Charlie and Leondre Kiss For the First Time...

Charlie and Leo get to Charlie's house where Charlie's mom Karen says "Hi boys, Charlie I want you to go upstairs and shower and get ready to go out to eat for your birthday in an hour. Leo your mom is here and she wants you to shower too so you and Charlie go upstairs and get ready" "Okay mom" says Charlie.

Leo and Charlie walk upstairs up to Charlie's room. Leo nervous that he is alone with Charlie thinks to himself *Wow im alone with my crush the most Perfect boy ever and the boy of my dreams* as he sits on Charlie's bed. Charlie tells Leo "im going to take a shower first and then you can ok?" "Okay" says Leo.

Charlie gets in the shower and he can't help but think to himself how much he loves Leo and wants to kiss him. After Charlie gets out of teh shower, he walks back into his bedroom with his towel covering his waist down sees Leo asleep. He thinks to himself *Aww he looks so cute sleeping, i wish I could just cuddle with him and kiss him*

He realizes he's daydreaming and shakes his head getting him out of the zone and walks up to Leo sleeping. He says "Leo, I'm out of the shower, it's your turn now" Leo wakes up and rubbing his eyes he sees Charlie right next to him talking to him. Startled, Leo says "Geez Charlie! You scared me!" "Sorry" says Charlie "it's ok" responds leo

"Can I tell you something Charlie?" Asks Leo "Of course" responds Charlie. "So Umm I'm gay and i kind-kinda have feelings for u" Charlie shocked and happy says "R-Really well umm i hav-have feelings for you too Leo" Leo asks Charlie "So umm would you want to be my boy friend?" "Yes of course!" "I would love too Leondre Antonio Devries" says Charlie

Leo now smiling says "Do you think we could kiss, only for a minute before I get in the shower?" Charlie feeling excited says "Yes, I would love too!"

Leo now excited pulls Charlie and lines up his lips with Charlie whispers "I love you Charlie Joe Lenehan, I just wanna hug and kiss you" Charlie says "I love you so much Leondre Antonio Devries" Charlie then Kisses Leo. Leo feeling happy moans softly.

They kiss for a few more minutes before hearing Charlie's mom say "Charlie! Leo! We are leaving in 15 minutes! Hurry up and get down here!" Leo breaking up the kiss says "Well i guess I should take a shower now" "Ok" says Charlie with a frown.

"I really loved that" Says Leo. "Me too" says Charlie. Leo kisses Charlie real quick before walking to the bathroom and says "I love you baby" Charlie smiles and says "I love you too"
