Protective Sassy Dragon To The Rescue

They had been here for a few hours now and even though there were more rides Clark could see Shadow was getting a bit tired. They were on there way to the car when they passed the first game, knock down the bottles.

"Yo! Clark!"

He turned to see who called his name and instantly regretted it. Standing there were the school bullies, Dakota and his lackeys. He held a medium sized stuffed rottweiler in his hand and a grin on his lips.

"So I see the reject came to sign up for a job."

They laughed and Clark could feel Shadow growl.

"Wow, you don't even have one prize, while I just won this for my girl."

Clark was about to say something when the vendor shouted over to them.

"Not true, he actually won the mega prize from me."

Dakota looked at him and blinked before he turned back to Clark and sneered.

"Fine if you're so great then let's prove you ain't no bitch at the strength game."

Before Clark could say anything the two lackeys had his arms and were dragging him somewhere. He was practically thrown in front of the looming pole with a sign reading 'test your strength' in bold letters. 

Dakota shoved some money in the vendor's hand and ripped the hammer from its stand, he hit the target and it went a little less than ⅔ of the was there. He smirked and then threw the hammer at Clark.

"Come on bitch, show us you're not the pussy you so obviously are."

Clark knew he wasn't the strongest, but Dakota wasn't going to let him leave till he made a fool of him. Reluctantly Clark lifted the mallet into the air and brought it down full force, it made it a quarter less than halfway. 

The group erupted into horrendous laughter as a slew of awful words fell from there lips. Clark couldn't hear them, he was just trying not to cry. He would not let them have that satisfaction. 

A deafening roar swept the crowd and their words were silenced. Shadow was in the sky, red eyes full of blazing fury. Smoke was billowing from her nose and seeping from the corners of her jaw. 

She flew and ripped some money from one of the lackeys pockets, tearing his pants as well. She flung it at the vendor and released a thunderous snarl when he wouldn't move. 

The man started a game, the lights flickering and blinking signaling you to hit. Shadow landed gently onto the target before flapping her wing to jump and then slamming down on the target. The crowd gasped as the colorful light shot up and a single loud ding was heard.

The men were filled with embarrassment, they couldn't accept the fact that a tiny dragon girl beat them so after sputtering some excuse they ran off.
