Manhattan, New York
5:56 p.m.

I closed walked downstairs to the front door. Soon as I opened the door Dani was right there.

I raised a eyebrow "What?"

"I came to check on Andrea."

I squinted my eyes and sighed "Alright go ahead. Don't do no dumbshit." I said before I let her in and I walked out to my car.


I walked up the stairs and to the room. I knocked softly but go no answer. I then walked in, the only light that was showing was from the tv. I was about to walk over to the bed when I heard her voice.


I turned around "I came to check up on you."

"For? You had a whole year to do that."

"I know it's been a year since your grandma past away and I just know sometimes people could get emotional."

"I'm good." She said but I knew she was lying because her eyes was red

It became quiet "So why did you leave?"

She sat down on the bed "Because I needed to."

"Because of me?" I asked

She shook her head "Nah."

"Why you keep lying? I just want to know the truth Andrea."

She looked up at me "The truth? Shouldn't you be with ya nigga and his new baby mother."

"That's not his baby moth-."

"It is dude was lying his ass off last night, you just stupid to see that shit."


"Yes you heard me Dani."

"How am I stupid? You cheat on me with April and up and leave for a year? Like Andrea who does that sh-."

"I do and I did. You don't get to through none of that shit in my face. Don't you realize that you kinda started all of this? If you would've never trynna be all buddy buddy with herb none of this would've happened. I regret sleeping with April but it happened, get over it shorty. Me and her not even together, were strictly friends. She is married with kids now Dani, stop worrying about her when she's not ever worried about you. You really wanna know why I left? I left because I didn't feel like I was in my right mind. My girl falling for somebody else, my sister won't even speak to me, my voice wasn't where I needed it to be. Everything just wasn't where I needed it to be, I was hurt. Pills was the only thing that made me feel comfort but that didn't last long because I ended up almost dying and so Tyla helped me and I moved to La."

"A-Andrea I-I don't kno-."

"Yeah I know but now you do. Dani I'm not mad, at first I was that you would even stay with him but that's what you wanted. I feel so stupid within myself because no matter who you with, still til this day I can't let you go." She said before wiping her face

I did the same and walked up to her. I wrapped my arms around her as she pulled me into her and wrapped her arms my waist.

"At times like this I wish she was still here." She mumbled, referring to her grandma

"I know baby." I said but it honestly slipped out

I thought she was going to say something about it but she just held me tighter.

"I'm sorry for everything Andrea. I know sorry isn't going to cut it but i am, with everything in me. I feel even more stupid for hurting you when you didn't even deserve that. I- I regret all of this especially knowing that we probably would have a child or even married by now. I just hope that we could move past this. "I love you Andrea, nobody come before you. I don't nobody else but you. Don't ever think what I did with him because you think I thought you wasn't normal. I love everything about you and everything that comes with you."

She didn't say anything except sniff. I moved off of her lap and out my hand out.

"Come on, let me go take you somewhere." I said

She looked up at me before getting up and throwing on a jacket putting on some shoes.

She grabbed her phone and followed behind me as we walked downstairs. We left out the door and towards my car.

She got in the passenger as I got in on the drivers side. We our seatbelts on before I pulled out.

After driving for a few minutes she spoke "Where we going?"

"You'll see." I said

She nodded before hooking her phone up to the aux. She played this specific song that was speaking out to me.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

You moved on but you still are my shawty
I don't wanna lie because I'm right with you
You always picked me up, I don't get you
I been tryna find your heart, I'm still tryin'
You can find someone else but you're still mine, 'cause


"A arcade? You deadass right now Dani?" She said

I laughed "Yep, you need some fun right now."

She licked her lips "Alright."

How she lick her lips so normal and still look sexy as hell?

She looked at me

I raised a eyebrow "What?"

"First date again huh?" She said

I slightly blushed "Come on."

We walked inside and got our tickets and stuff. We walked over towards the games and began playing.

Two hours later...

"Come on Dani you gotta play." Andrea said

"No because last time you cheated and won."'

She laughed "I didn't cheat you just couldn't play."

I rolled my eyes "Whatever, how about you teach me then?"

"Come on."

I moved in front of her and grabbed a basketball as she stood behind me, her body against my back. She put her hand on top of mine as we held the ball before we threw inside the net. We kept going until we ran out of time on the game.

"So how that was?" She asked

I shrugged "I did good."

"You did good? You must mean we did good." She said

We both laughed as we walked out the arcade. We got in my car before pulling off to my house.

Once we made it we got out and walked inside. She walked straight to the kitchen.

"Really Andrea?" I said

"What? I wanted to put something in my stomach right quick."

"Why you ain't tell me? I could've stopped somewhere for you."

She shook her head and grabbed a Gatorade out the fridge "Nah it's cool, you did enough today. I honestly had a good time today going to the arcade, it might be childish to other people but it brought back good memories for me."

I smiled "Well I'm happy it got your mind off of things."

I was about walk out when she spoke again.

"I love you too." She said

I turned around "Huh?"

She fiddled with her fingers "I love you too Dani, I'm still in love with you."  She stared at me


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