
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the order these words are in, everything else belongs to JKR.

September 1, 1977

The Great Hall ~ Dinner

3rd Person POV:

"I've got it!" James Potter cried excitedly, "Make Snape go up to Dumbledore at dinner and start singing about how amazing Gryffindor is!"

"Well..."Remus Lupin said slyly, his eyes sparkling with excitement, "If you're going to include a professor, how about McGonagall! He could serenade her! It'll be hilarious!"

"Moony!" Exclaimed Sirius Black, or Padfoot, "Who knew the perfect Prefect had it in him? That's perfect! Snape'll die of embarrassment!"

Peter Pettigrew nodded excitedly, "Yeah!" No one saw his crestfallen face when none of the other boys responded. It was the first day of the Marauder's 7th year of school at Hogwarts, and they intended to pull as many pranks as possible before leaving. To secure their legacy, if you would.

Just as Professor Dumbledore stood up to give his speech, a loud bang that seemed to have come from the ceiling filtered through the Great Hall. A column of white light reached down from the enchanted sky to the floor. Cries of shock came from all four tables, and the professors came down from the Head Table and quickly positioned themselves around the mysterious light, with their wands at the ready.

A figure fell through the light. As soon as the person hit the floor, the light disappeared. There were gasps of horror as the person - a young woman - lay on the floor twitching uncontrollably – there was blood pouring from multiple wounds on her body. She looked like she had been through Hell and back.

The Headmaster kneeled next to the girl and gently shook her shoulder to see how she would respond. Her hand immediately went to her stomach where a dagger was embedded. Her bloodied hand grasped the handle, and, with a pained cry, she pulled the knife out of her body.

There were gasps from the students, and Peter turned his face away from the terrible sight. Sirius looked on in horror, unable to tear his eyes away, and Remus clenched his fists, bile rising in his throat. James automatically moved towards the young woman to get a better look, and Sirius instinctively went with him.

None of the professors moved to stop the two boys as they walked towards the injured girl. Sirius leaned over her, trying not to gag from the smell of the pool of crimson blood that surrounded her. Just like Dumbledore had done, He tapped her shoulder to try and get some other response from her. Her arm that was holding the dagger swung up and almost hit him as she sat up and tried to move away from him, holding the ornate knife in a defensive position.

She continued to move away from him until her back hit the bench of the Ravenclaw table. The students sitting there immediately gravitated away from her. Slowly, she pulled herself up into a standing position, clutching the knife tightly. Sirius moved towards her once again, eyeing the dagger cautiously, "What's your name?"

Instead of answering his question, she pointed the knife at him, "Don't touch me. Ever. Again. You-you sick, twisted - "

"Hold up, " said James, moving to stand next to Sirius, "Who are you and how do you know him?"

Her brown eyes widened in shock, "H-Harry?! I-I thought you were - " she didn't finish her sentence. Instead, her eyes glazed over, and her hand cradled her stomach. She swayed on the spot for a moment collapsing in a dead faint.

A/N: How was it? Review please :)
