Chapter 7.

The next day Jake and Rosa went to Rosa parents' house planning to tell them that she's bi. As they walked into the house, they were both super nervous.

"Mr and Mrs Diaz! Americas favourite couple!!" Exclaimed Jake

"Be cool man." Said Rosa under her breath.

As they sat down on the sofa opposite Rosa's parents, Rosa looked over at Jake and saw that he looked even more nervous than her.

"Hello, I didn't know Jake was coming." Said Rosa's mom.

"Well he's here. Anyway.. I need to tell you guys something."

"What is it mijita? you sounded nervous on the phone." Asked Rosa's dad.

"Alright, um (exhales)...   Jake, you take it." 

"What? Rosa, I know you can do this." Jake said.

"What's going on?" Rosa's mom asked.

"Ok...  mom, dad...     I'm bisexual."

"Umm.. Thats ok I guess." Said Rosa's mom.

"Yeah, I guess so." Replied Rosa's dad.

"What do you mean you guess so?" Asked Rosa angrily.

"Well, no matter what you call yourself, you still like men. So you can still get married and have a child." Said Mrs Diaz.

"I can do those things with either a man or a woman."

"Yes, but it will be a man, because, this is just a phase." Rosa dad said.

Those words "just a phase" had haunted Jake for years. He decided he couldn't let Rosa's parents get away with this shit.

"Are you fucking serious right now? 'Just a phase'? This is NOT a phase! And why the fuck does it matter who the hell she wants to be with?" Jake asked feeling like he did when he was 14 again.

"I might get married to a man, like you so clearly want. And I might not. Because like Jake said, this is not a phase. And I need you to understand that. I'm bisexual." Added Rosa standing up to her parents.

"Theres no such thing as being bisexual." Replied Mr Diaz.

"Yes there is. I know there is because thats who I am. I'm attracted to both men and women. Ive known this about myself for a really long time, and I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid you were gonna react exactly like you are." Explained Rosa

At this point Jake was sobbing. This brought back so many horrible memories of his mom not accepting him and invalidating his sexuality.

"What do you want us to say?" Asked Rosa's dad.

"That you accept me for who I am."

- silence -

"wow..   ok lets go." Rosa said as she left the room, Jake followed, staring at her parents in disgust.
