Home sweet home to me

I wanted to fight the bitch that spoke to nilsa badly but codi held me back and placed me in the cab when I climb in then the boys get in and the cab take off

"I just wanna say we won't be going to Donovan anymore." We laughed

"Damn baby you were barking!"

"Cause no one gets to speak to one of my girls or any of my family that way and you expect me to be quite bitch please." We laughed once home we get out we realized we do have each other back

"Hey this is... it's bad but it's what we needed."

"Gus we appreciate you."

"The best thing out of all of this, I know it's a terrible situation. We realize we're a unit and we love each other."

"Somebody jumps in on one of our girls or Somebody jumps on one of our boys, we got y'all fucking back."

"Yes we do." I said nodding in agreement we all sat down

"It came down to, gus wanted to pull me outside to say hey, what's wrong? And we were trying to fo out there and have a real ass conversation and this lady came from left field. And just started going nuts."

"So did anyone go get her address? Let's go beat them up."

"I would literally break my bank to make sure my friends were good because I like to take care of myself. People wanna dog me for that, you know? And I'm like what does it matter, thought? As far as...."

"I get poeple dogging on my appearance all the time."

"Because.... that's not what I'm talking about. That is not what we're talking about."

"She got, no, she got over that."

"Listen to me. Why do you let that get to you? Based off of your appearance what does it matter?"

"Oh you must be joking?" I asked is this bitch for real?

"Does it matter whether people think? Does it really?"

"Jeremiah please baby you ain't helping is easier for you to say that shit than us girls saying it."

"Thank you." Nilsa told me

"Because in the end of the day, the only person that should be satisfied with yourself is yourself."

"She wants to be okay with herself but why do you think she got everything she does to herself because she doesn't now tell me if I'm not in the ball park there." She nods i nod

"Like there was a, a big point in my life where I was like, you know what, I am pretty, I am beautiful. And then when I got out of the relationship, I'm like nothing. I'm like 15 pounds overweight and here I am."

"So your upset because people dog you, is that's what you're saying?"


"I'm tell you something. Baby no matter if you pretty, if you ugly, if your short, if you fat, you tall, Somebody gonna dog you for something. And that's what it is."

"Excalty." I said

"You rock who you are. You be who you are. And if somebody with an orange ass shirt come up to you and tells you something about it, you put him in his place."



"You blow some kisses. You buy a drink."


"And you the bicth that you are."

"Yes bicth!"

"And that's what it is."


"What a fucking night on a Monday." We all head to bed. The next day

I woke up and I go to the living were the others are their

"I just wanna say I'm sorry for going phyco like that I really didn't wanna fuck up anyone night."

"It's okay baby." I go over and hugged them each

"I'm just saying if anyone fucks with y'all I don't care who I have to bet I will kick their ass." Then I sat down

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow we're going to my house if that's okay with everyone?"

"I'm cool."

"That's fine."

"Yeah im down."


"Yes! Yes...."

"You're... if you whack me... I will beat your ass."

"Ah ahaahahha!"

"Alright y'all I gotta take like ten shots. Because I'm not spending my money tonight."

"Are we going out tonight?'

"That Cajun place."

"Okay" I went downstairs to get ready

"Yo let's go!"

And we went to eat

"Do y'all mind saying a quick prayer?"

"Yeah let's do it." Then we all hold hands

"Our father in Heaven thank you for this food thank you for bringing us all together today thank you for as having a successful day no fighting or arguing that we have a great night watch over our family's amen."

"Amen." Then we start to eat

"We really haven't fought all day."

"We have not. Holy moly I think we're really starting to come together now. We had to get all that shit out."

"It took that crazy lady..."

"God bless her." We all laughed and keep eating

"Excuse me, this is a little Jameson."

"Oh shit."

"Oh well yes sir God bless you."

"Don't you own this?"

"Yes I do."

"Okay a rangers home is the forest. A sailor home is the sea. A whiskey glass and a hookers ass is a home sweet home to me." We all cheered and drink

"Alright guys let's get it." Then we begin to leave

"Thank you!"

"Alright, thank you guys so much!"

"You look like you're going to an Atlanta bar right now, dog. Hey that's a outfit if you walk the buckhead with me. You pulling all the hoes?"

"All the hoes?"

"All the hoes."

"I'll have to keep that in mind."

"What about my outfit? Can I pull hella hoes?"

"In Atlanta, yes."

"Uh you could pull like some black chicks. But they gonna be like the fat black chicks, though."

"That's okay." Then came Kayla jo

"Hello!" I waved

"Hey Kayla jo."

"Kayla Joy what's up?"

"What's up, Miss lady?"

"Hi guys."

"How you doing?"

"Sorry I smell like pickle juices." We all climb and we all get to the house I wanted to be with jeremiah but whatever I go and sit down next to jeremiah but laugh when here come gus and lunches on to me I laughed

"That's the second time a drink has spilled on me." I laughed gus picked me up

"Don't act like you don't like it bell doesn't mind."


"Fuck you."

"You know what you like." I laughed

"Save me a piece of pizza." Said Aimee

"Would you like some pizza?" Nilsa asked Kayla and Jeremiah who are outside

"And we got boiled peanuts and chips in here. If you get hungry. And if y'all need more drinks let me know." Gus gave me a slice feeding me when I heard

"Drinks snacks a condom let me know." What the fuck! I laughed gus gave me a sip of his beer I go lay down a bit then I see jeremiah leave a plate of pizza on my door what the fuck then nilsa come over

"Hey did you gave a piece of slice of pizza to jeremiah?"

"No I gave it to him so he can give to Kayla."

"Well I guess she didn't want it cause jeremiah came in and placed it there."

"You gotta be fucking me." That's a sneaky bitch move from Kayla part then the next day

it was time we get ready to go and meet Kortini family I was putting on my shoes then we left and we got their and we walked in


"Who is that zula?" Said her mother and her dog was so cute

"Hi Kirk nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you."

"Yall come on in"

"Oh does she bite?".

"No she doesn't well she uh doesn't bite."

"She a puppy."

"Like she like nibbles because she's a baby."

"What kind of dog is that?"

"She's a pit bull." Then we heard a loud squawk

"Ohh is that a parrot?"

"Yes she's outside."

"Can I tell him to step up?"

"I love doggies." the parrot scared me I'm in then her mom came out

"Okay Kortini, I wanted to to show everybody some pictures of you. Um, there's lots of I'm in here and I'll have her family and stuff.

"look how fat and ugly I was"

"oh my gosh"

"here's the one of me actually teaching you to potty train I understand that she doesn't always go on the potty promise I trained her not to do that hey why don't you all come in it's getting a little"

"yeah let's go inside."

"yes ma'am"

"they all want to go ahead and make a burger"

"you want to sit down"

"no I'm good"

"Miss Sharon you are so calm and then you have Kortini"

"she tells everybody she got her mom's party side and I said Courtney have you ever seen my party I don't even drink" We all laughed

"I'm all excited about that, um.. Kortini never paid a bill or anything."

"My phone bill."

"She paid for her phone bill when she turned 21. And she did have to buy her car out there."

"Yall I can't tell you how hard I worked to pay for that car. Like that's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life."

"So yall tell me some interesting facts about yourselves."

"I'm Aimee and I'm from Perdido."

"So you have how many people in town?"

"really about 45-50 a little we have an elementary school and a middle school but not a high school"

"so what do the high school students do?"

"They go away for 35 minutes"

"so you drove 35 minutes to school everyday?"

"no I dropped out"

"you dropped out"

"I've been on my own since I was 17 I got kicked out of my house at 17. I tried to go to the military unfortunately I broke my arm so I got disqualified. I've been still grinding doing everything I can and just trying to stay School in the process I'll be in Florida state in the fall."

"that's awesome"

"Hmmm. I'm excited for it"

"I'm so glad to have you all here because I wanted her to grow up and I think living in the house with other young adults that um y'all can help her grow into the right direction hold down a job because I don't know if you know but she's been fired from every job she's ever had."

"we know"

"Well she's doing good"

"All right y'all thank y'all for coming thank."

"you so much for your hospitality oh you're welcome hey can"

"I have someone grab the spear well thank you Mom you're welcome thank you for having us here we appreciate." We hugged her and leave what a kind woman once we get home I go changed into something comfortable." When we get home I go lay down in the boys and relax then I heard jeremiah and gus talking about how the girls are talking shit about Kayla jo which one I'm not stepping in cause I do not like her and second cause it's annoying so I go downstairs and get ready

to go out when I heard

"Family meeting!"

"Can I boycott the family meeting. This family meeting is fucking stupid." I go sit by gus

"Okay, there is still consistent chatter still going about Kayla Jo. I don't understand why? And it just keep coming out of the same room.

"Everybody has talked about it. It's a joke, jeremiah."

"Because I need to actually figure it out what you guys are talking about?"

"It's not that serious."

"Well then explain yourself."

"So I heard she was a Wiccan, and it kind of scared me. And that'd what I said."

"I just feel this is just another reason for her to start more drama with Kayla jo, whether she should be scared of whenever m she comes around."

"Oh just me. Did not everyone else say something? Yeah"

"Everybody was joking about it."

"But they're not scared of Kayla jo. You are apparently."

"The witchcraft.. I'm not scared of Kayla Jo. I'm scared of the witchcraft. What does that have to do with you if I'm scared of the witchcraft?"

"I mean, it's not that serious if it's just a joke. I mean she's not one of our roommates."

"But I feel like out of all the people that have tried to hurt Kayla jo, I think Nilsa been the biggest one, and she just won't stop. Whether it's talking behind her back or whether its saying she owes her something whatever the case is."

"I, I literally .."

"Because you have nothing but problems with her in the past. Am I right or am I wrong?" He asked us I stay quiet


"Just because."

"I wasn't even the one who started the whole witch Wiccan thing. That happened way earlier today."

"But I didn't any of that when I came out the shower."

"Be quite, I'm talking." Oh shit.

"And I just hear you. So that's what I did."

"I'm talking."

"Don't you baby me like this, all right?"

"I'm talking."

"You can talk to like an adult, all rigth?"

"You wanna think that you're this big."

"You can talk to me like an adult, all right woman?" Oh hell no

"I'm just saying, I joked about it, I really did I joked about."

"You know what next time, you wanna bring her over."

"And I didn't give a fuck about joking about it."

"What's that?"

"How about you approve I by all the roommates, before you bring a guest over because we all.."

"How about you kiss my ass? How about that?"

"Oh my god." I said stunned

"It's not the jeremiah show, is it?"

"She's not going to be slepping in your bed. Why don't you kiss my ass if you think I'm gonna do that?"

"Dude you don't speak to woman that way." I said stunned I get up and walked over to the table

"Why do you talk to women like this!? Who taught you to talk to women like this?! To talk ot them. You haven't just talked down to me. You talked down to Aimee too."

"Oh really?"

"We're you raised like that? My brother was not raise like that.

"Lats I checked you earn respect, honey."

"When it comes to women. It's different. You must not have been raised in the true South, honey."

"Y'all can we please chill? Do you wanna a shot?"

"She needs a lot more than a shot." I snapped

"Shut the fuck up Jeremiah! See this is the kind of shit she's talking about."

"Oh so your talking her side."

"Oh my god shut up! It's done! It's over with! She walked outside. Quit putting all your focus on her. Like come on." I went to my room they still keep talking shit I screamed into my pillow and just hid I start crying silently I'm over this shit!

Belladonna pov

Look everyone makes joke and it's just light comedy but I hate when I see the people I love over some girl and I'm over it


I just wanted to stay home and not hear anything from anyone but I just don't like keeping hatred in so I get up wipe make up a bit and went to the kitchen and hugged both gus and Jer

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout to like that jer I just hate when shit like goes down and if you want us to stop the joke we're done look." I clapped my hands

"Hands clean I'm done." Gus hugs me and so does jeremiah then we got out and party and I really wanted a drink after this whole thing and it's fun gus pours a drink in my mouth while I kneel down then swallow it he laughs and helps me brings me closely and kiss me we made out a bit then we part I laughed then we play jenga

"Baby needs to go home skank." I heard someone say I turned around

"Excuse me!" Gus heard him too

"Skank she's not a skank!"

"Fuck you I'm not skank!"

"Skanky slut!" I got pissed and gus got angry

"Keep talking shit you don't speak to her that way!" The security came and put us apart gus took me away

"I wanna cry." I said wanting to cry

"Don't cry baby don't cry baby." Gus told me rubbing my back I take shaky deep breath

"What happened who said what to you?"

"Some idiot called her a skank right behind her back."


"Farmer boy in the hat straight ahead."


"Yeah" Then Candace gets up


"Gus Bella which one?"

"Left!" He said gus rub my back

"I'm down ill hit him first." And Candace flip his hat back

"And you ain't gonna do shit about it. So sit down."

"What you looking at you bitch!"

"You ain't gonna do shit about it. What you about to do it?"

"Listen, little girl" and Candace stood straight up

"What's up! What's up!" And it was on.
