I must have been out for at least a day, it was dark outside when I woke up to the boys yelling at each other.



Shit I should probably see what happened...

I tried sitting up but my muscles were so full of lactic acid my efforts only ended in a loud groan.

"DAMNIT SAM WE ARENT DONE HERE!" Dean yelled as Sam walked around the bed to help me sit up and get me some water.

"What the hell are you two arguing about now?" I moaned slowly starting to move parts of my body. Even my toes were sore.

"He held me back. Literally! Stopped me from icing that bastard." Dean spat vigorously pointing at Sam with utmost fury.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" I asked in confusion giving Sam a 'dude wtf?' look.

Sam looked at the floor and in a low voice spoke ever so softly, "you didn't see him... It wasn't him...."

He looked like he had just watched a friend hit the hay for a dirt nap.

I turned on Dean, "did the mark take over?"

I received a reluctant nod in response.

"Okay. Two things. Dean, grow the fuck up and get it through your thick skull that all he does is try to help you. And Sam, you need to remember that even though he seems like Dean he isn't and you can't treat him like you normally would. Now help me up." I ordered.

No one spoke for about an hour as we ate and Dean went to take a shower. Sam kept eying me though, like he was trying to think of something to say but couldn't.

By the time Dean had got out of the shower I had loosened up my muscles enough to feel up for taking over the bathroom. I lagged in the main room for a little bit to make sure they two of them wouldn't start a fist fight but escaped to the bathroom as soon as possible.

I was glad I hadn't put my hair up because there was no way I was lifting my arms above my head.

What the fuck? I didn't do anything that strenuous! Unless that damn angel warding did this.

It took me a while to brush my hair and teeth and take my makeup off but it felt good to move my arms and work out the lactic acid.

Even my back argued vehemently with me when I leaned over to turn the shower on. I let out a low groan as I propped myself back up using my somewhat less sore arms.

There was a light knock on the door, "you okay in there?" Dean asked in a tone that was a very very sad attempt at teasing.

"Yeah I'm just sore. Must have been the sigils." I replied as I slowly worked my jeans off having to sit on the toilet to do so.

"Alright, don't hurt yourself." He chimed in an almost cheery way.

"That's the goal." I grunted as I stood up against the will of my legs.

I battled, yes battled, my shirt with plenty of weird noises resulting in my shirt being halfway over my head without the ability to lift my arms up to grab the hem and yank it the rest of the way off.

"SAM! SAMSON I NEED YOUR HELP!" I yelled letting myself fall onto the toilet.

He slowly opened the door and peered in.

"What's going on?" He asked doing a really bad job at hiding his amusement.

"I can't get my shirt off. Or raise my arms. Everything is sore." I mumbled ashamed of my temporary dependence.

"Even your forehead?" He asked gently kissing it before working my shirt off.

"Yes." I whined.

He chuckled at me and grabbed another towel setting it next to mine.

As I desperately tried un hooking my bra he started peeling off his shirt as well as his pants.

"Whoa babe. No shower sex tonight I'm too sore." I warned earning me another chuckle.

"You can't even get your bra off. I'm helping you at least wash your hair." Sam said making me look like the pervert.

He helped me get my bra off and get in the shower, following close behind. It was really awkward for a minute or two but when I was unable to even bend down and wash the blood caked around my ankle where the bottom of my skinny jeans were it became absolutely mortifying.

"Why are you so red?" Sam asked as he rinsed the last of the bloody soap off of my legs.

"I don't know I'm just embarrassed that as a grown woman I can't wash myself. I'm just a burden everywhere I go." I muttered trying to srape the gunk out from under my fingernails.

"You're not." Sam insisted pulling me into him and giving me a quick kiss. "You saved our asses last night."

"No I didn't I just curled up on the floor of an elevator and did a bad job at faking an angel." I moaned leaning my head back into the shower stream to get my hair wet.

"Sunshine, we wouldn't have made it off that fire escape without you." He pointed out squirting a little shampoo in my hair and beginning to work it through my locks.

"Hmmmm...." I mused not wanting to argue over this in the shower or give him any reason to stop massaging my scalp.

"Anyways, burdens are rarely this amusing." He teased giving my shoulders a squeeze and causing a tired giggle to jump out of my throat like an awkward freshman on the long jump team.

"I love you Samson." I said smiling as I rinsed my hair out.

"Love you too Sunshine." He replied.

After we were both blood free and shiny clean we dried off and re dressed in our pajamas. Well he kind of dressed the both of us, which was once again very uncomfortable.

"That was the quietest shower sex I've ever heard!" Dean taunted when we emerged from the bathroom.

I didn't even have the energy to flip him off so I just flopped on the bed and rolled under the covers.

"Damn... Must have been good." He mused.

"Dean... Really?" Sam sighed turning on the lamp and motioning to Dean to turn off the main light.

"I'm just trying to joke, loosen up Sam." Dean grumbled in exasperation as he turned the lights off.

I fell asleep nearly instantly and I don't even remember being picked up and carried out to the car the next morning but that is where I woke up.

"How did I get here?" I mumbled sitting up and checking the clock.

Shit it's noon!

"I carried you. We tried waking you up but you just called us names and flipped us off." Sam answered turning around with a big grin.

"Sorry." I laughed.

"Your bag is on the floor boards, go ahead and change I won't look." Dean told me with a wink.

"I know you won't." Sam said in an only halfway joking tone raising his eyebrows at his brother.

I changed quickly and made Dean stop at a rest area because I hat to pee like a race horse.

After taking care of business I walked back to the car to find the boys leaning against the trunk talking to Cas.

"He has gone deeper into hiding. It may take us a much longer time to locate him again." Cas said answering a question I missed.

"Alright... Well, let us know when you catch wind of him." Dean muttered.

"We don't catch his wind... We detect his grace-"

"It's a phrase Cas. It means when you track him down." I interrupted with a pat on his shoulder.

"I see. No I don't see, but I will try to remember that." Cas said frowning like he was concentrating on committing the information to memory.

"How are you feeling Ehvs?" Sam asked breaking the awkward silence and draping his arm over my shoulders.

"Much better. I'm a hell of a lot less sore."

As if on cue the parking lot began filling up with angels.

"Cas, these yours?" Dean asked popping Baby's trunk and handing Sam and I each an angel blade.

Cas shook his head and stepped in between me and one of the angels closest to our little group.

Gadreel stepped forward from behind a semi, "Castiel, it is not wise to stand between those who now have a price on their heads and those who wish to collect. I do not wish to harm you. Step aside and little pain will come to the Winchesters and their Nephilim."

"Excuse me?!" I exclaimed putting my hand on my hip, "I am not anyone's thing. You might want to re-think your life choices if you're going to imply I am anyone's pet."

Gadreel rolled his eyes and motioned his small army forward. In hindsight I probably could have come up with a Gabriel worthy one liner but I completely forgot my self disappointment soon enough. Blades were flying everywhere and all you could hear was the flap of angel wings and sickening sucking sounds of our blades sinking into their flesh. I had my blade knocked out of my hands and had to resort to weaseling my way inside their reach and touching their forehead in order to smite them. I tried the long distance smiting but it nearly drained me so I stuck to the basics.

I had just finished off a rather short blue haired girl who looked like she was going through her awkward teenage years when I saw him hit Sam. Gadreel had taken the but of his angel blade to the side of Sam's head with enough force to not only knock him into the car beside him but out cold as well. As Gadreel pulled his arm back preparing to cram his blade up and under Sam's ribs my entire body went cold.

I didn't even think I just moved. Teleporting next to him I dropped down and grabbed hold of Sam tight and thought as hard as I could about the bunker while I watched Gadreel begin to bring his arm down in the thrusting motion. Suddenly everything went black and then we were lying on Sam's bed in the dark.
