
The next day, Eren bought the boxes of bright pink roses he had cleared the store of, and was thoroughly prepared to seduce the love of his life.

His plan was simple: fill up every corner of the library with roses and watch Rivaille-san fall in love with him. Mikasa's original suggestion was just to dump the entire box on him, but Eren knew better- he wasn't going to risk the consequences of a dirty Rivaille (especially if he was the one doing the dirtying). In his opinion, confessing at the library- the first (and only) place they met would make the situation a lot more romantic than simply showering the older man with roses.

After much difficulty, he managed to settle the boxes around his table with Mikasa and Armin's help. His best friends had showed up at his house that morning, offering to help him carry the heap of boxes to school, and Eren had accepted their help gratefully. The trio had then spent their time discussing Eren's plans, and much to his delight, Mikasa and Armin had both agreed to aid him. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was thankful to have Mikasa's brawn and Armin's brains as his allies- his previous failure with Rivaille-san had made it clear to himself that he was hopeless in the love department.

He peered into one box for the hundredth and fifty-first time that day, enough for the strong stench of the roses to emanate the whole classroom. Ignoring his strange classmates who had their hands covering their noses for some unknown reason, Eren patted the box proudly. He was ready to capture Rivaille-san's heart.

So Eren had started the day off with a cheery face, unknowingly scaring many of his classmates (and his teachers) while suffocating them with the aroma of his lovely roses.

Time seemed to pass really slowly (almost as slow as Jean's brain was), and Eren was impatiently tapping his pen against the desk, much to the irritation of Hanji-sensei, who was animatedly engrossed in sharing about her latest experiment on sensuality potions. Hanji-sensei's furious glare stopped his tapping, so Eren ended up giving the clock a glare of his own, trying to shift its slowly ticking hands with sheer willpower. Unfortunately, it was totally ineffective.

The periods dragged on and on- even sleeping didn't help to pass the time. Eren's excitement would wake him up every five minutes; have him glance at the clock, only to flop back down on his desk in disappointment. Compared to school, the issue of chasing Rivaille-san was much more serious, and no amount of maths and whatnot would distract him from his focus. It was only with Armin's urging glances and Mikasa's threatening glare that snapped him back to attention, and Eren tried his best to pay his fullest attention to the lesson. Ultimately, he couldn't, and Eren ended up doodling on his paper.

The ringing of the final bell of the day had Eren shooting out of his seat with a loud "FINALLY", and he all but dragged his two accomplices to the corner of the library. They heaved the last of the boxes onto the wooden table and Eren started scrambling to open them.

"Slow down, Eren!" Mikasa chided as she ripped apart a box, causing its contents to spill all over the table. Eren groaned at the mess and swore to make his friends clean up with him later. He didn't want to trouble Rivaille-san with the clean-up.

"Be careful, Eren, the rose thorns are sharp," Mikasa warned as she started pulling at the petals. To Eren's horror, she then started tossing them everywhere.
Eren quickly moved to stop her:

"Wait, Mikasa! You can't just throw them around like that! You have to follow the plan!" He pulled out the crumpled sheet of paper he was doodling on in class, and displayed it proudly for his friends to see.

The sheet of paper was full of messy scribbles; cancellation lines, streaks of eraser marks and sooty graphite stains covering almost every inch of whiteness. It was clear that Eren had put much thought into his plan. Right in the middle of the paper was a lump of lines Armin guessed was the floorplan of the room, and right in the middle of the floorplan were the words 'I love you, Rivaille'. A nearby arrow pointing to it had the instructions 'To arrange with petals' scrawled over it, making Armin smile- Eren wasn't that hopeless of a romantic after all. "Okay, I guess we better start arranging them now," Armin reached out to grab a handful of petals.

Mikasa didn't move from her position at the table. Her eyes were narrowed at the sheet of paper, but she seemed to recover from her frozen state after a while and joined Armin in the arranging. Eren on the other hand, started sprinkling the floor with the petals. The trio worked in silence as they put together what was depicted in Eren's plan, and their efficient working soon had the entire library corner decked with pinkness.

"Eren, go call Rivaille. Armin and I will finish up in a while," Mikasa called out as she adjusted a rose petal. Her smile encouraged Eren, who nodded enthusiatically and ran out in search for his crush. "Armin, don't you have club activities to go to? You can go first, I'm almost done anyway," she continued as she reached out to shift another petal.

Armin was slightly confused. Why was Mikasa being so helpful? Didn't she like Eren? He opened his mouth, his unvoiced question on the tip of his tongue, but caught sight of the clock. He was late for club activities! Gulping, he got up and excused himself, not wanting to incurr the wrath of the club leader.

Mikasa looked up as the library door closed. A few seconds passed before the door opened and someone slipped in, his footsteps clacking towards her direction. Hand resting on the pillar at the corner, the person peered at Mikasa, who looked up upon sensing his presence.

"Have you done what I told you to do?" She asked, her eyes scanning the figure against the pillar. The figure nodded, and Mikasa smiled in response, triggering a slight blush from the other.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," Mikasa murmured, her lashes lowering as she spoke.

"Do you think it'll work?" The figure asked hesistantly. "I mean, you can't just force someone to like you..." Mikasa cut the other person off:

"It will. Can't you see that he does feel something?" She sighed as the other shook his head. "I believe my instincts," Mikasa insisted, "Now come and help me with this..."

A while later, the two figures slipped out of the library, leaving behind their handiwork.


Eren wandered around the school for the fifth time since he had left the library. He had circled the entire school looking for Rivaille-san, but to no avail. Asking a random person for the time, he learnt that it was already six and guessed that the cleaner must have gone to the library already. Cursing himself, Eren ran back to the library; there was no point confessing through the roses if he himself wasn't there.

The door to the library was ajar, and Eren ran in, breathless from his frenzied sprinting. "Rivaille-san!" He called out as he reached the corner. He stopped short upon seeing the cleaner's back. Rivaille made no answer as he stood stock still, his eyes fixed on the sight in front of him. Judging from his expression, Rivaille looked a little forlorn and even annoyed, his eyebrows twitching in the process. Eren's heart sank as he observed the older man's expression. Was he not happy? His eyes followed the direction Rivaille was staring into, and he froze as well.

Eren felt his eyes growing wider and wider as he registered the sight in front of him. What happened to his arrangement?! He took a few steps forward in shock and rubbed his eyes before returning his gaze to the display.

Surrounded by pretty pink rose petals in the shape of a heart were the words:

'I loathe you, Ravioli'

Word count -1375
Sorry for not updating I've been kinda busy with school and some other things and I sorta started writing and get carried away but yea I'll try to update more.
