A corpse and a note

The police along with an ambulance came in ten minutes later. Most of the people were cleared out. No one was allowed near the body while they were checking for fingerprints on the dagger.

'Whoever it was, was clever enough to wear gloves' said one of the cops and he gave a deep sigh. Jungkook held my hand as he stared at his father's body sprawled on the floor. I could tell his hands were quivering. I squeezed his hand and his grip tightened, trying to stop his hand from quivering. I looked a him, expecting hidden tears but there were non. A dark fire of anger blazed in his eyes, and his lips were pursed together.

'Jungkook?' I tilted my head to look at him. 'Jungkook' another man came walking towards us. He got no response, and he hesitated before seating himself beside him.

He rubbed Jungkook's hand and the latter finally looked up to meet his eyes. 'Where's Yunhee?' he asked in a low voice. Jungkook loosened his grip on my hand as he looked around the half empty hall. He stood up when I pulled his hand and got up.

'She probably needs to be alone for a while' He hesitated and bit his lips, his fingers tapping furiously beside him on his leg. The man pulled his hand and gave a quick nod. He seated himself again, rubbing his thighs anxiously while the man wrapped one arm around his shoulder.

'Sir' a police officer said. Jungkook stood up and they bowed to each other.

'Sir, your father-'

'Yes I know'

'Mr. Kim has taken the case and would wish that you grant him access to the CCTV surveillance'

'Where is he?' The officer pointed towards the stage, where Taehyung was examining the body. Me and Jungkook walked towards him. He was rummaging through the coat pockets. He handed Jungkook a zip-lock packet without looking up.

'You know what these are, Jungkook?' he asked, removing a lighter and a few coins from the pocket. The man we met earlier came and stood beside Jungkook, with his arm around his shoulder. They stared at the two bloody bullets in the bag. Jungkook took one out and examined it closely.

'It's a C-67 bullet. Specially designed for the CT-62 rifle but can also be used in a few other models. It was the first weapon manufactured in this company'  Jungkook rubbed the blood of the bullet on his coat and slid it in his pocket.

'How many buyers?' Taehyung asked looking up.

'The rifles are not much in sale. The bullets however, loads of shipment to the army'



Taehyung nodded and looked at the body once again. He clicked a picture with his phone and got up. 'The surveillance cameras' he reminded Jungkook as he straightened his coat. Jungkook led him to the elevator. I didn't know what to do and just stood there watching them leave. Taehyung turned around and fingered me to follow him. I followed them after taking one last glance at Mr, Jeon's blood-dripping eyes and the scar on his chest.

Jungkook opened the door to the surveillance room when we reached the ground floor. There was nobody in the room. Taehyung checked the videos from all 6 cameras then dropped his head back on the chair. 'Nothing?' I asked.

'Nothing' he replied, sitting up straight.

'Well we know there were two accomplices' I said.

'Yes, you're right' he said and stood up to face Jungkook.

'You should go take care of Yunhee. She must be in shock. I can start questioning everyone tomorrow. It would be nice if you can send me the list of everyone present in the hall' Jungkook nodded and Taehyung gave him a short hug.

'Yo-your father didn't sign the papers, did he?' I asked as something struck me.

'No' he replied.

'Maybe its someone who doesn't want you to run the company'

'Well he could've just killed me for that'

'Maybe he doesn't want this company to be ran by anyone. You can be the next target Jungkook'

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other than back at me.

'So it is best that you hand over all the clues and hints you can give' Jungkook nodded.

'I mean all of them, Jungkook. That note. Why are you hiding it?'

Jungkook didn't respond but just stared at me then Taehyung. 'Hand it over, Kook' Taehyung said as he placed himself in front of him. Hesitantly, Jungkook took out a piece of paper from his pocket. He handed it to Taehyung, there was cut in the middle of the page where the blade was pushed through.

Taehyung opened it up and read it aloud:

You singed my past,

I burn your future.

Sorry about the short chapter! To be continued!!!
