"Now,that the cards have been reversed I don't really know what to do. For one, we are going to have a tough time proving to everyone that Sophia is the real Sophia Edwards. We also now know that Houssam always had a backup plan,while we don't.  What then are we to do?" Minho finally took a long breath after his rant.

All of us just sat there,wondering. Waiting for some idea to strike.

So far,


"We need proof that it is her and not the other woman who claims to be Sophia."

"What about a paternity test,isn't what the norm is?" I inquired.

"But,her father is dead Ashàr" Minho, who was sitting next to me, knocked me on my head. Probably trying to wake up my sleeping brain,according to him.

"Paternity tests can be done with or without a father you Dumbdass. All you need is his hair or blood." I retorted, Minho's face revealed his surprise as his mouth had formed a perfect 'o'.

"And, how are we to get his sample I'd he is dead you smartass? " Minho retorted again. Why was the guy picking up on me already? It was just a day since he came back and he was annoying me already with his retorts.

"Just go back already, you are insulting a royal heir here dude,have some respect."

Minho snickered.

Kade was unusually quiet.

"They keep samples of blood during post mortem but since their bodies were not found I  don't know what to do" Kade finally replied.

"Fingerprints can prove that it is her but for that, we need a finger print of when she was younger. With her information ofcourse to prove it was her in the first place." Jade directed the question at me.

That was when I remembered.

"I have her fingerprints of when she was younger. "

"He was so whipped. Even when he was a toddler." Minho so helpfully retorted.

I gave him a glare.

"We had a scrapbook when we were younger. We have family fingerprints. Me along with my family then Sophia with her father and mother." Minho and Kade sat up straight in attention.


"Are you sure you have it?" Kade asked

"Definitely!" I had all our kiddy stuff treasured.

"Where?" Kade asked.

"In Dubai."

"Well then,I suppose we have to face danger now. It's time to pack up your bags up guys,we are going to Dubai." Kade smirked.

The guy was always looking forward when it came to danger.  He was practically looking forward to looking behind our backs when we walked. It made me weary, I was going home but at what cost? I had to be weary of my surounding's,  I had to keep Sophia in sight. I was worried to go to my own home because now it wasn't safe anymore.

"I finally get some rest. I'm taking a week off" Minho said as he yawned happily swinging his hand backward and forward,I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You my friend have been neglecting your empire for that girl for two months and I had that burden on my shoulders,now that you are coming back,I am taking a week off."

"That girl is my wife."

"All I said and he registers only one word. 'That girl is my wife'" He mimicked me.

Was he really twenty six? I really doubted it sometimes.

I whacked him on his head and he went off to his room still chuckling.

I missed that guy. Somethings, only best friends could give you. For me Minho was like Adel. Like a brother. I'd give my life for him any day .

Except for the days he was constantly teasing me of course, that time I'd kill him anytime too.

With that note, I headed to my room to find Sophia sitting on my bed. Looking at her hands.

I went and sat next to her. Keeping a lot of space between us.

"Kade told us to get packing, we are all going to Dubai?"

"Yes" I tried to smile at her but she seemed in so much distress I couldn't bring myself to smile either."

"I am afraid ashàr, you four are the only people I know and trust. I feel wearly especially after knowing Houssams men can get in anywhere."

Every time I heard gee say my name,I was a completely lost cause

"I know that Sophia, and I promise to protect you at all times. I am weary too, I am worried. But, about you. But you need to know that at all times I'll be there for you and I won't let anything happen to you. I had promised this before when we were youngee but I was not able to keep it but this time I promise to protect you at all times Sophia."

I had taken a bullet for her once and I wouldn't think about taking a bullet for again.

That was how much she meant to me. There were only few people I could give my life for, my parents, my brother and best friends and Sophia. It had always been Sophia, from the start.

She nodded her head but I still could see she was unsure. I had failed my promise once as a kid,I had failed to protect her ,she had gone through her life like hell and I had failed to protect her but this time I wasnt going to let her down.

She walked out of the room,wringing her hands. The confident woman in the ball room was gone and in her place was a woman who was afraid.

I needed more people to protect her but I couldn't hire anyone. I couldn't trust hired help. So instead I called my friend in Dubai whom I had met while I was serving my term in the military. I knew my pals from there wouldn't  let me down.
