25. Angry Caspian

Every pawn, including Tania and Satandra, clapping cheerfully at my victory. I could swear I saw it all in slow motion. To think they’ll be happy for my victory, after trying to eliminate me.

Just how possible was that?

“We won, Ava.”

My wolf rushed out, saying.

“Yes, we did.” I muttered instantly.

“We did win,” I repeated.

“Thanks to you wolf.”

Even if Knight Lydia currently bled to death on the floor, no one came to her rescue. It was all part of the game. I mean, that could have been me?

Dropping a part of my torn piece of cloth, I bowed down to pay my last respect.

“I felt her push my limits.” My wolf added.

“She was a good warrior,”

I nodded at her statement, as I walked back clothed in blood with my piece of armor disheveled.  

“You’re right. She was indeed skillful.”

“We’ll never forget her.” she retorted.

Piper and Emily rushed to hug me immediately. Though I was coated in blood, I had fully healed by now.

“Are you okay, Ava? You were bleeding all over. A-and we thought you would never make it!”

Emily exclaimed. And then Piper let out a gasp.

“Your w-wound Ava…it’s healed.”

“How’s that possible?”

Piper added with a confused expression. While Emily’s hands rode to my shoulders, looking me in the eye.

“It’s a long story… I-I will explain it all later.” I answered.

“His Royal Highness, King Caspian approaches.”

Everyone gasped, bowing their heads and submitting at his presence.

I did that too. However, I smiled towards him the minute my head was back up.

Surprisingly, he didn’t return it.

Was something wrong? Did I do something wrong?

King Caspian walked towards me. My wolf got all excited as he pulled my hands, dragging me out of the battle ground. She was happy he made his claim at us, in front of everyone.

But the feels were different. I mean, I didn’t want any unnecessary attention and all eyes directed to us, the instant he grasped my hands.

“W-what are you doing?”

I asked instantly. He didn’t stop to acknowledge me until we were inside his office.

Slamming the door shut, in a hard way, his dark gaze drifted down to my belly. His hands fisted and he looked really angry. Like he was trying to control himself or something.

What was he getting worked up over?

I knew he snapped, when he threw an object towards the wall, which broke immediately.

“Milord… is everything--”

“What were you thinking?”


“Daring to confront Lydia with the possibility of my pup in you…”

His hands bared towards my stomach, roaming his palms through. He hissed, walking away and pacing round the room in a beastly aura.

“What were you thinking, Ava?!!”

As his voice echoed, I felt a growl rumbling through him as he held me.

His silver-grey eyes were blood shot, with some curls of tears just at the brim. Narrowed in what looked like hurt.

Startled, I looked up to him as his mouth quivered.

“I-It was a necessary evil.” I stammered, declaring.

“I-I needed that fight, with Knight Lydia. I needed that rank.”

“You needed not the fight nor the rank, Ava!” he exclaimed powerfully.

Eyeing me with his dark gaze from where he stood, he walked towards me with his raven long hair sweeping across his face.

“Who cares about a Knight, when a concubine is more powerful?”

“Who gives a damn about a Rook or Bishop?!”

“I do, Caspian.” I sighed, hissing out loud too.

My hands trembled while my heart raced. I knew I started this. It meant I had to finish it now.

“I do not intend to be your concubine. It’s demeaning and sickening!”

That was certainly not how I wanted that to come out…

I shuddered as he took a grasp of my face. Jolts of electricity dazzled in, and I sighed. I missed his touch. My wolf wanted him.

But this wasn’t the moment, was it?


His husky tone breathed out.

“Why won’t you accept my gift to you?”

I could swear my skin housed goosebumps the minute he constructed those words. It made me feel guilty.

“Why won’t you protect our pup with the rank?”

“Why do you continue to put your life at risk?”

He added, saying.

“Caspian, it’s not what you th--"

“You have no idea…” he trailed out, with his hands parting from my chin.

“Of how many men I sent out there, because of you.”

“All because of you, Lady Ava.”

He finalized before dismissing me coldly.

Because of me?

What did he even mean by that…

Perhaps if he is clearer in his words, we could come to a compromise. But with him acting cold-hearted, out of a blue, how was I supposed to understand?

He sent me away, with my wolf in wanting.

Did he even know how painful that was?

“Milady, congratulations on your new position.”

Cassandra said, bowing down.

“Thanks, Cassandra.”

I answered. “I summoned you to ask for your help.”

“My help? Tell me, if it’s in my power then I can.”

She stated, with a pure smile.

“Okay then.”

I stated, walking to her and whispering to her ears.

Even though, I was in my new chambers—Knight Lydia’s former room, I still felt unsafe.

More like I couldn’t trust anyone in this castle.

My intentions were simple.

I needed to find Knight Lydia’s former assistant, so she’ll tell me how things are done. My duty as a Knight and what I needed to do.

I wasn’t a Castle pawn anymore.

I was Knight now, but it didn’t feel like it.

Maybe something was missing…

My friends.

Maybe I had to use my rank to protect them. Making Emily my new assistant. And adopting Piper as my cook. Or daughter?

Was that even possible?

There was still so much, I didn’t know about this castle.

“Give me a sign, Moon Goddess. I have the rank now, though it feels empty.”

I muttered, pacing back and forth in the walls of my room.

“What do I have to do?”

I added, walking to the window and peeking through. The palace guards were stationed at their spots. However, looking up towards Rook Francesca’s chambers, it was an unusual sight.

Francesca slapped a woman and her face fumed in anger. I narrowed my eyes at the view, from below. Trying to see who it was.

She had a scar. Just like Felicia’s.


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