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The chilling scream asking for help next door woke Jack up. In an instant, he was already barging in with worry.

"Alice! Are you alright?" The man's voice asked, and then the lights went on.

He noticed the widened eyes first. They were lost, as if she were still in a dream. She was sitting up, propped up by a jump when she woke so abruptly.

Jack hurried over to the edge of the bed to sit on it. His hand over Alice's, which she gripped as though she were holding on for dear life. He spoke softly.

"I'm right here, it's alright."

The main door to her room also opened with force, almost banging against the wall.

"I heard a scream," Alex, who was never far, stood by the door in his robe with an alarmed expression. "What happened?"

"It was just a nightmare, Mr. Mason. There's nothing to worry about." Jack informed. "You can go back to sleep."

The younger man appeared to relax, and his eyes showed sleepiness once again as the fright wore off.

"I'll first find Miss Olivares a cup of tea," Mason insisted.

He disappeared again after a rather lingering look toward the joined hands.

Finally, Alice came to her full senses, but instead of saying anything, she found comfort in Jack. Desperately reaching out for him in something similar of an embrace but far more anguished and hopeless; her hands travelled up and down his form, her fingers brushed the back of his neck and went all the way up to his head as though she wanted to make sure of Jack's tangibility.

Her small, shaky hands grabbed onto the folds of his robe. She was only comfortably satisfied when, while resting her head under the crook of his neck, she noticed his heartbeat going on and on. This was reality. This was the present. Everything was as it should be.

"I'm so sorry for waking you," she told him, leaning back again against the bedframe. "so silly of me."

"Nonsense." Jack pulled the sheets over her just as Mason came back with the warm chamomile.

"This should put you back to sleep nicely," Alex said, placing the glass on the nightstand.

Despite the appetizing, calming scent of the cinnamon that Mason had apparently sprinkled on top, Alice shook her head. "I don't want to... I can't."

"It's still nighttime, Alice. You have to try to catch some more shut-eye." But her eyes told Jack just how she felt. "That bad, huh?"

Alice decided to drink a little, if anything, to show she was grateful of Alex's attentiveness.

"Thank you, Alex," she said after a yawn. Mason went away, happy that the situation was more or less resolved.

"Do you want one of the stuffed animals to cuddle?" Jack jokingly asked, holding them up in the air trying not to appear or sound too condescending.

"I'm not three," Alice complained, which made him put the plushies back down. "give the teddy bear, though." Alice stretched her arms out after changing her mind.

However, something better than a plushie walked into her room; Pushinka jumped onto the bed after sensing the commotion. The dog licked Alice's hand and settled at her side. Alice petted her, feeling warm-hearted.

With a smiling kiss on her forehead, Jack pressed the light off, said goodnight once again, and hoped the nightmare would stay away. But unfortunately, that certain nightmare had already taken place once before and nothing was to say that it couldn't recur.


One of the perks of being outside the White House-but still in a secure environment-was that Jack was allowed more freedom, at least over himself.

Jack had cooked breakfast for Alice. He didn't remember the last time he'd done something as simple as a grilled cheese sandwich. He felt purposeful for the first time in a long while about anything other than politics. He now had someone to take care of who was as precious to him as a jewel. He would be there for Alice anytime she needed something. Whether plagued by nightmares, feeling ill, or simply having a bad day, Jack would make sure to look after her just like she did for him.

This built up confidence in one another was supposed to grow stronger during the time they spent on Camp David. Although it didn't end up going exactly as planned.

In the morning, before being instructed by Jim on horse-care, Jack clumsily brushed and gathered Alice's hair into pigtails so it wouldn't get in the way. In the evening, Alice tried on the clothes he'd bought her while some funky music played in the background. Jack watched her as if she was a model on a fashion demonstration. He picked the short jumpsuit as his favorite, telling her to turn around various times, as if he hadn't been able to decide on it with only one glance.

While he reveled in the views, Alice thought about how far she'd come. From rags to riches, like a fairytale of the first caliber. And she thought of all the girls who would be dying of jealousy if they knew how lucky she was.

Their last afternoon there before heading back to the city, Jack locked himself up in his room. He told Alice that he had to review some reports from the ministers. But something was off.

When she went to the kitchen for some orange juice, Alice spotted Jack's closest secret service agent go inside his room. She followed, standing by the half-closed door.

Alice could barely see the interior, but she heard a clicking noise that she recognized as a suitcase and then Jack's voice.

"It's under the other medicine."

The agent passed by the small field of view that Alice had from the door. He was holding a small bottle and a needle.

Alice backed away in shock. What the hell was that for? And why wasn't Jack asking her to do it?

Before she walked away completely, she heard a painful sigh.

Horrified, Alice headed back outside to the porch, where she found Alex leaning against the front of the house, smoking.

He wasn't wearing his sunglasses, which were discarded on top of the picnic table. She very rarely got to see his face without them on. Which is why she'd only just noticed the small mole next to his right eye, and how bushy his eyebrows were.

He perceived her arrival, so he stopped leaning and straightened himself out.

"You shouldn't be out here like that," he told her, referring to the lack of long sleeves to cover her arms. "Look, you're already pale-r than usual. Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine. I like cold weather." Alice responded grimly when she sat down at the table.

"Go figure," He said with irony.

"Can I try?" Alice asked abruptly. Alex took a while to realize what she was talking about.

"This?" He raised the hand with the cigarette. "Absolutely not."

"Oh, pretty please. I've never smoked before." And yet, for some reason, her body, or mind, was craving it.

"You think maybe there's a reason for that?" Alex sat down too, setting his cigarette in the ashtray.

"Can't think of one." She didn't say no more, and only let her round eyes do the talking.

Alex grunted as he reached inside his pocket for the carton and got out a new cigarette. He startled Alice by placing it directly between her lips. He leaned closer so the flame of the lighter would reach the end of the cigarette.

Alice accidentally breathed in as soon as it was burning, which of course, sent her on a coughing fit.

Alex caught the object before it could fall to the floor. "See? It's not worth it."

Alice snatched it from his hand to try it once more.

This time, he taught her how to smoke properly to avoid that from happening. Once she got the hang of it, Alex invited her to play cards. He could see that she was troubled, so he provided a distraction.

"Did something happen?" He asked once he'd dealt the cards and placed the stockpile between them.

"No," came her quick answer. "Let's just play."

After finishing the first game, and there were still no signs of Jack, they decided to play a different one.

Alice made conversation in an unusual way. But there was something she was curious about.

"Do you resent me?"

His eyes peeked over his hand of cards. "What reason would I have for that?"

"Don't I hold you back for greater things? You're stuck babysitting me."

"My dream was to be in the secret service. Thanks to being assigned to you, I achieved it. I'm happy where I am." He shrugged lightly. "As long as you don't undermine it by calling it babysitting."

"I'm sorry." She took a puff on the cigarette, now looking like she'd been doing it her whole life. Alex stared in a way which was unreadable to her.

"Smoking doesn't suit you, Alice."

As soon as Alex registered the president's presence, he got up from the table as fast as lightning.

"Mr. President." He acknowledged him.

"I only wanted to try it," she answered back. Alice wasn't looking at him. Unsure of what was going on with him, and too scared to face it. She hugged her legs as she sat on the bench of the table. "but duly noted."

Alex picked up the stack of cards and his sunglasses, before he walked away for a stroll along the field to ponder without being in the way.

"Did he give it to you?" Jack asked.

"Only because I begged." She took another puff, as though she wanted to rub it in his face and taunt him. "You still don't like Alex very much, do you?"

Jack ignored her question. "Has your father not showed you the health department's reports on tobacco?"

Despite the whole ordeal being very hush-hush as to not upset tobacco companies' sells, high officials, such as her dad, did have access to the investigations. And sure enough, Alice had read them.

"You shouldn't be asking me that, Mr. Cigar." Alice found it ironic that he should be lecturing her while being an avid and proud smoker.

"Cigars are healthier," Jack argued under his breath, knowing very well that Alice had got him there. He tapped his fingers against the table, making Alice more uneasy, especially after his previous statement struck a nerve. The topic of health had become an especially sensitive one since she'd seen that needle. "Are you ready to head back home?"

Alice put out the cigarette, jumping up from her seat in an instant. "Yes, I'm just going to say goodbye to Quixote."

He watched her walk as quick as her short legs allowed her to in a way that made it seem like she was in a hurry to get away from him.

Alice really wanted to not assume anything was terribly wrong until she actually knew what was going on. She tried. But the fact that Jack was keeping something from her, apparently about his health, was unbearable.

Leaning against Quixote's stable block as her eyes welled up, Alice put a hand over her mouth in case her crying could be heard. No one would have heard her anyway-she was completely silent as she worried over Jack. She just needed to shed a few tears, let all the hindering frustration out, before returning back to him as if she knew nothing.

"Let's go," she told Jack, walking in direction of the helicopter.

At home, the lack of a smile on her face was noticed by Teresa first. She tried to urge Alice to put on a fake one, at least. Of course, Teresa knew no reason as to her dejection, but she never wanted Alice's parents to fret over an unhappy daughter.

Marรญa hugged her. After withstanding days without the apple of her eye, the overprotective mother was desperate for contact.

Josรฉ kissed her head, but he backed away.

"You reek of smoke."

"Is it any wonder? Alex smokes, the president smokes. Everyone smokes."

She took off, barely feeling guilty for taking it out on them. But she was honestly also tired of everyone making a big deal out of everything she did. If she tried something new, she was bound to receive comments such as 'that's unlike you, Alice'.

She hoped Bobby could come to his senses and mind his own business in the end too, because if she heard him dismiss her feelings like that again, she'd personally kick his butt.

Alice smacked her face instead. Maybe it was the effect of the female condition that was making her so on edge that day. She needed to get a grip on her emotions. Alice prepared herself a relaxing bath, hoping it would help and also rid her of that 'reek'.

It appeared like Bobby had been waiting for Jack's return without moving from the spot, because that's exactly where Jack found him when he got home. But the attorney general made a particular trip to the White House for a heart-to-heart.

He'd even already prepared two glasses and a bottle of whiskey in the west sitting hall of the residence.

The younger brother sat down after indicating a nervous Jack to do so too.

"So," Bobby said, and paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. He leaned forward, crossing his fingers together while giving Jack a sideways glance. "you and your best friend's daughter, huh?"

"Oh, God. Don't give me that look." Jack scratched his head.

"Why not? Is it unjustified?"

"Completely." Jack responded with conviction. Bobby listened attentively. "Rosita is special to me."

"So you haven't...?" Bobby felt he needed to ask. Alice had surprised him far too much to the point that he didn't know what to expect.

"Christ, no! I'm respecting her wishes."

"I can't believe a small fry such as Alice to have been capable of keeping my brother on a hook."

"Believe it. The little devil has me wrapped around her finger." The corners of his mouth went up just thinking about her. "But her display today has gotten me rather at a loss."


"There was a certain apprehension to my company. I couldn't read the room, and it's made me feel guilty."

"Everyone has their days, don't sweat it." Bobby advised. "I must say... You guys shocked me. A lot. But I'm not opposed to this-If it's serious." He trailed off in a question.

"I gave her a claddagh for her birthday." Jack cleared Bobby's doubt with his answer.

"This soon?"

"I felt I needed to let her know who she is to me. I adore her... But I have this feeling that somehow I will ruin it. Right now, the ring is my reminder to do my best, because I've never felt this for any woman before." Even Jack himself couldn't believe it, but it was true. It finally happened. He was no longer the run-around bachelor.

"You better hope neither parent knows what it means if she's wearing it like I think she is."

Jack's hand closed so tightly into a fist that his nails dug into his palm. He'd completely forgotten about their 'no token' rule. He chugged down a big mouthful of whiskey that burned his throat more than usual.

"Mrs. Olivares might know, being partly Irish."

"What about her father? He'll have your balls if you go behind his back much longer."

"Her father is a bridge we'll cross when we get to it." Jack stood up to reach for the closest telephone. "Let me call Alice and warn her about the ring."

Bobby picked up his glass and followed, with every intention of listening in on their interaction like a chaperone. Jack wanted to nudge him off from his side, but Bobby did not budge.

As Jack rolled his eyes, and waited for the endless static to end, the other line finally answered.

Alice had to rush out of the bath when she heard the phone in her room at the other side of the door. She didn't hear any sort of greeting, instead, Jack's voice seemed rather urgent with a question.

"Are you still wearing the ring, Rosita?"

It was a pretty simple question, but her mind was in another place, so her answer didn't come out the way she intended it to.

"I just got out of the shower," she began saying. "I'm not wearing anything-oh." Realizing what she'd just said, her cheeks grew hot to the point that she felt feverish. A point blank expression and complete silence was all she could manage.

Bobby spat out the whiskey in his mouth.

She heard Jack's breath getting caught and then releasing it with a heavy exhale.

"Holy shit, Alice."

"I'm... Oh my God. I'm sorry," Alice babbled and tripped on her words. "that's not what-Jesus."

Jack cleared his throat, which still felt all knotted up. "That's one image I won't get out of my mind tonight."

Bobby punched his brother in the arm, causing Jack to grunt.

"What was that?" Alice asked after hearing him complain.

"Bobby's here next to me."

Alice wanted to disappear from the face of the Earth. Absolutely mortified, she couldn't manage to speak at all, so she could only wait for someone else to do so.

"Uh, hello, Alice." Bobby spoke into the phone. She wished he hadn't-Alice didn't need reassurance on the fact that he was there, and he'd listened.

"Just... Forget I ever said anything. Please." She heard Bobby's nervous chuckle. "Why did you ask about the ring?"

Jack closed his eyes and steadied his breathing before answering. "Listen, your mother might know what a claddagh is. If you're going to wear it at all, wear it the other way round. But keep it off your finger for now, otherwise they'll question why you came back from Camp David with it."

"You're being paranoid again. I don't think she knows. But alright."

"We can't have her asking why you're wearing a promise ring." He paused. "Anyway, that's... all I wanted to say."

Bobby spoke in a low tone. "Ask her why she's annoyed at you."

Jack glanced at Bobby wishing he would cease his prying.

"Are you alright, Rosita?" He asked her instead.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Deflecting his question with another question was enough to guess that she wasn't alright. But if she wasn't ready to talk about it, he wouldn't push.

"Have a good night, then." He said sweetly. "And put some clothes on, for the love of God."

She blushed again.

"Goodnight, Jack. Bye, Bobby."

"Goodbye, Alice. Take care." Said Bobby's kind-hearted voice.

"Men." She said to herself, rolling her eyes when she hung up.

After 'putting some clothes on', Alice went downstairs to get a nice cup of hot chocolate, where she found her brother, still in his greasy mechanic's jumpsuit. She was starting to think that he was preferring that type of work to studying at college.

"Ah, Alice," Beto said from the couch when he saw her. "How was your trip?"

"It was nice. What about you? You are really enjoying it there, aren't you?"

"It feels like I was meant to fix cars!" He smiled widely. "The guys at the workshop are organizing a race too see who's the best with both the wrench and at the wheel."

"Can I go?" Alice wanted to show more interest in her brother's life and not make it seem like she was too busy for him.

"It's a sausage fest," Alice made a grimace at his choice of words. No doubt he was picking up that way of speech from his colleagues. "but if you would like to, you're free to do so."

Beto took off his boots so he could rest his feet on the coffee table, and he turned on the TV.

Alice prepared the hot chocolate while she watched the TV from the kitchen as well. However, in those hours of the night, the choice was either between channels that only aired advertisements or shows that weren't considered appropriate for the daytime. Beto naturally chose the latter, and his favorite show was about to start.

ยซYour next stop: The Twilight Zone.ยป

The eerie theme music gave Alice chills. She wasn't sure of how Beto could watch it and then sleep as sound as a baby. Whenever Alice watched an episode with him, her dreams would be far too unnerving.

Alice went over to the couch, although she didn't plan on staying. She'd just reached the conclusion that he was the best choice to ask about what she'd seen the night before.


He reluctantly turned his head away from the television. "Yes?"

"What are amphetamines?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, and his full attention was then diverted from the show to her. "Why? Where have you heard of them?"

"I read somewhere that they're used in medicine," she lied. "but I wonder with what purpose."

"All sorts of stuff. Mental and behavior issues. Chronic pain."

Alice shivered.

"Are they dangerous?"

"I'm not a doctor, Alicia."

Beto didn't know more about the matter, but it was enough. She'd confirmed that Jack must have been using these amphetamines as some sort of treatment. Yet, why make it secretive? The matter was something she needed to take to Dr. Travell. She would have the answer.
