
(Skipping a few years. Read FrostTheIceyArt 's "Ray's Story" if you'd like to see what happened with Ray in that time. Please note that it is not finished yet.)

Ray's cold red eyes tracked a small dragonet as she hopped on her mother. Her mother had light blue scales, with a white underbelly, and a dark blue fin on her back. Ray knew, having known this dragon in the past, that she was an IceWing/SeaWing hybrid. The small, red dragonet climbed all over it's mother, and Ray shuddered. She couldn't imagine anything ever touching her like that.

A torn up SkyWing walked out of the cave. One of his horns was snapped off, and his wings had tears. He also had multiple scars all over his body. Ray smirked, wondering if she could give him a few more.

The mother, Ray knew her name was Stingray, sat up, her ears flicking, when the SkyWing walked over.

"Hi, Jasper!" Stingray greeted. The red SkyWing smiled.

"Hey, how are our little beans doing?" The SkyWing, his name was presumably Jasper, asked. A red SeaWing, and a blue SkyWing hopped on him, shrieking,

"Daddy is home! Daddy is homeeee!"

Stingray laughed. She didn't have time to react as a dark ball hit her, the bigger dragon pinning her to the ground. Jasper hurled himself at the dark dragon, and the dark dragon sliced her talons across his snout. He stumbled backwards, blinking blood out of his eyes.

"Ray?!" Stingray gasped, recognising her adoptive mother. She was not happy to see Ray, as Ray had abused her most of her life. Stingray shoved her talons upwards, cutting into Ray's stomach. Ray didn't even seem to feel the pain; she just stared down at Stingray. Stingray tried again, panting.

Jasper lunged at Ray again, earning himself a talon to the neck. He jerked backwards, clapping his talons to his scales in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Stingray cried out, but she was helpless in Ray's grip. Ray smirked. "I'll be spending the night here, dear..." She hissed softly, dangerously.

The small red SeaWing slithered over to Ray. "Mommey?" He asked.

"Snap- no- get back!" Stingray shrieked. Snap just looked at her. Stingray looked up at Ray. Ray's eyed were wide at the sight of the dragonet, and she shook her head.

Blood... I need the dragonet blood... Ray thought. She clawed her own snout and stepped off Stingray. Snap watched curiously.

"Little ones, meet your auntie Ray." Ray hissed, grinning. Snap bounded over and hugged Ray's leg.

"Auntie RAAAAAY!" Snap shrieked. Ray gasped, kicking her leg out and throwing Snap against the wall. The dragonet started crying, holding his bruised wing. Ray shuddered.

Stingray rushed over to Snap, earning herself a fierce glare. Stingray knew Ray was not to be messed with. So she slithered over to the side of the cave, laying down. Jasper pressed himself against Stingray and curled up by her. Snap, still bawling his eyes out, ran over and cuddled with them.

Dramatic much?! I barely even touched him! Ray growled in her mind, curling her talons in. It was then she noticed three other dragonets watching, their eyes wide, except for one of the two small, purple ones. She was watching Snap coldly.

Ray sat down. "Names." She demanded.

"V-Vapor..." A small blue SkyWing said nervously.

"Fa-Fallout..." One of the two purple ones said.

The other purple on turned her gaze upon Ray, and it was then Ray noticed that the two purple dragonets looked scarily like her. The bigger purple one yawned, showing none of the fear the other two possessed. "Mystic."

Ray grinned. She roughly grabbed the odd purple dragonet, sinking her teeth into the soft belly. Bright red blood spurred out, the dragonet just giggled. Ray grinned more. She dug her wickedly sharp talons into Mystic's back. More blood dribbled down and splattered the floor. Mystic, again, giggled. Ray set her down. The other purple dragonet, Fallout, frowned.

"...Mystic?" Fallout asked. Mystic ignored her. That terrified Fallout beyond all imagination.
