Chapter 2

Sage's POV

As my alarm went off the third time, I finally got up. I got dressed in my usual attire, which was a black t-shirt, and cargo shorts. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and went to go to breakfast when.. "Don't you gotta escort me everywhere, mate?" I groaned when I heard his voice. "Right. Get yourself dressed." I turned around to look at him. "I think I'm pretty dressed, right?" He grinned when he said that. He was in his boxers.. "Dude. How stupid do you have to be? Put on some damn clothes." He sighed and put on actual clothes, and we left. When we got our food, we sat across from my best friend, Tracer / Lena, and Widowmaker / Amélie. Widowmaker wasn't exactly a junker, but she definitely wasn't a "goodie" like me and Lena. As usual, Tracer was chatting me up a storm. I'm used to it, but today I was genuinely too tired to respond.

Junkrat's POV

I was sitting next to Sage, across from these other two people. I think their names are Tracer and Widowmaker? I dunno. The girl in the orange was extremely obnoxious from what I could tell, and I hated it. The purple-blue skinned girl was more quiet than the one in the orange, from what I could tell. She was okay. Oddly, the quietest one was Sage. Usually he's talking to the Tracer girl. Or is it Widowmaker? I don't care. If I had to be fairly honest, I was concerned for Sage. He was a dick most of the time but the guy looked sleep deprived. I figured I'd talk to him about it after we did that stupid practice round.

~time skip past practice thingy bc i am NOT writing that!~

Sage's POV

As we were heading back to the dorm-like rooms, Junkrat tapped on my shoulder once again. "What do you want, man?" I said, my tired voice having weakened throughout the day. "Did you get enough sleep?" He murmured, his thick Australian accent shining through. I sighed. Why does he even care? "Yeah. I'm good." "You just look really sleep deprived, mate." I glared at him. "I said I'm fine. Leave me alone." I entered our room with him trailing along, and just collapsed into bed.

Junkrat's POV

As we entered our room, Sage instantly collapsed into his bed. Am I not allowed to be worried for the guy? Jesus, he's still a dick to me. For no reason, too! I exist and the guy hates me. It truly is stupid. I lied down in my bed and snuggled up under the blanket he gave me last night. I'm surprised he hasn't asked for it back. It smells like him. It's comforting.
