A Trip Down Memory Lane - Original Last Chapter


It was a beautiful Summers' morning in the city of Nevermoor, the sun was rising, birds were chirping and Hawthorne Swift was snoring softly, although his wife might say differently as she checked their alarm clock and rolled over to go back to sleep, snuggling up to the snoring Swift. 

But that didn't last long- 


Cadence and Hawthorne sat up quickly as their two children came running into the room, knocking the two back down onto the bed giggling. 


"Don't you remember what today is?" asked Chad, their 9-year-old son.

"'Fraid not."

"Hmph, Mum? Do you remember what today is?"

"Umm... is it a special day?"

"Sort of, sort of not, but do you remember what today is?"

"Oh! I know!" 

"I know you know, Charlotte, I'm seeing if Mum and Dad do though."

Cadence turned to Hawthorne, giving him a questioning look to which he responded with a shrug.

"Today's the day you're going to drop us off somewhere and 'escape'."


"Well then, everybody get ready!" 

Once they had eaten and dressed, the young Swift family ventured out of their small but lovely cottage-like house and walked the short distance ("Daaaaaad! Are we nearly there?!" "Soon, sweetie, soon."  "You said that before!") to the Hotel Deucalion and left Chad and Charlotte with Fen who reluctantly promised not to eat them.

"Bye Mum! Bye Dad! Have fun!" 

"Bye you two! Be good for Fen, okay?"

"Everyone having children these days and leaving them with me to babysit, honestly! And I thought watching Morrigan and Jack all those years ago was hard enough- oi! Don't touch that!"


"Uhh... I think that's our cue to leave..."

Hawthorne offered his arm to Cadence who took it, smirking slightly. The two began heading to the exit, waving to a few of the staff members as they went past and nearly ran into Jupiter, with his now fading copper, rosy-blonde locks. 

"So, what are we going to do?"

"I dunno... but I'm craving ice-cream."

"Of course you are."

The two went off to have a day of adventure, mystery and each other. They went to a museum, a restaurant, a shop that sold some pretty weird accessories and, of course, an ice-cream parlour.

After most of the busy yet wunderful day, Hawthorne silently led Cadence out of the art gallery they were in

The couple walked through the busy city until Cadence recognised where they were - Hawthorne's neighbourhood from before they got married. She looked around, a bit shocked - a lot of things had changed but some things also hadn't. Like the Old Swifts house where they saw Cat watering and Dave sitting on a seat reading the newspaper. But they kept going until they reached a park. And it wasn't just any old park. It was Mahogany Park

Cadence felt a little gasp of surprise escaped her lips as she smiled fondly. This park held so many memories for her and Hawthorne - other than their little meeting before they started dating, they had many picnic dates, family days out, birthday parties and they had even got engaged under the same large tree they had danced under all those years ago. 

Cadence looked to Hawthorne who was looking over the park, smiling softly as he turned and met her gaze. They looked over to the old large tree and saw another young couple sitting under it, reminding them of themselves when they were younger. 

As the sun began to set, the young couple walked away and out of the park, so Cadence and Hawthorne went and stood where they had been moments before. Cadence, enchanted by the sunset, failed to see the mischievous grin that was spread on her husband's face. Hawthorne lightly cupped her cheek which was furthest away from him and turned it to face him. 

"May I have this dance?" 

"You may..."

The two danced until the sun went down, then sat down together in a giggling heap of arms and legs. 

"I had fun today."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. I did too... but I still dropped my ice-cream."

Cadence laughed, "Well, I did tell you to be careful."

"You always tell me to be careful," Hawthorne pouted.

"Well, you're reckless and I happen to care deeply for you."

"I should hope so - we are married after all!"

Cadence giggled, "I love you, idiot."

"I love you too, my dear." 

The two stayed out a little longer, watching the night sky, finding constellations and (trying) to count stars. Cadence hummed in contentment, wrapped securely in Hawthorne's arms, no longer feeling like the forgotten mess she had once. 




Hey!! This was the original ending for this story, so which did prefer as an ending - this chapter or the last chapter? I have a few one-shots that I'll add to this story and maybe a few of the original chapters that have changed before they got anywhere. I've really enjoyed writing this fanfiction and I hope you've enjoyed reading it! I'm thinking to maybe write another Nevermoor fanfic but I'm not sure what to do for it yet, what would you guys prefer? Love letters between a ship, another shipping one like this one, maybe some character's backstories or anything else if anyone has any requests? Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
