"Go get ready for bed first, then I'll put the end of the game on." Will instructs his daughter as he leans against the back of his couch, looking down to her.

She gives him a slow nod as she stands up and trails off down the corridor toward her bedroom.

They had gotten back to Will's not that long ago and both Natalie and Olivia had walked him up to his apartment door. Will had invited them both in for something to drink but Natalie had said she had to get back home to make sure Owen hadn't burned the place down, however before her and Livvy could leave Livvy asked if she could stay to watch the end of the Blackhawks game she had missed the night before. After a small discussion between Will and Natalie over the subject, they both allowed Olivia to stay with Will, and that he would drop her off back at Natalie's the next morning.

She had watched the first half of it as it was on the night before, whilst taking on the phone with her father as she did, but Nat had sent her off to bed before she could watch the end.

Will watches Olivia enter her room before he sits down on the couch to set the game up, knowing he had recorded it as it aired. It doesn't take long to do that, so once that's done he decides he might as well put his phone on charge while he waited for his daughter to change.

He gets back up from the couch, finding his phone in his jacket he had slung over the back of one of the dining room chairs before he took it through into his own bedroom, putting it on charge and on his bedside table. He leaves the room simultaneously to Olivia, who was now changed ready for bed.

They both go back into the living room, Olivia making her way straight toward the couch and sitting down as Will goes into the kitchen to get a snack for his daughter because he knew she'd ask for one in the next ten minutes.

Olivia furrows her brows as she looks over her shoulder to see what her father was doing. "You didn't watch the end of it yesterday did you?"

Will shakes his head as he lifted it up from the cabinet. Before he spoke he threw the bag of chips in her direction, catching her by surprise. He held back a chuckle as it narrowly missed Olivia's face, skimming past her cheek and landing on the floor. He apologises sharply as Livvy retrieves the packet. "No, I didn't. I turned it off as soon as you said you had to go to bed."

Olivia looks to Will with narrowed eyes, slightly raising a single eyebrow. "Really?"

Will cracks as smile as he joins her on the couch. "Okay, I may have watched another five minutes after you left but then I switched it off."

She nods. "I thought so." She mumbles, leaning into the couch further, waiting for Will to put the game on. After a moment of silence, she looks up to her father with a confused look. "Dad, everything okay?" She asks curiously.

Will nods, turning to face his daughter with straight brows. "Can I talk to you about something before I put the game on?"

Olivia shifts in her seat, moving so that she was sat sideways on the couch in order to face her father completely. "Yeah."

A beat passes before Will nods once again, taking his cue to start. "About earlier," he begins, seeing Livvy tense up slightly as he assumes she knows what he's about to talk about, "Why didn't you hear him out?"

Olivia sighs, moving back to sitting on the couch properly again. She shakes her head slowly. "I already know what happened, I don't need to hear it from him too."

"Livvy," Will calls, gaining her attention briefly, "The least you could have done was let him share his side of the story. Explain some things."

"What does he have to explain? He almost killed you, am I the only one who truly sees that? You went right back to him."

Will puts his hand out and places it against her arm. "Livvy believe me, for four months I never once thought of speaking to him because I was so angry. I never wanted to speak to him again. But after I thought I was gonna lose him I realized it wasn't worth being mad at him because it wasn't his fault. He made a mistake, yes, but he's regretted it every day since."

There's a quiet pause where it looks as though Olivia begins processing the information she had just been told. Will watches her in the silence, hoping for something to break in her expression, but when Liv looks up to him with the same saddened look as before it brings Will's hope crashing down.

"He almost took you away from me and mom, so I'm sorry dad but I can't snap my fingers and forgive him."

Will cuts in, giving Livvy a nod. "But you could at least hear him out. Whether you forgive him is completely up to you but just listen to what he has to say."

There's another pause before Livvy stands up from the couch. "Actually I'm getting a little tired, I might just head to bed."

Will furrows his eyebrows, speaking up and stopping her in her tracks before she got into the hall. "But I thought you wanted to watch the game?"

Olivia looks over her shoulder and shrugs. "I'm not really in the mood any more, I just want to go to bed." She says before turning back around and starting to walk down the hall.

There's one last thing that pops into Will's head that he thinks might work, so he blurts it out, not really thinking about what he was saying before he said it. "If you're not gonna do it for him, then do it for me. Listen to his side of the story for me."

Olivia's face drops slightly, losing the straightness that had taken over since she stood up. She stares at Will for a moment before mumbling under her breath, saying good night to him before she disappeared down the hall completely, the sound of her door shutting ringing throughout the apartment sharply before it falls into a weighted silence again.


Jay could hear Hailey's struggles from downstairs as she tried to get Macie ready for bed. It was always like this on a Saturday, because the girl knew there was now only one day left before she was supposed to go back to school. He was upstairs solely because he offered to fold and put away the laundry so he wouldn't have to put Macie to bed.

She was an angel kid, but boy was bedtime a nightmare.

He was listening to the argument happening between mother and daughter from the middle floor as he worked through the pile that had been put in the corner of their bedroom and forgotten about until now - which meant the basket was overflowing and contained what looked like a couple weeks worth of clean laundry inside.

However it went suddenly quiet, which perked Jay's ears up. It never just goes quiet.

He turns his head over his shoulder, looking at the door, which he had shut on his way in, as he waits for something to happen. After standing there in silence for a moment, he could he hear loud footsteps getting closer to the door, the person making them obviously running down the hall.

The door swung open after a small struggle with the handle and Macie bounced in, making a direct run up for the bed and jumping on before Jay could catch her.

Hailey entered the room after that, trying to hide the frustration climbing up on her face. "C'mon Mae, that's enough now, it's bedtime."

The girl pouts for a brief moment, a wide grin appearing in her face after. "I don't want to."

They're all silent for a moment, Jay and Hailey watching Macie intently in case she was to make a break for it again. An idea pops into Jay's head that he knows will work but prior to him being able to do it, Hailey immediately shuts him down.

"Don't do it, Jay," she says, already knowing what he was going to do because she had seen him do it multiple times before, "It only gets her more riled up."

Jay looks over his shoulder. "Where do you need her?" He questions.

Hailey shrugs. "In her bed."

Macie cuts in sharply, folding her arms over her chest, the smile not moving from her face. "No, I've got to brush my teeth yet."

"You've already done that, you did it before you got dressed."

The girl darts her eyes over to side and then back on her parents. "Well I need to do it again."

Hailey moves her gaze to Jay, gaining a look back from him quickly. "Do it."

Jay nods, putting his attention back on Macie and her eyes widen, knowing what was about to happen too. He jumped forward, picking the girl up into his arms despite her excited fight against it and throwing her over his shoulder, carrying her out the room and back down the stairs to the middle floor, Mae kicking her legs frantically despite the loud contagious laughter coming from her lips.

When Jay reaches her bedroom he gently lowers his daughter on to her bed, leaning over her and tickling her until she gave up the fight, asking him to stop out of exhaustion - which never took long.

However when Jay stood back up off the bed, Macie took a beat before standing back up on her mattress, still somewhat out of breath from the laughter that accompanied being tickled.

Jay turns his head to the side, a smile appearing in his face. "Oh that was brave." He chuckled, already moving forward, making Macie turn away with a wide grin on her face.

He begun tickling her again, grabbing her in his arm as she tried to fight him off, but unable to say anything with the laughs cutting in every breath.

Jay was so involved in trying to tire out the girl he barely noticed Hailey calling for him upstairs. Once she shouts his name a second time he calls out, asking what she needed him for.

He could only just hear her coming down the stairs under Mae's echoing laughter and he stops briefly when Hailey appears in the doorway, showing his phone in his direction. "Will's calling." She points out.

Jay takes a brief pause to tickle Macie again before shaking his head. "Let it go to voicemail, I'll call him back in a minute."

Hailey nods slowly, watching Jay's attempt in getting Macie ready for bed and she questions how exactly this works every time. During the moment Mae doesn't look at all like she's just about to go to bed, she just gets more excited but she'll more than likely be asleep in the next fifteen minutes.

Suddenly Mae's breathless voice can be heard from Jay's arms. "Dad stop!"

Jay immediately takes his hand away and he puts his chin on her shoulder. "Are you gonna go to bed now?"

There's a beat before Macie shakes her head stubbornly. "No."

Jay shrugs his shoulders. "I'll just have to do it again then." He threatens playfully, lifting his hand up slowly.

Mae grins up to him. "No!" She excitedly screams.

"Are you gonna go to bed then?" He asks again, furrowing his brows.

This time Macie nods. "Yes." She replies, still very out of breath.

Jay smiles and puts the girl down on her bed, leaning down and putting a kiss against her blonde hair. "Goodnight Mae."

"Goodnight." She mumbled back.

Jay stood up straight again and made his way back over to Mae's bedroom door. He gains a grateful smile from Hailey as he approached her.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"Any time," he says with a smile before leaning down and placing a small kiss to the top of Hailey's forehead, "I'm gonna go finish the laundry."

Hailey nods, smiling to him as he walked off toward the stairs again.


Jay collapsed down on the bed after putting the last piece of clothing away in the closet, gaining a small chuckle from Hailey, who was now sat on her side of the bed looking through something on her phone.

"I'm so ready to go to bed." He mumbles half into the mattress.

Hailey nods, understanding exactly where he was coming from. It had been a long day, and she knew Jay had had the extra strain of trying to talk to Olivia earlier, only to have that crushed back down on him. "You've still got to call your brother back yet."

The realization of knowing that he had to do that yet hits over him, causing him to groan out. "Oh shit yeah," he sighs sitting back up and looking over his shoulder to his bedside table before deeply furrowing his eyebrows. "Where'd you put my phone?"

Hailey looks up to him bewilderingly. "I thought you had it."

Jay shook his head. "No, you had it when you told me it was going off but you didn't give it back to me."

"I put it on Mae's bookshelf when it went to voicemail, I thought you grabbed it when you walked out."

"No," he says before sighing loudly, "Which means it's still in there."

There's a beat before Hailey leans back against the headboard. "You better not wake her up when you get it."

Jay grumbles inaudibly as he stands up from the end again and makes his way out the bedroom. He goes down the stairs and stops on the middle floor, walking quietly up to the door to find that luckily Hailey hadn't shut it all the way and that it was open ajar. He slowly pushed it open, hoping it wouldn't squeak as it did. He held his breath until he had successfully grabbed the phone from the bookshelf and closed the door without waking her up.

He dialled his brother's number as he began slowly climbing back up the stairs, Will picking up on the other end relatively quickly.

"Hey, what's up?" Will questioned.

Jay furrows his brows. "What do you mean?  You called me, remember?"

There's a quiet pause on the other end of the phone and Jay can hear Will's face scrunch up confusedly. "I never called you."

Jay stops half way up the stairs, looking around his surroundings. "Yes you did, I'm calling you back."

Will's response was almost immediate, his voice sounding a little freaked out. "Jay, my phone's been in my room since I got home and I haven't been in here since I put it on charge. I didn't call you."

dun dun dun!
