Shoot the Bitch!

Chapter 15: Shoot the Bitch!

"Oliver Frye!" Lisbon frowned in disbelief.

"Hello again Teresa, well it's not again. I mean you and I have been playing this little game for what ten years now? Surprise, I bet I was far from who you were expecting to be Red John, right?"

Lisbon was truly confused. Kristina's husband, Oliver. How could he be Red John? Why would he be Red John? Nothing made sense.

"I know it's a shocker - right. You must have so many questions. Why would I do it? How do I know Jane? You and I have seen that jealous streak of yours and I know now you are probably thinking - was Kristina playing him? A part of you profoundly wishes she was so that you'd be justified in not being so happy she died. For that I say shame on you Lisbon, Kristina's son doesn't have a mother any more, and if this ends the way I hope, then her son will also be without a father. I know you of all people would not wish that on anyone."

"Why?" she asked.

"I tell you what; your time is ending Teresa. Why don't I tell you a little story?"


The first thing Patrick noticed was that the person who told him she was Dr. Lorelei Martins had missed the turn on the way to the station. They were heading toward Malibu. The second thing he noticed was that she seemed to be mumbling to herself. He took this time to look at her, of course the face was different. The face was always different. He had to take in the other stuff, the small tells. Something had her agitated. He needed to get her talking.

"Lorelei, is everything alright?" he asked calmly.

"Well... You see, it wasn't supposed to be like this. I had student loans, I mean I'm a neurologist for god's sake, I'm not supposed to be a henchman for a serial killer." She shouted.

"Serial killer." He said under his breath.

"I mean I cut open brains and give people the ability to talk again by removing tumors and he has me running through the bushes and totally ruining people's lives. In the beginning it was sort of fun. I mean I would just leave notes, or pick up people from various places but he liked me and I got too close. Plus, it's that damn competitive streak in me. I have to be the best. I want to be the best at everything, and I had to be the best at this and well it's going to be the death of me Patrick.

"When I met you I was shocked! First of all, I never thought that I would be put in the situation where I would meet "The Patrick Jane". Then, when I did meet you, your case was fascinating. A person doesn't come across "face blindness" often and I had it right in front of me and now he just wants me to blow your brains out! I can't. I could never kill you. I mean your brain was incredible before this, and now. Oh God, I wanna crack that thing open and see what's inside. Now I've taken Lisbon and... "

"Lisbon, what have you done with Lisbon?" he asked cutting off her tirade.


"Patrick Jane has you so fooled Lisbon. You think of him as this wounded bear, and all you want to do is protect him and make him whole again or some shit like that. You just don't understand. He's not your teddy bear. He's an awful human being and he uses his powers for evil, when he should use them for good."

"Powers?" she asked confused.

"Now I'm not talking about psychic powers, Patrick Jane has no power! That's just the bull he's been preaching since we were kids." Oliver practically spat at her.

Teresa had Red John. She had him here, right before her very eyes, and he was telling her a story? What kind of alternate dimension had she stepped into? When he proposed telling her this story, it was only because he had every intention of cutting her throat when he was finished. She could keep him talking. She could do this.

"Kids?" she questioned.

"I met Patrick when I was five years old. Once... we were the best of friends. We did everything together. Growing up on the circuit it was rare to actually have a friend your age, and he was he was my age. Patty never liked doing the games that his father picked, he never wanted to be a swindler but the thing was, he was just too damn good at it! His dad saw that, and he tried to use it any and every way he could.

"He would manipulate him and his mom hated it. Cheryl Jane was sweet, and she hated everything that her husband did but she didn't do anything to stop it. Then he and Patrick started going off to do their own thing, have private shows, make money for his habits, teach Pat how to pick pockets and locks, his mother started getting closer to my father."

"Is that what all of this is about? Your dad and Patrick's mother, have some fling and you become a notorious serial killer?"

"My mom pretty much gave up after that, and took her own life. I come home and she's just cut herself up and drawn all these smiley faces in her own blood. After that, I believed the Jane family had to pay."

Teresa was doing everything to keep him talking. She knew help had to be on the way by now.


After Lorelei let it slip that she had given Teresa over to Red John, the rest of the conversation was just spent with her gibbering to herself. She took out a gun after Jane tried to jump from the car, so now he was just trying to keep her calm. That's when he noticed they were approaching his house.

"Get out!" she demanded, coming to a stop in the drive-way.

"What exactly do you think is going to happen here?" he asked.

"It all ends tonight, Oliver told me to bring you here so you two can die together. It'll be poetic."


"His mother was the first. She never even saw it coming. She was so happy to see me, apparently she had left my dad a while back and she wanted to catch up. She let me in and met my knife. They never found her body, I don't think Patrick even knows she's dead."

"How can you be so cruel? Charlotte was a baby. She never had a life.

"The only kill I regret. She wasn't supposed to be there. I had cornered Angela in the bedroom, and she was practically dead when I found the little one. She was hiding under the bed. Why was she hiding under the bed? The kid should've been in bed, guess she was waiting for daddy."

"You're sick." She spat.

"She didn't suffer. I made sure of it. I just suffocated her. It was like a game."

"A game. Killing a little girl was like a game."

That was all that she could take, she was tired of just standing there worrying about whether or not someone was going to save her. She just couldn't think about Jane's little girl playing a game that ended in her death.

She leapt from the chair and charged Oliver before he could realize what she was doing. She straddled his chest and took her thumbs and pressed them into his eyes as hard as she could. While he grimaced from the pain, she took her fist and punched him with all her might. She took the knife he had dropped and ran from the house.


Lorelei was panicking. It's not like this was the first person that she had been told to kill. Okay she had done it before but never this close up. I mean how was she going to kill him, after she met him and, well, he was a sweet, sweet person and didn't deserve this. No one deserved this, Oliver Frye was a maniac. His poor wife, she never had a clue. All because she fancied Patrick Jane, a man Oliver was spending all his time and money trying to destroy. How did she ever get wrapped up in this? She was losing it, she knew she was losing it. Just when she thought that she couldn't get any further from her breaking point. The front door of the house flew open and one, not so dead, Teresa Lisbon came rushing out.

"Teresa!" Jane shouted as he ran toward her.

Lisbon never thought she could be so happy in her life to see someone until she ran outside and standing there was Patrick Jane, and before she knew it she had thrown her arms around him hugging him tightly.

"I thought I would never see you again. Patrick it's... "

"Oliver, Oliver Frye is Red John." He told her matter of factly.

"How did you know?" she asked dumbfounded.

"This is nice and all but I have a job to do." Lorelei sneered coming toward the reunited lovers.

"Dr. Martins? What's going on?" Lisbon asked getting in front of Jane as if she planned to shield him from an attack."

"I have a job to do, but first I have to do what I've wanted to do ever since I met you."

Lorelei started to slap her, but was surprised when Lisbon grabbed that hand mid-slap, balled up her fist, and punched Lorelei in the face.


Jane watched the two fight and he didn't know if he was supposed to try and break them up, or cheer on Lisbon. The gun had fallen to the ground and been kicked away from the two woman. Seeing his chance he picked it up, shot a warning shot and the two woman froze.

They both turned in his direction and that's when things got a little confusing. Standing in front of him were two Teresa Lisbons. Somehow in the struggle Lorelei had managed to scratch her face in the exact spot of Lisbon's injury and his stupid brain refused to compensate for that occurrence. He didn't know what to do.

Immediately both women understood clearly what was happening! Their clothes and hair were the same and he didn't know which was which.

"Jane, shoot the bitch!" they both shouted in unison pointing at each other.
