character design and personality

Heyyy so one users if wattpad asked if I could tell or show the design of each character sooo yesh this is the plan

Francy Dalton:

Our mc. She is a sweetheart when comes if you give her sweets or just love talk her she is an animal lover and she enjoys to read love story

Claire Priscilla:

Our mc's loving, horny wife ^^ that's all... Ok I'm just kidding she loves Francy and she will take care of her forever and ever she will care for her lover/wife

Rama Ybrahim:

The rich ass father of Claire yeah that's all thanks I'm lazy to describe him- hehe-

Hani Priscilla:

Ughhh yes the milf mommy of Claire 😩 step on me mommy- EHEM anyways she married Yama cuz for Claire's safety... If she didn't marry him Claire would get kill by his people... So its unfair for me cuz he got a milf wife!- I- I mean- yeah- hehe-

Percy Dalton:

:) yes another milf.... She might be mean to Francy but she cares for her but she doesn't know how to show it... Ughh she can spit on me 😩 ayy sorrey- hehe but- yeah- :)

Jimmy Falcon:

Hates Francy 100% nothing bout it-

Yamah Falcon:

Yeah- uhm- hehe- her bestie- ughh why they hot 😭-  well- uhm Yamah cares for her bestie and if Claire breaks Francy's heart she'll cut Claire's dick off and stick it on her head

Lance Poly:

Our non-binary supporting ferson huhu they support Claire very much they slay everything and they gurlie pop

Snippy Johnson:

She doesn't plan on anything bad to happen to the relationship of Claire and Francy in fact! She protects their relationship from their teacher for their teacher is Homo like- ew- homophobic joke lng butttt she does in fact helps them

Denis Portia:

Our homo teacher that no one likes in school cuz of his stupid ass rules 😍yet people might simp for him 🥴
