A Blossoming Romance

It was a cold wintry night.Hogwards just reopened yesterday.Hermione was in her last year thinking of some peace and quiet time to ruminate about her upcoming life before embarking on the adventures awaiting her.She thought she will have a fairytale romance with Ron Weasley,her childhood friend but it didn't turn into fruition as he settled with Lavender Brown.So she almost gave up on her idea of the raw most unadulterated love and settled to pursue her career.She was the brightest girl in her year with grades which many can only cherish to achieve.She thought maybe she could write all her wishful thoughts and emotions in a book to release her suppressed agony.

So she was reading a book in her dorm when she heard a commotion outside.She rushed outside only to see Lavender Brown in the arms of her exboyfriend Ronald Weasley as he had apparently proposed her.Hermione couldn't stop the spontaneous fall of tears down her eyes.But only one person caught her eye.It was Draco Malfoy.It was as if in a room full of people his eyes were only searching for her to ensure if she was ok.Wordlessly they stared at each other as if Draco was silently assuring her that he would be there for her forever.There was such an earnest look on his face.Then Hermione shook her head and turned around and headed straight back to her bedroom.

Draco had never been her friend.They were adept at throwing each other insults as if in a silent challenge who would surpass the other.But no-one had ever given her such an intense look that held such great concern and maybe something else.

The next day Hermione went down to breakfast and unintentionally her eyes perused the Slytherin table searching for a certain blond haired boy.She found him sitting flamboyantly chatting with Blaise just in time to make a briefest eye contact with her before engaging in the camaraderie.Hermione noticed that underneath his rustic features there is a certain innocence embellishing his face which was somewhat endearing.

They had potions class together.Hermione found all seats occupied,Ron sprawled with Lavender with harry on the other side.So she sat in the only vacant seat towards the end.When the class had just started,Draco came panting and sat himself beside her casting a look at her.Hermione felt goosebumps all over her body with a simple look.She started to think how can this be possible.Just then Draco broke her reverie by asking her"How are you now?"Am alright" she replied.

"You know Ron is really foolish to leave you and go after that airhead"he suddenly piped up.

"Suddenly why are you showing such concern or shall I say it's contrived because it's contradicting your reputation"

"You know nothing so don't make assumptions"he said indignantly a bit loudly which left Hermione a little guilty.The class went quietly after that and Draco left immediately after the bell rang.

That night at dinner table the Slytherin was missing from the table.It has sort of game for Hermione to wait in anticipation whether to locate him at meal times and make such adrenaline rushing eye contact.Suddenly Hermione was jolted from the thoughts by Harry's voice"Are you coming to watch Quiddich match tomorrow?"

"Against whom are you playing?"she asked

"It's against Slytherin and we must win."

"Ohh..yes sure I will come"finally replied Hermione.

"Hermione are you alright?After the Ron proposal you seem somewhat distant albeit understandable.If you really need to talk please don't hesitate."

Suddenly out of the corner of her eye she noticed Draco intently looking at her with a certain expression in his face which she couldn't place.Is it jealousy?

She replied to Harry "Am alright Harry.Dont worry."Then left the dinner table to go to the library with a sudden exhilaration in her mind.She has never felt such joyous excitement in her life before.

The next morning after breakfast with trepidation she proceeded to the stands apparently to cheer for Gryffindors but her heart was beating fast with the imminent prospect of seeing Draco and continue their silent eye conversation that spoke more volumes than mere words can convey.

Once the game started Gryffindors started with a lead of 2-0.While flying past,Draco stared briefly in Hermione's direction before flying straight.Suddenly Harry located the snitch and swerved into action with Draco closely following behind.In the precarious dive Draco almost was falling off his broom which caused an inadvertent cry from Hermione to which Draco sharply looked at Hermione with certain joy in his eyes.The others in the stand were eyeing her with suspicion.But Hermione just smiled.The match ended in Gryffindor winning but when Hermione caught Draco she found him with a smile on his face which caused her to smile.

That night when Hermione was going back to her dorm after dinner, she saw Draco making eye contact with her as if silently asking her to wait outside the dinning hall.She nodded once and proceeded.Only after a few seconds Draco caught up with her and smilingly asked her"So you were worried about me after all?"

"Ohh really what gave you the impression that I was worried for you?I would have been worried for anyone if they fell."To this Draco started laughing and Hermione also unable to control any longer joined in.Suddenly Draco got serious and touched her hand asking her"What was Harry telling you last night?"

"If I didn't know you well I would have thought you are jealous." Hermione replied coyly.

"I am jealous"Draco replied without a trace of humour in his eyes.

They held each other's gaze in an intense way for many seconds before Draco slowly lowered his lips to kiss her.And then it was pure bliss.
