Chapter 12

Warning: The next chapter has a major ass time skip so prepare yourself

Third person pov

Kakashi hadn't even realized Obito had arrived until he spoke. "Sorry I'm late! I had to help a poor old woman with her groceries... hey, Kakashi, what's that? You get a diary?" The boy snorted when he noticed Kakashi rapidly writing and crossing things out. Kakashi snapped the book shut. "No." He said coldly. Obito held up his hands in surrender. "Kidding! I was kidding." He sweat dropped a little. 

Kakashi scowled in response, looking away and clicking his tongue. Obito was such an annoying nuisance. Kakashi wished he'd gotten a better team. He couldn't wait to become a jonin, and leave them in the dust. Maybe even join the anbu. He'd be one of the youngest ever to join. It would definitely bring pride back to the Hatake family name. That, and he'd been the first known person to discover that dragons were indeed real.

"Good, everyone's here! Today we have some simple D-ranks. We can all eat a nice lunch together, and then train this afternoon." Minato announced in a cheerful tone. Kakashi raised his hand patiently, and Minato nodded to him in response. Kakashi lowered his hand. "Can I go home for lunch?" He needed to feed Kath, and check on her. "Is something the matter?" Minato asked. Kakashi normally always ate lunch with them, even though he wasn't a big fan of his two teammates nagging.

"No." Kakashi said dryly. Minato's eyebrow's creased. "Well... Yeah, I guess so." Minato shrugged. Kakashi as always having mood swings and such. For someone so cold, he was quite unpredictable at times. Minato had grown used to it over the years of handling Kakashi. The boy had been like that ever since the death of Sakumo Hatake, his father. The kid had had a rough life, but he'd fought through it and came out the end of the whole ordeal a lot stronger than before.

Kath's pov

"Boredom eats away at my soul. Dada dada da." I sung in a bored tone, staring at the ceiling. Kakashi had been gone nearly three hours now, and I had studied those maps until my eyes burned. I'm sure I had them all memorized. My memory used to be pretty crappy, but it feels like it's gotten better since then. Sharper, I guess is a good way to describe it. The point is, my brain will explode if I stare at them any longer. I'm pretty sure I could walk to Suna or The Land of Waves without directions now. Even Kanabi bridge, which is forever and a month away. I bet I could even walk to The Land of Rice Paddies, also known as The Land of Sound, by now.

"What to do, what do do." Kakashi had left me some books, but I didn't want to risk ruining them with my claws. He might try to kick me out or something, unless they aren't all that important. I think they're library books though. I don't want Kakashi to pay a fine if I shred them. I know he could blame it on his dogs, but it would totally tarnish his reputation, and his hound's. 

"I wonder if Kakashi will find somewhere for me to learn how to fly." I muttered to myself, looking at the ground. It was absolutely covered in scratches. He was he was going to pay to get it replaced, and then get me some really thick socks. I wondered where in the world he was going to get socks that big. He said that if worse comes to worse, he'll clue giant cotton balls on my claws.

I could heard people walking past his door outside. He was one of those outdoor apartment-things. Where you open the door, and it leads to a long outdoor walkway that other doors empty out onto. It's a two story building, and he's right in the middle of the top floor. It's going to be a pain to sneak me out, and I wonder when he'll sleep if he's helping me learn how to fly.

He's almost too curious about me, but I don't know where else to go. Sure, he's sorta freaky and likes to stare at me and mumble things under his breath. And he likes to measure my paws and tail and head. And he likes to count my teeth, but he hasn't killed me yet. That's a good thing. I'm just dreading the day he decides he needs to count my scales, or the awkward day when he decides that he must watch me pee.

I let out a yawn. I hadn't even realized how tired I still was. I'll have to tell Kakashi that I may need more sleep than a human does. 

I fell asleep. 
