Winter Blizzards and Snow Fairies

The next day came almost in full force as Adelaide could hardly sleep for what lie in wait was bound to be exciting and more importantly, all of it was new.

Laying flat on her back in bed she waited eagerly for the sun to rise signaling that a new day has successfully begun.

As soon as it happened, she hurriedly did everything at a blinding, mind-boggling, breakneck speed as she rushed outside; sadly, her joy of helping quickly turned to bitter disappointment as she quickly hugged her body, the crisp, cool air exploded as the Autumn winds were soon replaced with snow and ice. A winter's headache Adelaide thought bitterly. Whatever happened to that wonderful spring air that I was born into? She growled once more trudging through the high snow, determined to make it to the safety of the Dust Keepers Office Depo where all would no doubt be there and waiting— there, it is said that that's where Queen Clarion will assign the first training lesson.

Shortly after she set out, however, she saw something flying in the sky or at least trying to. Looking up towards the sky's Adelaide soon realized that it was Tink. "Look out below!" Tink hollered as she came crashing down into a pile of ice and snow.

"T. T. T- Tink, what the?" Adelaide stood shocked. How could any fairy possibly fly in this?

S-Sorry for the start Adelaide, but after this sudden weather change I'm here to inform you that all your lessons have been hereby canceled as of ordered by Queen Clarien"

"Oh," Adelaide said, hanging her head low.

Noticing Adelaide's disappointment Tink said. "Hey cheer up now... you know what, I think I have a way you can still train and harness some talent stills after all"

"You- you do?" Adelaide sniffed, smiling through her glossy, tear-stricken face.

"Yes, you see my sister Perri's a Frost Fairy"

"A- a Frost Fairy?"

"Yep, she's the best- and the only one I know who can service this whirlwind"

"You- You- you think she might be able and willing to take me under her wing?"

"I do" Tink smiled.

"Well okay then, let's go see the queen!" she said eagerly, following close behind Tink as they both trudged through the deep, deep snow.
