing her smooth skin. "But right now, I want you to get down and suck my cock. I've been hard since class." He demanded, his voice now hard and firm.
Smiling at her shared lover, she did as commanded and slid her way down to his hard tool. Slowly, she ran her finger up along his prick, making him quiver, and gently let her lips run and kiss along his shaft, greatly teasing him. Licking around his shaft lightly, she finally found her way to his wet head.
Naruto watched the raven haired beauty take his twitching rood deep within her tight throat. She gagged lightly as the head hit the back of her throat. The blonde shared her loud groan at the pleasing feeling of his sensitive head touching the back of her tight throat. "Your throat is so fucking tight." The blonde gently grasped her silken hair, making her purr around his tool. Her mouth sent pleasing vibrations through his sensitive rod, making him close his eyes in content.
'It's so hot in my mouth.' Mikoto thought in dazed lust while she bobbed her head along his hard shaft. She teased the slit of his cock with her skilled tongue, tasting the pre-cum leaking from the tip. Taking his cock back within her throat, she reached his hips and moaned, making him moan out loudly.
"Fuck that's good." Naruto growled out, feeling his balls churning at the amazing feeling of hitting the back of her tight throat. Her muscles contracted against his rod, making him let out a thin trail of saliva. The new hold told him that she wanted more. The blonde easily took the hint.
Grabbing her hair, he thrusted his hips back before plunging right back in. He saw her eyes widen. "Take it! Take my cock you slut!" Naruto demanded with a hard look. The Uzumaki's jack-hammering pace was making it harder for her to breath along with her jaw to hurt.
Any pain was thrown out the window when she felt a larger spurt of his jizz go down her throat. Moaning in satisfaction, Mikoto gobbled up all the shooting rope of dick-milk that started to leak from her moaning throat. Getting out of his grasp, she vigorously stroked him off, her mouth wide and waiting for the load. "Come on! Blast me! Cover this whore of a MILF with your milk!" She begged, her voice and expression showing her desperation.
"SHIT!" That was it for Naaruto as he bucked in Mikoto's grasp. His cock exploded, covering Mikoto's open maw with his cum while also covering her giant melons with white. The busty MILF moaned happily as it rained on her skin and mouth.
After several pumps, Naruto finally sighed in exhaustion and leaned back. Panting a little, he watched, with a smirk, as Mikoto had already begun to swallow all the juices in her mouth while scooping up the milk that stained her skin. "So hot~!" She moaned like a drunk bitch as she made a show of her rubbing and drinking. "Fill me up more! Make sure to make my pussy drown in your juices too." She begged, her eyes hooded as she looked at him.
Stretching out his hand, he took hold of her arm and positioned her dripping cunt lips over his twitching, sperm coated, prick. "Ride me." Naruto's voice was calm but it sent quivers up and down Mikoto's spine.
"Hai, Naruto-sama~." She teased a little before plunging her dripping hot twat over his member, moaning all the way. It sunk all the way to her womb, hitting her inner most spot. "So fucking good!" Mikoto shuddered a little, her hands cupping her blushing cheeks. "This cock is so good. It never fails to amaze and fill me up." The woman complemented the now groping teen. One hand was gently kneading her giant tits while the other massaged her ass flesh.
Mikoto's eyes rolled to the back of her head as he began to bounce her off his member in a slow but strong tempo. "Naru-kun! You're so fucking big inside my pussy!" Mikoto yelled out, wrapping her arms around Naruto's shoulders.
"It's because you're so fucking tight!" Naruto groaned out through gritted teeth. The hand on her ass left to grope her other teat while he now began to suckle on the juicy nub. "Your tit tastes so good." The teens muffled voice only increased Mikoto's growing pleasure.
"Yes! Suck them! Suck these fat tits!" Begged the moaning woman as she bounced like a whore, her juices and sweat making it easier to take him deeper. Naruto continued to groan heavily as her pussy felt like a hot vice-grip constantly massaging his rod. A smirk graced his sucking lips as he looked to the side to see his masturbating mother. 'What a naughty slut these two are.' The blonde mused to himself as Mikoto had asked Kushina to watch them make love.
"Oh yeah. Take my sons' big cock, Mikoto-chan. You're such a whore to be fucking in front of me." Kushina's throaty voice made it hotter for the teen and screaming MILF.
The red haired bombshell was enjoying the show in front of her. While she wanted to join in, she knew Mikoto hadn't gotten a good fucking for a few days so she let her have him to herself. 'Besides, we can do it together afterwards.' She giggled perversely.
The two rutting lovers didn't pay attention to Kushina and her lustful mind as they continued to enjoy the feel of one another's skin. Leaving her teat, Naruto pulled Mikoto in a deep passionate kiss and took her with him and began fucking her while standing. His hands were massaging her big plump ass. "Oh, yes." She quietly moaned between heavy kisses and ass slaps. The woman cried as she felt his cock stretch her folds.
Naruto groaned in pleasure at the feeling of her womb wrapped around his thundering tool. Her cries and rutting hips encouraged him to continue to make his way in and out of the tightening hole. The blonde marveled at the way Mikoto could take such a relentless pounding.
"It's so good." Mikoto cooed softly. Her delicate fingers ran through his sweaty hair. "Take me. Take me to pleasure only you can give. Let your slutty mother watch as her little boy fill her dirty slut of a friend." The beauty begged, her voice seductive and soft.
"It's so fucking hot inside." Naruto growled softly, his face now between the crock of her neck. His tongue and lips nipping and sucking her sweaty delicious flesh. Letting one leg down, Naruto played with her milk jug; the flesh molded perfectly to his hands.
Feeling a little light headed, after pounding her while standing for some time, he fell back, bringing her with him, and let her ride him like a bull. "So fucking hot. Come on; bounce that body against me. Ride that MILF body on my young cock." Naruto demanded, his hands now situated on her womanly hips.
Letting her fingers run through her hair, Mikoto bounced and shimmied her teats for his viewing pleasure. "Watch. Watch, Naru, Kushi. Watch my dirty body quiver on his cock." The beauty begged her lovers.
Kushina was a panting mess by now but couldn't stop her constant touching and fondling of her breasts and moist cunt lips. "That's right. Fuck her. Fuck that whore, my baby boy." The busty MILF said, her voice hoarse and light.
"Oh yes! Suck my fat breasts! Milk me!" Mikoto shouted. She loved the amazing sensations his cock was giving her pussy walls. Naruto felt his tight balls slapping against Mikoto's plump rear end, making it harder to not explode, while sucking and milking her giant jugs that continued to bounce with his movements.
"Shit!" Naruto shouted, feeling his limit coming to an end. "I'm going to cum! I'm going to blow my load deep within this slutty MILF pussy!" The blonde announced before bucking his hips up, messing with the tempo. The MILF in question squealed like a bitch in heat at the sudden thrust.
"YES!" Mikoto screeched out happily. Her long arms wrapped themselves around Naruto, pulling him closer to her lovely sweaty face. "Cum inside me! I want all that hot dick milk inside me!" She took him in a passionate kiss while riding him even harder, trying to match his brutal fucking.
"It's so hot." Kushina moaned loudly, her fingers picking up speed while she got rougher with her twisting of her breasts. "Release it! Release all that white seed inside her. When you're done, give me some more too!" She begged, desperately needing another load of her son.
Naruto barely heard his mother or Mikoto as he was busty fucking the busty raven beauty like a wild beast. His body was getting hotter and hotter with each passing minute as he continued to have sex with the beautiful MILF. "FUCK!" Roared the teen as he held her close, his teeth now piercing the skin of her delicious neck.
The sudden pain of his bite and pleasure of his seed exploding and coating the back of her womb caused her mind to blank and eyes to roll to the back of her skull. "YES! GIVE ME YOUR PRECIOUS DICK-MILK!" She screeched out while having another earth shattering orgasm. Bringing her lover from her neck, she locked lips with his own and moaned like a slut while coating his monster-like cock in her fluids.
Shaking a little, Naruto finally pulled himself out with the juices still seeping out of Mikoto's sore cunt. Sitting back in exhaustion, he held Mikoto tenderly, lightly brushing the silken hair from her face. "So good." She muttered weakly while playing with his hair.
"My turn!" Mikoto and Naruto's eyes widened when Kushina shoved the still recovering beauty off his sensitive prick and speared herself on his sensitive tool. Naruto and Kushina groaned at the sudden amazing pleasure of being connected again. "That's what I'm talking about!" The crimson haired beauty moaned loudly before gyrating her crotch along his member.
Mikoto moaned disappointedly at being separated so suddenly but found herself masturbating to the incest scene before her. The combined fluids leaking from her sore cunt after such an earth shattering fucking.
Pulled into her tits, Naruto eagerly began to suck the sweaty jugs while holding her jumping rump, helping her with her already harsh bounces. Her walls were hugging his thundering member in a possessive hold, making him bite her melons.
Kushina moaned lewdly at the new pain that made her pussy quiver in delight. Her long crimson hair flowed through the air as she rode her son like a porn star. She was proud of herself at the incredible feeling her son was inflicting upon her. 'He's gotten so much better!' The MILF thought to herself as she compared the current session with their first fuck.
The blonde loved his mothers' tight vaginal and anal muscles the most out of all his lovers', not that he'd tell them that is. Reaching around, he gave the bouncing ass a much needed slap, making her scream in pleasure of the rough hand against her sweaty skin.
Tired of just watching this hot scene, Mikoto got in on it and kneeled behind Kushina. Said woman's eyes widened in shock when she felt a slender finger penetrate. "M-M-Mitoto-chan?!" She schreiked out in shock.
The woman giggled hotly, making the teens balls ach and churn. "Sorry Kush-chan. I just couldn't help myself." She defended herself, her voice hoarse and deep in lust. Standing up, she groped the red-heads massive melons that he let go of, and began to play with them. "What nice moans you have." Mikoto captured the bouncing woman in a deep kiss that Kushina easily reciprocated.
Naruto watched this with a wide grin and kept his hands on his mothers' hips, helping her ride up and down his shaft. Continuing to watch the lesbian scene and pumping, he pulled Kushina away from Mikoto and whispered into her ear. "Finger-fuck that whore." Naruto demanded.
Following her sons' words, she inserted her own slender fingers into Mikoto's asshole and began to finger her hard. Mikoto followed in finger-fucking Kushina's tight ass. They moaned loudly against one another as the blonde continued to please them with his cock and mouth. Naruto's lips had soon taken hold of Mikoto's jiggling tits and wet them with his tongue and saliva.
"Shit!" Roaring out, Naruto plunged his member deep within Kushina's womb and let the seed flow. Filled to the brim, Kushina moaned like a whore in heat as she climaxed around her baby boys' member.
After a minute of cumming, Naruto pushed Kushina off and quickly took Mikoto by her thighs and picked her up, her back to his chest, before sticking his massive prick up the MILF's tight bum. "Fuck yeah. This ass is so tight!" Naruto shouted out slapping her fat tits while ploughing the hot woman currently screaming in delight at the sudden intrusion.
She didn't mind as all. She loved the way he was fucking her and she made it very clear with her sexy voice. "Keep going, Naru-kun! Fuck me, ravage me! Do whatever you want with my body! Just keep your cock inside me!" She pleaded as Naruto slammed himself rapidly in her tight butt.
Flipping her around, making her groan, Naruto looked deep into her eyes as he pounded her asshole. "That's right, look at me. Look at me while I fuck your dirty ass." He commanded, making her shake against his body. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she buried her face into his chest and took in his scent. Her eyes were drawn to the muscles in his arms tighten as he bounced her along his shaft.
"Yes, master." Mikoto whispered out, her body and mind going into a haze of lust and exhaustion. "I want all my body covered in you." Leaning up, she took him in a passionate kiss. Both moaned between lips as they rutted their sweaty bodies against the other.
With a few more thrusts, the two came. Mikoto's eyes rolled to the back of her skull. All she could see was black with white spots around the edges of her vision. 'So fucking good~~!' She screamed in her head and between tongue battel.
Naruto was the same as he felt his dick getting milked by Mikoto's tight ass along with her pussy juices coating the still rampaging tool. The access cum dripped down his cock and stained the floor. The room smelled of the combined cum of the three lovers'.
With one more grunt and thrust, Naruto fell to the side with Mikoto in his arms. Sighing tiredly, they both spooned with one another. Naruto played with her silky hair, making her purr in delight. "So good." He whispered.
"Mh." Mikoto hummed in content. "Let me join too." They looked to see Kushina crawling to them. Her expression needy.
With a smile, Naruto pulled the busty MILF off, getting a depressed mewl, and sat her next to him. "Come here, Kaa-chan." The teen said with a soft voice and smile.
Kushina sat next to her lover and instantly cuddled into his bare flesh that comforted her the moment they touched. "Ah! That was so good, baby." She complemented, still feeling the cum from her sore cunt flow out.
"Yeah. It sure was." Naruto said with a nod. "But, we might need to leave soon. Can't have other teachers coming in to see this." The blonde reminded his lovers' who moaned in protest of getting up.
~Uchiha house~
The sounds of female moaning could be heard throughout the house. The reason was because, in the living-room was Izumi and Naruko with the blonde currently eating out the raven haired college student.
Naruko had come over to the Uchiha house to talk to Izumi about her idea to join their little harem, only to find her master bating to porn she had on the TV. Horny from the scene, she snuck up to her lesbian lover and kissed her. Izumi fell into the kiss and fought back with passion.
"Oh fuck yes! Use that tongue Naruko-chan! Stir up my sloppy cunt!" Izumi wantonly moaned. Her hands were clutching her breasts while tweaking her hard nipples.
"Good." Naruko said with a smile, her tongue lapping up her female juices while having her slender fingers slid in and out of her tight, dick virgin, cunt walls. "I've wanted to lap you up since we got home. Seeing Naru got me all hot. I can tell you're soaked too." She teased while sucking on the hard clint in front of her.
Izumi was moaning and blushing hard at her lovers' teasing words but couldn't say anything as she was getting closer to her climax. "Fuck! I'm gonna' squirt!" She warned before coating the licking woman's face in her liquid.
"Ah!" Naruko opened her mouth wide to get as much cum in her mouth as possible. When it tampered off, she licked her lips. "What a delicious taste. I can't get enough of it." The girl moaned in wonder. After having her fill, Naruko pulled the panting woman flush to her chest, their breasts mashing together and making them moan. "Can I tell you something?" She whispered huskily.
Izumi nodded dumbly as she was still seeing a little white around her vision. "I've finally fucked Naru." This made her eyes widen and blush intensify. "And let me tell you, he's even bigger than the strap-on we use." Said fake dick was about nine inches. It was nothing compared to his twelve inch. The Uchiha beauties pussy got wetter at the thought.
"Wh-What?!" She asked in shock and arousal. "H-He's your brother!" Izumi said. "Right, but my family has always done that. You know that." Naruko reminded her friend while gently playing with her large breasts. "Besides, he's even got his own harem. I'm the fourth with my Kaa-chan being the first, Mikoto-obachan second, and your precious baby sister being third." She listed off the current girls.
The fact her mother, Kushina, and her sister got fucked by Naruto only increased her arousal, her eyes gaining a dazed look. She licked her lips hungrily as she cupped Naruko's gushing pussy lips. "Can I join?" Izumi asked with a small smirk.
"Uga...the more...the merrier." Naruko said between moans. 'Heh. Mission accomplished.' She thought in success before continuing to fuck her best-friend.
Kushina, sitting in her office, couldn't help but think about how her plan was working. "Wonder if Naruko-chan has done it yet?" She asked herself. Just then, her phone beeped.
"Speak of the devil." She said with a smile and pulled out her phone. Opening it, she read the text aloud. "All done. Send Naruto to Izumi-chan's house after school." "That a girl." Kushina praised with a devious smirk.
"Wonder why she said to go to Satsuki-chan's house? She won't be there right now as she has practice." The blonde wondered to himself as he was in front of the second house he spent most of his childhood in. Shrugging, Naruto knocked on the door. "Is anyone home?" He shouted through the door.
"It's open, Naru." Naruto let his eyes widen at the voice. 'I-Izumi-neechan?' He thought to himself. 'Heh. Kaa-chan you sneaky vixen.' Naruto thought of his sexy mother and their talk earlier. Smiling with a blush, he opened the door to see something that made it hard to not pass out from the large nosebleed and blood rushing to his crotch.
Izumi was standing at the door-step with a BDSM outfit. It was a black tight leather outfit that showed off her womanly curves and large breasts that seemed to want to pop out. "Hello, Naruto-sama." Her sexy voice made him shiver in pleasure. "I take it you came here to claim my pussy like the others?" She asked but it was more of a statement.
"Yes." The blonde still nodded before walking up to Izumi and gently caressed her face, making her blush at the warm touch. Her pussy was becoming wet at the mere touch of her soon-to-be lover. Black eyes widened when her lips were captured by the younger teen.
Naruto was smirking when he looked at the dazed look in Izumi's eyes. 'This is going to be fun.' With that thought, he had swooped in and began to dominate her mouth. Trailing his hands down in the make-out, he finally reached her tight butt and began to massage it roughly. The girl moaned between the slobbering tongue.
'Oh fuck!' Izumi thought in total arousal at the aggressiveness Naruto was showing. It turned her on so much. 'I want this man to fuck my pussy!' She decided in her mind while wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and began to fight back.
The Uzumaki groaned in bliss as Izumi had begun to rub his tool with her leg, trying to give him some of the pleasure she was receiving. 'Time to up the ante.' With that, he pulled down her tight top and began to fondle her giant melons while smacking her tight ass. Her sudden squeal made it easier for him to push her back into the wall and now grin his prick against her quivering majesty.
"So wet already." Naruto teased after releasing her lips. His face as red as Izumi's. Her lips were parted as she tried to get her breath back from such an intense lips lock. "You must have wanted this as much as my slutty Nee-chan and Satsu-chan." He teased, making Izumi squirm under his grasp.
"Y-Yes." Izumi admitted with an almost silent whisper. "I've been so wet ever since Naruko-chan told me what you did to her. I've wanted your cock even when we were having sex." She smirked at the large blush and slightly shocked blue eyes. "Oh yes. Your sister and I have fucked before. It was the only way to make sure we gave ourselves to you." Her smile turned soft and more meaningful.
"Good. It's good to know not another man has taken my lovely Uchiha whore." Naruto said with a soft smile as well. Even if she was called a whore, she didn't mind since it was the blonde stud. "Now," His devious smirk made her spine shiver. "Why don't I show you how a man fucks his woman." With a hard tug, he led the beauty into the living-room and threw her on the couch. Pulling his pants down, Izumi finally got sight of her prize.
'She was right!' Izumi thought to herself in deep desire and shock as she remembered what her best-friend/lover said about the youngest Uzumaki. "AHHH!" She screamed when he pierced her like a wild man, already hitting the back of her womb. Looking down, Naruto noticed she didn't bleed. "I...lost it...in pr-practice." Izumi wheezed out.
The teen smiled at that. "Good." Pulling out a little, he gently thrusted back in, letting Izumi get used to it. Izumi was not happy with this, though. Grabbing his face, she glared at him in desire. "None of that! I want the rough stuff. I want you to fuck me like a wild animal. Show me how a real man fucks!" She outright demanded.
This demand was something he had no problem following. Pulling out until only the head remained, he gripped her hips tightly and thrusted himself back in hard. Izumi moaned in pain and utter delight at the sudden hard thrust of his tool. It felt like her entire form was going to break.
Naruto was panting heavily at the moment because of how hot, tight, and wet Izumi's insides were. She was trying to milk him and he would give it to her after he had his fill of fucking her womb on his cock-head. "It's so tight and hot inside you, Izumi." He groaned out, his hot breath tickling her neck. Licking her sweaty skin, he continued to talk dirty. "That's right, keep moaning the bitch you are. I'm going to fuck you like the others. You won't even be able to stand after this."
Izumi's eyes rolled to the back of her skull and her tongue fell from her saliva spewing maw. All she could feel was delight and pleasure at the battering-ram reshaping her inner walls. "Fuck that's good!" Izumi shouted, getting her voice back, as his large hand slapper her taught booty. Her body shook as she exploded all her stored up female juices over his cock that never slowed even with the tighter hold she had over his member.
Letting his hands leave her hips, he let one hand go to her breasts and begin to roll them while occasionally tweaking the hard nub, prolonging her climax. Seeing the other one untouched, her latched onto the sweaty melon with his lips and began to suck like a toddler after having the teat taken away.
"Oh yes! Suck me! Suck my dirty tits Naruto-sama." Izumi parted, holding his head closer. His lips and teeth nipping at her flesh while thrusting his mammoth prick inside her tight walls. "I want to feel you cum inside me! I want to feel your love filling me up." She begged, sweat dripping down her face. Looking up, he growled in lust at the sexy visage of his new lover.
Izumi's face was twisted in pleasure with a large blush. Her long hair was sticking to her sweaty flesh with her lips wet as she licked them in desire. "Shit! I can't hold it much longer! You're so hot!" With that, Naruto brought her in a kneeling position and kissed her sloppily, their saliva dripping between their make-out, while thrusting up against her bouncing lush body.
Cumming with a loud shriek, Izmumi coated Naruto in love juice. Her hot insides shuddered and clenched even tighter around his continuously thundering tool. With a loud shout, Naruto finally gave in and coated his third Uchiha lover with his load.
She felt like her belly was about to explode with the amount of semen flooding her system. Her womb felt so full and she had a large blush and happy smile as her head shot up. 'I-I'm so happy!' She thought with tears rolling down her face.
After minutes of cumming on one another, they finally ended with a loud huff and thud to the ground. Buried between her chest was Naruto who was lightly licking the melon in front of him. "That was good." He said with a tired sigh.
"Yes. Thank you, Naruto-sama. I'm your slave from now on." Izumi said with a teary smile and brought him into a lustful kiss that got him going for another round.
The two Uchiha lovers would soon come home and find their shared lover sleeping in the middle of the living-room with Izumi connected. Her pussy and asshole were spewing cum with her hair and tits covered in his jizz, showing he had claimed her fully.
"Fufu. Seems Izumi-chan has given into her desires." Mikoto giggled hotly, finding it hot that her lover and daughter fucked in the living-room.
Satsuki blushed brightly at this before huffing a little. "Whatever." She couldn't deny the fact she was turned on by this as well. The giggling mother only made her eyebrow twitch in anger.
