Banished by Magic

Truth cannot be brought down; rather, the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountaintop to the valley. If you would attain to the mountaintop, you must pass through the valley, climb the steeps, unafraid of the dangerous precipices. - Krishnamurti, Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Strange thing about life is the unforeseen turnarounds, the interstation from one phase to another. Everything could have been so easy, so wonderfully prearranged; instead, all was chaotic, and Harry couldn't even ask Hermione for any helpful advice for she was part of his dilemma. Days Hermione had spent in the library, looking up all about magical unification but it was no use. The clause was even worse than what they had been told. Still, she had tried to argue with him that he should disown her. Harry just didn't understand her, why she wanted him to use an old, primitive clause against her. The very thought made him sick, and he couldn't grasp why she was so willing to give up her rights as a witch.

The fronts were hardened, while he couldn't throw her in front of a bus, she didn't want to be the sole reason for his misfortune. Soon she began avoiding him and only speak with him if it was necessary. Ginny and Ron weren't keen to spend time with him, either. It didn't take long until their ways of life were divided. After the unaccountable funerals, the Weasleys had returned to the burrow, not without Mrs Weasley inviting Harry along, but he had declined and decided to stay at Grimmauld Place.

The House was just like in his memories, perhaps a bit cleaner because of Kreacher, who appeared to care more. All this didn't change the melancholic mood this place harboured. Harry felt already miserable, and he was only a few hours in this house yet. The possibility of spending even whole days here frightened him. In the foreseeable future, Harry knew he needed to speak to Hermione again they were, after all, still married, and in the long run, they had to arrange themselves with this fact.

The kitchen was the only hospitable room in this building. All alone here, Harry could hear a variety of sounds like wood creaking and old pipes groaning. Barely any lights found its way into the House. Preferably Harry wanted to flee this place right away again, but he had no idea where else to go. Throughout the magical world, everyone wanted a piece of him by just goggling at him, asking for interviews or taking pictures.

Staying with the Weasleys was out of question too. He couldn't stand the accusatory looks of Ron and Ginny any longer. Afterwards, when he thought of his relationship with Ginny and their time in his sixth year, it felt surreal. Not comparable with what he was confronted now. She demanded of him to decide between her happiness and Hermione's sorrow, his best friend, who always been at his side and probably still will even if he agreed to terminate their marriage. It wasn't a question for or against someone because there existed only one truth to him, which was that he never would go against Hermione.

With difficulty, he tried to keep himself busy with anything at all in this quiet place when suddenly the fireplace in the kitchen was activated in green flames. Surprised and in time Harry whirled around to see a familiar brown-haired curly head appear, who kept searching around for him.

"Harry, finally!" She exclaimed, while their eyes met.

Before he could react, she vanished again.

"Hermione?" He called uncertainly and got closer to the now vacant fireplace to have a better view.

Once more, the big fireplace started to burst into green, much larger flames. Just in time, Harry could get his head out of the way before he crashed with Hermione together. She stood now right in front of him. However, she was so shocked to see him there. Hermione lost her balance and was about to fall back into the wall. Harry acted fast and pulled her with his right arm against himself.

"Thanks." He heard her mutter and felt how she inspected his face.

They were just centimetres apart; it had been a long time ago that they were this close.

"You have to help me." She began as soon as she had regained her momento.

"Where do you come from right now, anyway?" Harry wanted to know when she detached herself from him and walked further into the kitchen.

Now in a better light, he could see her properly. Hermione's hair was dishevelled, and she wore a yellow summer dress though outside the temperatures remembered at spring, not to mention the rain.

"Nothing helped, no matter what spell I tried. But this is impossible. I've done it all correct." She frantically began to speak and moved hectically up in down through the small room, while she gesticulates wild with her hands.

"Hermione, you need to calm down." Harry tried and seized one of her hands to interrupt her.

She was entirely through the wind.

"Please, you've to come with me."

"If you tell me first what you're even talking about, then I'll gladly come with you." He tried again to get any information out of her but couldn't help himself to be amused by her attitude; it was so typical her.

"Sorry, I was in Darwin searching for my parents." She told him reluctantly.

"You have been to Australia, why didn't you tell me anything?" Harry was unpleasantly surprised. "Did you find them at least?"

"Yes, I have rather quickly even, but I can't restore their memories. It just won't work; they still have no idea who I am." Her voice broke slightly.

"Can you apparate us at this distance?"

She took a deep breath to calm herself, then nodded.

"It takes some time, but yes, I can do this." She moved closer to him.

"Not right away. I need to get something first." He stopped her and left the kitchen in a hurry.

It didn't even take five minutes, and Harry returned with a backpack on his shoulder. As soon as he entered the kitchen, she was at his side.

" You're ready?" She asked hurriedly.

"Are you sure you can do this?" He questioned again.

"Positive." Hermione nodded energetically and took his hand.

Shortly after he felt how he was pushed through a to a tight tube, just her firm grip on his hand seemed to lessen his discomfort. They apparated much longer than usual so that he wondered if the decision to travel like this wasn't a mistake.

At first, he noticed an incredible heat when they reached their destination. Obviously, he wore the wrong clothes. Harry and Hermione stood upon a dust-dry ground, above them the starry sky and not that far away from them an enlightened house.

Hermione didn't give him enough time to orientate. Instead, she led him to the building.

"We have to hurry now it's pretty late here, and my parents won't be delighted about the disturbance, especially when I was already there today." She explained quickly.

Before Harry could ask what she had told her parents, they stood already in front of the wooden front door. Determined Hermione knocked against it. The door opened with a soft squeak, a tall, middle-aged man stood in front of them. He had dark brown hair, which was slightly greying and through his extended stay, he got a sun-kissed skin too. However, his eyes and some facial features reminded Harry uncannily at Hermione.

"You again, Miss, have you forgotten anything?" The man asked suspiciously but not unkind.

"No, nothing, Mr Welkins. I just told my husband how you both generously helped me with my car, and he wanted to see you personally, right away." Hermione explained.

"This isn't anything worth mentioning, Miss." Her father seemed to be flattered.

"You won't find every day, so helpfully people and after my wife", at this point, Harry couldn't resist himself and look at Hermione with affection. "told me what had happened, I just had to meet you in person to tell you how grateful I'm."

Easily he had assumed his role to play and caught Hermione how she warmly smiled at him in appreciation.

"Why don't you come inside, then you learn to know my wife too? I am sorry, but how were your names again?"

"Harry and Hermione Potter." She said the names remarkably comfortable.

Still, even though there were so many obstacles, just hearing the changed name caused Harry to feel the same warm, fulfilling emotion like right after they had married.

"That's a beautiful name." Mr Granger complimented her.

"Thank you." Hermione brightly replied while they entered the House.

"Love, who is there?" They heard a female voice calling, and Harry could see how much Hermione had to fight to keep her emotions in check.

"Mrs Potter, the young woman, who we helped with her car, you remember? She is with her husband here." He called back.

The living room wasn't very far from the entrance. On a beige couch sat a woman with chin-long dark blond hair and appeared to have been reading in a book. In time she stood up and welcomed them.

"This is a surprise, did you forget anything, Mrs Potter?" She questioned Hermione too.

The low light in this room was to their favour. It allowed Harry to take out the wand from his backpack without anyone noticing, while Hermione talked with her mother. For the first time, Harry was glad because he hadn't returned the elderwand to Professor Dumbledore's grave yet. He knew he needed to make sure this powerful magical wand wouldn't cause any more disastrous events. It was too tempting, too easy to fall into the trap of well-meant intentions by setting something right. In the end, wizards and witches would again search and hunt this artefact for their chosen plans. Harry couldn't leave the wand in a grave; at some point, people might get to the same conclusion as Voldemort.

A familiar powerful feeling overloaded his senses for a split of a second as soon as he held the elderwand in his hand. With new ease, he pointed it towards Mr Granger and soon after at Mrs Granger too with a flick he cancelled the spell on both. They were still blinking disoriented when Harry returned the elderwand into his backpack and knew there was no reason any more to keep it.

"Hermione, is it really you?" Mrs Granger recovered first.

"Mum?" Scared Hermione asked then she moved hesitantly closer to her mother.

She, however, had already shortened the distance between them and embraced her now sobbing daughter tightly.

"Hey, baby, what's the matter?" Mr Granger asked worriedly and laid for comfort a hand on Hermione's shaking shoulder.

She detached herself from her mother and hugged now her father fiercely.

"Ohh, my little mouse, everything is going to be fine." His voice started to crack slightly.
