Chapter 1 - Fired

A/N: Hello Everyone!! Let our story begin! I'm so glad to see that you are so excited about it, I hope you will like it!

Oh, and please, if you know the story, don't spoil things for those who aren't familiar with it - it would ruin their fun! You're welcome to vote and comment anytime, but I'm not going to pressure you, I always get anxious as a reader when authors go all 'vote-comment-pls-dont-be-a-ghost-reader...' I welcome ghost readers with open arms :D


Hongjoong was sitting on the sofa in his van, feeling empty and completely out of his mind. He looked at the ceiling frustratedly and blinked a couple of times. The whole thing just felt so... unreal.

He looked around in his fancy van that the film studio provided him for the time being. His eyes scanned through all the furniture and items he collected over the years. The van had a dining area, sofa with a small TV, a sleeping area, and even a small bathroom. He had his personal and professional stuff cluttered everywhere, his trophies, his certificates, gifts from his fans on the shelves, not speaking about the million pictures decorating the van all around with his friends, his boyfriend, family, and other celebrities.

He had his whole life in that van. He spent many many hours in there, whether they were restless nights because of filming or galas, learning scripts until he fell asleep above the papers, drinking with his friends or just having some alone time with his boyfriend.

It was hard to believe that the van doesn't belong to him anymore and that he has to say goodbye to his perfect life because there was just no fucking way that after what just happened there would be any company who would want to hire him. Which is even sadder seeing that just a few minutes ago his reputation was so good that any studio would've killed to have him in their cast. But now... who knows.

And all of this is Kim Seungmin's fault.

But how did the whole thing happen? Let me summarize it quickly.

Kim Hongjoong was one of the most successful actors of Hollywood. He became famous at a very young age, and ever since then his fame just grew and grew. He considered himself lucky to have this life, doing what he loves and even getting all the success, money and fame that comes with it. He used to find it difficult to be himself, that's why he decided to try out acting where he can be a completely different person. It gave him confidence.

His life and career were perfect and immaculate, until not that long ago he started working with his new director, Kim Seungmin. They were preparing for a new movie where Hongjoong played the main role, but the young director kept bringing up absurd ideas that just made no sense to him. This resulted in them getting in several arguments which obviously didn't go unnoticed by the press and the gossip sites on social media flew on the topic just like a housefly on some shit.

That day started like any other day, but Hongjoong just felt out of place for the whole day. So when Seungmin came up with another dumb idea for the movie (really, who the fuck comes up with the idea of having people dressed as zombie peas walk around in the scene?? Whate even are zombie peas anyways???), Hongjoong decided to stop the filming for a second and try to reason with the director.

However, it didn't go as well as he thought. Seungmin was already mad at him for constantly trying to butt in his plans, and when Hongjoong's co-star, Soyeon, who was playing another character in the scene, openly stood on Hongjoong's side and said she wished it was Hongjoong directing the movie, Seungmin snapped.

He accused Hongjoong of trying to get him out and getting the director's chair to himself as he is being nosy with stuff that has nothing to do with him. Hongjoong was trying to get himself out of it, saying that he is just an actor and not a director, but his words seemingly just triggered Seungmin more and it didn't take him much time until he shouted in Hongjoong's face the words he never expected to hear.

He was fired.

He ran his fingers through his blue hair and leaned back against the sofa with a sigh. He kept staring at the walls deep in thoughts. No matter how much he wanted to put the blame on Seungmin for being an ass or Soyeon for speaking up for him, he just couldn't. It was all his fault that he ended up in a situation like this. He watched from the van's window as Seungmin's assistant, Felix took the star shaped sign, that had Hongjoong's name written on it, off the van's door.

He felt miserable. He wanted to cry.

'Knock knock' spoke up a quiet voice from the door. Hongjoong turned there and smiled at Soyeon weakly.

'Hi' he said. The girl was leaning against the doorframe with a sad look on her face.

'I just wanted to say sorry, I- maybe if I didn't say those things they wouldn't have fired you-' she started apologizing.

'It's not your fault' shook his head Hongjoong.

'Still. I'll try to reason with them to get you back. It's the least I can do. You'd really deserve it, they are assholes' she said.

'Thank you. I don't really think it will work out but thanks' said quietly Hongjoong and turned away. He heard Soyeon sigh and her shoes' sounds on the concrete outside, signaling that she left.

As if on cue, Hongjoong's phone started ringing. He groaned, but still reached for it in the hopes that it will be his boyfriend. He was probably the only person who would be able to console him right now. Sadly it wasn't his contact on the screen, but one of Hongjoong's friends' who was a talk show host. He furrowed his eyebrows. They haven't spoken in weeks, not since the last time when he was the guest in the show. He pressed the green icon.

'Hi Seungkwan, what's up?' he asked as casually as he could.

'What's going on, man?? Are you kimbap kidding me?? Did you actually get fired?!' he heard his friend's screech from the other end of the line. Hongjoong widened his eyes.

'How do you know?!' he gasped.

'Well... it's all over Twitter. No official statement, but the gossip sites have been chewing the topic for at least half an hour and it was even posted on Hollywood News Agency's site' said Seungkwan. 'I hate that page though, they always share everything without proof...' he continued talking. Hongjoong frowned and pulled his laptop in front of himself on the lounge table.

'I'll check it out now. Thanks Kwan' he said before ending the call and going straight on Twitter. He hid his face in his palms, not wanting anything else but to just disappear from Earth that moment.

His name was trending on Twitter. Looks like Felix did a great job as Seungmin's assistant as he had the best connections with the biggest celebrity sites. He scrolled until he found the one Seungkwan was talking about.

'Whiny type? Am I really like that?' frowned Hongjoong. He couldn't help but read through the comments. Despite his fans still having his back, he had never read this many hate comments about himself before. People kept repeating how he shouldn't be in the industry in the first place, that he is bad at acting, and in general being happy about his downfall.

He shut the laptop with a thud and closed his eyes, then gulped and reached for his phone.

He needed someone to talk to urgently.


A/N 2.0: That's it for the first chapter!! Also, it's not the 15th here yet, but Happy Yeosang Day!! (And Hoshi Day, if you're a Caratiny reader.)

I have no idea how Twitter Au writers do their thing, I think I just died while editing these three pictures lol. I hope you liked the chapter, see you in the next one!!
