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Please note that the technology they have is not like what we have now. the werewolf have taken over the earth so not only technology, the earth have totally change and not like what you know now since the history  have been interrupt so everything change. 

The picture above is Ella.

Chapter 2
Earth, 2015

The first thing she see is dull and barren land. The ground is crack because of lack of water, there is no trees and not even grass. However, what we see is not everything. The land looks calm with no signs of danger, but she knew that this is where the war between the werewolf and human. She sniff the air and twirl around with happiness. The war is over for centuries but the air still have that sickening smell of blood. For her, the smell is not sickening at all. Some people like the smell of roses or flower, but she like the smell of blood and....fear.

While she was twirling around imagining that the war is happening around her in her mind, she feel a slight pinch on her sole feet. She look below and found out that she have step on a bone. Her face is full of disgust when she see the bone. It must be the bone of human that die at the war. If the bone have been in a good condition, then she can give it to her dog but, the bone is in the urge to turn into sand. She kick the bone and close her eyes to go back to her imaginary war.


Yviene open her eyes when she heard the sound. A voice? She think. The land must be death itself to everyone, she cannot imagine a human had the courage to go here. She turn around and see a petit blonde wavy hair. A human. A girl. The girl were rubbing her forehead. The bone she kick must have hit the poor girl. The girl look up to Yviene and smile.

"A sorry would be sufficient but I'm fine, thank you" The human start to make her way to Yviene. Now that the girl is closer, she can see that the girl's eyes is dark grey. The cloth she wear however is.... kind of a rag. The color is not up to her taste. The girl followed Yviene stare and blush.

"I'm sorry about my appearance. I know it is not acceptable but I was being chased and...." the girl shut her mouth when she realize that she said something she should not have. She did not even know who is this woman is. The worse thing is that woman is a werewolf.

Yviene did not miss the word 'chased'. The girl is a human and being chased. Must be a fugitive or criminal. Yviene look into her memory and smile when she found something. The poor girl's family had died and she is in verge or dying. Perfect. She thought to herself. The girl's body is perfect to be her vessel. Helenia will freak when she found out what Yviene will do.

She look back at the girl and smile "Don't worry, I'm not a werewolf." The last thing she want is to be a werewolf. They are like a dog that eat raw meat, raw uncooked meat. She like blood but raw meat is just not edible for her. She felt disgust when she remember a certain werewolf eating a raw meat at her dining table. She felt enraged and instantly killing that disgusting creature.

" Then who are you? " the girl's question brought her back from the memory.

"Its not the question of who am I but rather what am I isn't? Your thought is quite loud and a lot for that tiny little head." Yviene reply make the girl trembling. the girl could have face something perhaps more dangerous than werewolf. "what is your name?" Yviene ask.

"Ella" her voice tremble and faltered. The air is suddenly thicken around the woman. Perhaps she makes a mistake running to this dead land. Perhaps being catch by the guards is better. She can't help but tremble when she look at that woman eyes. Its like meeting death. Her tremble stop when her head being hold both side. Ella look up and saw the scary woman staring at her while holding her head.

"I know that no matter where you go, you will die. Your dying method is quite hurt so I did you a favor by killing you, less pain." At this moment, Yviene is sucking up the girl's soul from the body. After this, the body will be just an empty vessel, waiting to be possessed by her.

The pain is unbearable. Ella just wanted this pain to end. Blood was flowing down from her mouth. She look up at Yviene and managed a smile. "Death is pain, no matter what the method is. However, there is something far more worse that death." Ella said with a soft voice. "And people will realize that death is actually a blessing. A freedom."

Yviene stare at Ella. "What is worse than death, little Ella?"

Ella smile "Its.....L..Lo...." her body went limp. Yviene look at her hand and saw a shining white marble in her grasp. Its the girl's soul.


I'm sorry if the chapter is bad. I'm not good in describing. English is not my main language and if you spot a grammar mistake ( a lot of mistake) sorry about that.

See you in the next chapter. 👋🏻
