Chapter 4 - Back To Missouri

Hey guys time for Marianna to go back To Holy Field😒😒😒. But hey don't cry it gets much better.


On Valentine's day xxxx (year wow haven't used that in forever) it was Marie's last day at Holy Flower Catholic School she'd miss her cousins but she'd see them next year.

"Okay as many of you all know," Said Principal Abacus Cinch, "Its Marie or Marianna Crystal last day at Holy Flower so I'd like all of you to be very nice to her for her last day."

As the bullies are ready to bully her but they never got they chance

1 1/2 later

Marianna was back home but tomorrow a surprise awaits her at school

The next day

Marie went to school and Mrs. Ahle. brought her to the classroom of the 8th grade and she told them that an old student came back

"Okay, everyone we have an old/ new student come on let them know who you are one of you know her quite well." Mrs. Ahle said to the 8th grade

Marie walked in and everyone gasped

"Marie?!?!" The whole class yelled

"My actual name isn't Marie." She said

"What?!" They yelled

"My first name sounds wired that's why I never told anyone except Monica, Its Marianna." Marie said

"Aww its soo cute!" Alex, Monica's cousin said, he was trying to flirt with Marie but she liked it

Then Monica came up to get.....

"Marie😒😒😒😒😭😭😭😭!!!" Monica yelled, "My mum told me about what happened I'm glad you better!!"

Then Monica showed Marie the seat she kept for her the cool thing was it was right next to her. Then she walked up oh I'm meaning Jayla

"Hi Marie." Jayla said

"What do you want?" Marie said

"I heard you had heart attack but I'd thought you'd be dead. Haha!" Jayla laughed

Thank God Mrs. Ahle was still in the hallway Marie ran out and everyone stared at Jayla

Marie ran to the office and Mrs. Sharuru (pronouced Char-ru-ru) let her take a nap in the office she slept until school got out and Jayla waited for Marie to wake up Jayla was scared she didn't know if Marie would wake up moments later she did

"πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯ Hmm..... Jayla? JAYLA?!" Marie was terrified

"Hey I'm sorry bout what I said earlierΒ  can you forgive me? Trinity & Sabrina don't know who you are so they told me to bully you I didn't want to but if I didn't they move back to st. Peter's." Jayla said crying

Marie saw that the person she had loved the most (as a sister) was crying about her

"Hey it's okay you're fine. You didn't mean to and I can understand why you didn't want to lose friends. I've gone thrwe that before. 😒😒😒" Marie said tearing up

"Hey don't cry guess what?!" Jayla said happily

"What?!" Marie asked

"You get to live with me from now on because your mum cannot pay for or you at school anymore so my mum offered to pay for you!" Jayla said

"What! I can't see my family anymore?" Marie asked

"I didn't say that please don't get upset. I care for you and I don't want to see you cry. Come with me." Jayla said tearing

"Wait doesn't Trinity & Sabrina go home with you?" Marie asked

"No, they already went home and they don't need to know about you living with me." Jaya said

"Oh ok can we go home now I'm sleepy--" Marie says falling asleep

"You just woke up from the nap and you fell asleep again. We need to take you to the hospital. Mum! We Need To Leave Now!!" Jayla said

"Ok I'll get Marie." Mia Jayla's Mother

They take Marie to the Hospital and get her checked out and it seems her heart attack is able get to her at anytime so Mia told Jayla to keep a good eye on Marie because this time she could die

*At Jayla's House*

"πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯Hmm...Jayla? Jayla!" Marie gave her a hug

"Oh no!" Jayla said

"Marie your gonna need a disguise." Mia said

"Wby do I need---Oh that's why!" Marie said

So they found her a disguise and got out of the car and tried to bring her in but the twins had other plans

"Jayla! Come here!" Trinity yelled

"What do you guys want?" Jayla asked

"Want to hangout today?" Sabrina asked

Jayla looked over at Her Mum and her mum had the look of no in her eyes

"I'm sorry my cousin, Maddie just came in town. And I have to hangout with her. Sorry not today!" Jayla said running into her house

*Inside the mansion*

"Marie*pants*sorry*pants*!" Jayla said

"What are you to be sorry about?" Marie asked

"Come with me!" Jayla was pissed

*On the second floor of the mansion*

"What's wrong Jayla?" Marie asked, "Are you jealous because Alex commented on me today?"

"What! No!"Jayla said

"Whats the ma---!" Marie started to say but Jayla cut her off with a kiss

*Almost a 1 minute later*

"Jayla wtf was that for?"

"I love you Marie!"

"What's going on Jayla?!"

*Meanwhile downstairs*

"Mia you knew this would happen!" Carol said to her Daughter Mia

"I know mom but Jayla was upset when I told her Marie had a heart attack. She didnt go to school for almost 3 days." Mia said to Carol

"True Trinity & Sabrina were worried bout Jayla. I told them she was sick." Carol said

*Back upstairs at 9pm*

"Jayla?" Marie said

"Hmm?" Jayla asked

"What if Trinity & Sabrina find out that I'm living with you?" Marie asked

"We'll figure it out, trust me." Jayla said

"I guess." Marie told Jayla


Omg that took me too long and I started it last night and finished this morningΒ  when I first started writing it I imagine the scene with Jayla and Marie at school and Jayla with Trinity and Sabrina when they got to her house I imagined all of that before I wrote the book so I can actually relate to Marie because Marie is based off of me (Jazzy) and Jayla is based off of my old best friend Erica I used the name Erica in the book for Marie's mom but the Erica Jayla is based off of isn't my friend anymore but I did have a crush on her I'm kidding no I didn't or did I hope you guys like this chapter please comment but I should make jayla's grandfather's name I'll take the first suggestion.
