Chapter 8

It was early in the morning, but Adrien didn't want to waste a single second of the day away from Marinette. "This will be the day Plagg." He announced to the black cat Kwami. "I'm going to tell Marinete I love her, don't ask me how, but I'm going to do it." He said, holding two fists up with determination.

"Great, is that before or after you catch up with Ladybug?" Adrien gasped in realisation.

"I forgot I was supposed to meet up with her tonight. Adrien frantically started pacing around his room. "What am I going to do Plagg? I can't just tell Marinette that I need to..." He stopped as he looked at his computer screen. He had been watching the news when Nadja Chamack started running a special story highlighting the past year of Ladybug and Chat Noir. He watched the many times it showed him catching her, the elegant twist she would do as she swung on her yo-yo, Ladybug talking and interacting with children that would often run up to her and that soft eyed look he was giving her, the same look Nino said he only ever gave to Marinette. The past few days he'd felt his pulse race and his heart beat faster just from being near Marinette, a feeling he had only ever felt with Ladybug. More than once, his mind had drawn parallels between the two, his partner that he had cared about for so long, and the girl who had slowly stolen his heart. He picked up the framed photo of his friends and looked at Marinette, those deep blue eyes that held him captive, just like Ladybug's eyes.

"Plagg, Marinette is Ladybug isn't she?" His Kwami practically choked on his cheese.

"What makes you say that?" He sputtered out.

"It's not the first time I've suspected Marinette was Ladybug, but my brain always talked me out of it, but now..." He sat the picture frame back down and looked back at the newsreel. "My heart's telling me that there's no other explanation. I've been feeling déjà vu for days around her and it's not because I want Marinette to be Ladybug, it's because I want Ladybug to be Marinette." He turned and looked at his Kwami. "But if she is Ladybug, then she doesn't love Chat Noir. What if she doesn't accept that side of me?"

"Are you so sure Ladybug doesn't love Cha Noir?" Plagg responded, pointing to the newsreel again. They were showing the footage of Ladybug defending Chat Noir as being more than a sidekick to Prima Donna. He could see that same fire and passion in her eyes that he saw in Marinette's when she said the same thing. He remembered the tender way she had held his face, her own full of concern because he was sick. All his senses were telling him Marinette and his Lady had to be the same person, but he didn't have any proof. He watched the look in his Kwami's face.

"You know who she is, don't you?" Plagg's eyes widened.

"You know I can't say anything kid, I'm afraid you'll have to figure this one out all on your own." It wasn't an outright denial, so Adrien was going to hang onto that.  Plagg floated over to his chosen. "Come on, lets go get me some of those cheese puffs you snuck me the other day." That brought a smile to his chosens face, although he knew the kwami was deliberately changing the subject.

"Okay, I get it, no more questions." He picked up his Chat Noir scarf from Ladybug (Marinette?) and tied it around his neck. "I still love her Plagg. Even if it turns out she isn't Ladybug, my heart still chooses her." He didn't see the pleased smile on his Kwami's face.

Adrien finished packing his bag, carefully including the two special gifts he had bought. The Ladybug inspired necklace for Marinette and a charm bracelet he had made for Ladybug. It was made up of red and green beads that he bought at the markets. It was their colours, but could be worn as a Christmas bracelet, so there was no worry about identity there. If he was really lucky, maybe he would be seeing the same girl wear both of them. Could be really be that lucky?

The model was about to walk out the door when his phone rang. Expecting it to be Nino, he was more than a little surprised to hear his father's voice on the line.

"Good morning Father, are you still snowed in?" He was almost praying to hear that yes.

"I'm afraid so Adrien. I just wanted to check in with you and to remind you to be on your best behaviour at the Dupain-Cheng house. I don't mind admitting I'm not entirely pleased with this arrangement, but as Nathalie rightfully pointed out, your bodyguard's contract gives him time off at Christmas and I wasn't about to leave you completely on your own."

"I'm 17 Father, I think I'm capable of looking after myself."

"That's not the point and you know it." Gabriel's voice dropped slightly. "I know how much you miss your mother at this time of year, that's why Nathalie suggested you stay with...a friend." Adrien wasn't sure he liked the way his father said that last part.

"And what if Marinette isn't just a friend to me? What if I want it to be something more than friends?" He held his breath as the silenced lingered on the other end of the line.

"I wondered if that might have been the case. You certainly looked enamoured with the girl in those photos you put out. Fortunately, she seems to have a certain appeal so it won't hurt your image too much. I told Nathalie I didn't like this idea of you staying with her, but she was, let's just say, persuasive. I'm not sure about giving you permission to enter into another relationship though, especially with the baker's girl." There is was, that same prejudice he'd had to grow up listening to all his life. That was a last nerve for Adrien. He glanced over at Plagg who had puffed up and looked ready to bite someone.

"I'm not asking your permission." He said, trying to keep his voice calm through his gritted teeth. "I intend to tell Marinette how feel about her. I want to be with her, Father, if she'll have me." He heard a loud sigh down the phone line.

"I can see there is no talking to you about this now. Can I at least ask you to behave as a gentleman and not let your teenage hormones get the better of you. You still represent the Gabriel brand, and I don't need any scandal." Adrien could feel fire taking over his face, a combination of anger and total embarrassment.

"Really, is that what you think of me!"

"No Adrien." Gabriel's voice was almost flat as he spoke. "But I was 17 once too you know." Okay, that was definitely more information than Adrien needed to know.

"Yep, right, well I've got to go Father, Marinette will be waiting for me." With that he hastily ended the conversation amid a cackle coming from Plagg.

"Oh come on Adrien, don't tell me you hadn't thought about it." Plagg teased.

"Shut up Plagg." The model moaned. "Or you'll be getting processed cheese in your stocking."

"Come on in son, don't be shy." Adrien almost lost the ability to breathe as Tom picked him up and crushed him in a hug.

"Tom dear, put Adrien down." Sabine smiled affectionately at the blonde boy. "Marinette has been organising the icing in the kitchen. You head straight in, I'll take your bag." Adrien thanked her and headed off for the kitchen.

When he reached the kitchen door, he stood dead in his tracks. Marinette was wearing a red and green Christmas apron that said 'It wouldn't be Christmas without the cook', with her hair up in a lose bun on her head, delicate stands brushing her face. He knew it wasn't right to stare, but he couldn't tear his eyes away. Marinette scooped some green icing into a piping bag and laid it on the table next to a rainbow selection of other icing bags. She stopped suddenly, turning her head towards him with a smile that made his knees week.

"There you are. Come on in and get an apron on. It's time for you to earn your keep." He walked over to the counter where Marinette had and apron waiting for him. She hooked the top over his head before tying it up at the back. Adrien looked down at the black apron that had written in large white letters 'Baker in Training."

"Hey, how come only you get to be cute in a Christmas apron?" Marinette had to fight the blush rising in her cheeks. He's been here less than 5 minutes and I'm already dying, she thought. How am I going to get through the next two days? No, wait this is Chat Noir remember. You can handle your silly Kitty.

"That's because you have a lot to learn." She bopped him on the nose before leaning in. "My young apprentice." Oh Lordy, he thought as his breath caught, she's going to be the death of me.

"Then I will follow your lead my Master." He grinned with a low bow. Marinette giggled at his antics as she showed him the gingerbread men laid out on the counter.

"Now you can decorate them anyway you like. Just pick a colour and carefully squeeze the bag to get the icing out, like this." She demonstrated on a gingerbread before encouraging Adrien to have a try.

He picked up a piping bag of green icing and squeezed it. A big blob of icing shot out on the gingerbread and some on the counter. "But I hardly squeezed it." He complained.

"It's alright, it just takes practice to know how much pressure to use. Here like this." She got another gingerbread and placed it in front of him. He thought he might try the red icing this time. Marinette carefully placed her hands over his, helping to guide a steady stream of red icing. Adrien couldn't help but smell that intoxicating mix of cinnamon and vanilla in her hair, making his heart beat faster. Marinette realised just how close they were to each other. "Yeah, just like that." She said, not much above a whisper. She lifted her eyes up to him and was lost in his emerald gaze. She could feel herself lifting up onto her toes, their faces drawing closer together...

"Looks like the skies are finally clearing." Tom's voice boomed through the kitchen. The two teens practically leapt away from each other, trying to look busy. "You'll be able to make your Christmas wish tonight sweety." He sat down the bag of flour he had brought in before leaving the kitchen.

"Christmas wish?" Adrien asked, wondering why Marinette suddenly seemed shy and flustered.

"Um...yeah...that." She started. "It's just something I kind of did since I was a kid. It's nothing really." She was avoiding his gaze and started playing with one of her pigtails. He smiled at her and put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"If it's another of your Christmas traditions than don't feel embarrassed about it. Tell me."

Marinette could feel herself calm down in only the way Chat always managed too. Of course he wouldn't laugh at her, Adrien would never do that.

"Well, when I was little I always wanted it to snow for Christmas, so if the sky was a clear night on Christmas Eve I would pick a star and wish for snow."

"And did it?" She almost laughed at the sincerity of his question.

"Sometimes." She answered. "Those years where it did though, I always felt like I had real magic." She smiled to herself at the memories of running around the bakery announcing how her wish had made it snow.

"But you are magic Marinette." She looked over at him, and met that soft gaze. How is it he keeps doing this to her, making her fall more in love with him. The more time they spent together, the more attached she began to feel to him. Whatever this was that was happening between them, she knew it was real. It just felt too right. "What do you wish for now?" She had to look away before she stopped breathing.

"Sometimes I still wish for snow." She laughed. "Other times I make wishes for my friends and family that they have a good Christmas and get to spend the day with people they love." She could feel the pink rising in her cheeks. He didn't need to know that for the last 3 years she had wished for this exact thing, spending Christmas with Adrien. "How about you. What do you want to wish for?"

"I'll have to think about it." He said in all seriousness. "But I'll have one ready for tonight I purr-omise." He purred out. He was certain that blush that was on Marinette's face just got a whole lot deeper. Marinette quickly turned back to the gingerbread on the counter. Was he trying to hint at being Chat Noir?

"Well...ah...I guess we better...ah...finish up these gingerbreads." She managed to stammer out trying to ignore the fact Adrien looked far to pleased with himself.

The two continued on with their decorating, talking about their favourite Christmas movies and carols they like to hear before the topic turned to about what they wanted to do after school finished. Marinette still had her heart set on being a designer, which Adrien was completely encouraging of telling her how brilliant she was and she would have her pick of internships. He, however, was not at all keen to stay in modelling, at least not for his father. Marinette could see that this was clearly a point of friction so she was relieved when her mother called them down to the bakery.

"Would you two mind making a few deliveries?" Both teens enthusiastically donned their coats before taking the boxes. Sabine also gave them a little picnic basket and rug, suggesting they should make the most of the milder day outside. 

The sun was finally shining, taking a little of the chill out of the midday air. Adrien and Marinette delivered the boxes to various families nearby with Marinette enduring her fair share of nudges and winks from well meaning older ladies at the handsome blonde that was following her every step.

After the deliveries, they found a spot near the Seine to share in the pastries her mother had packed. Adrien laid out on the picnic rug and closed his eyes, soaking up the sun's warmth as Marinette drew sketches in her notebook. There was no need to talk, the silence between them felt natural. Adrien looked over and watched her, her tongue poking out to the side as she concentrated, the sun highlighting her hair. He already knew exactly what he was going to wish for tonight, he just hoped that her wish was the same.
