What Is Happening?

"Alright Summer, remember how you practiced. Just go up to her and ask her if she wants to go for a fly. Be cool about it and remember, don't be to obvious." Aggro was giving Summer a quick talk, then she motioned for her to go. Aggro hid behind a tree to watch. She walked right up to Leyla and started talking to her. She turned around and said something, then she continued. She nodded and said something else, looking happy. She must have loved the idea of joy flying. Leyla jumped on Summer's saddle and they both took off into the sky. Well that went well Aggro thought as she flew out from behind the tree to follow them.

-l l l l l-

Summer was flying with Leyla on her back. The plan actually worked! "So, did you have anywhere specific you wanted to go?" Leyla asked her. "Um, I didn't have one, no." Summer said. She should have thought that through! "Hmm, I think I have a place." They flew to a small island next to Hazard Island. "This is Berry Island. Can you guess why it's named that?" Leyla asked. "Because there are so many different types of berries here?" Summer guessed. "Exactly!" She replied back. They landed on the coast near two large rocks. "The sand is so soft!" Summer said. "Wait until you taste the mejaberries!" Leyla said back. "I've never heard of mejaberries." "That's because not many people know about them." She lead Summer to a bush of indigo berries. "Try some." She prompted as she picked a feew off of the bush. Summer saw three on the same branch and chomped down. A world of flavor exploded in her mouth. "They're amazing!" She exclaimed. Juicy like a fresh apple, but even more juice. Sweet like a cherry, but a bit sweeter. Crunchy like a pear, but slightly softer. "These ones are pinjoberries." Leyla gestured to a bush of light green berries. "They're pretty good too." Summer said as she tried them. Soon they were running around, eating every berry they saw. Then Summer decided to grab some fish, which proved to be easy considering they hung out in the shallows. After a fish feast they played a few rounds of volleyrock (Leyla winning by 2 points). "We should probably get going, the sun is going down." Summer said. "Wait! I want to show you one more thing." She said back. Summer looked over at the two large rocks. She should be there. "Ok, but I'll be a second." She told Leyla. She nodded as Summer trotted behind the rocks.

-l l l l l-

As Summer and Leyla continued to explore the shoreline of Berry Island, Leyla couldn't help but think that there was something else to this little joy flying trip. But what could it be? Leyla rested her noggin on the matter and zoned back into her conversation with Summer. If Dak and Winger were here they would probably tell her to loosen up and stop overthinking things too much. And Aggro would probably make some sort of sassy remark to make her laugh... but lately Leyla haven't really been in the mood for fun and games, much less for anything else for that matter. And she's been unintentionally snapping at anything and everyone lately as well, witch is something she NEVER does. She just wanted to know why she feels so moody and disinterested in everything. Could someone please tell her so that she can fix whatever's wrong with her.
