LUKE- not now!

request- for StacyStonier

It was the start of our tour. I had just gotten off of my plane, blaming my tossing tummy to nervous butterflies and airsickness. Pushing our way through the crowd, I put on a smile and took pictures with all of the fans that asked me to. 

By the time we finally made it to the car, I was exhausted, to say the least. My stomach was flipping and my head was pounding. I really just wanted to get to the hotel and try to sleep it off. I guess I really didn't even wanna think about being sick. It was the start of a tour, and it was NOT a good time to be ill. I knew that well enough. 

In the car, I said nothing, looking out the window and pressing my forehead on the smooth, cool glass while I silently counted the minutes until our destination was in reach. 

*20 minutes later*

When the hotel was finally within view, I wasted no time in bolting out of the car and gulping in the fresh air. 

"Hey, Luke, are you okay?" I feel a hand rub my shoulder and turn around to see Ashton standing beside me with a concerned look stretched across his face. I put on a weak smile and reply. "I think so. Just jet lag and airsickness." 

He frowns. "Alright. Let's get up to the room so we can go to bed. I dunno about you guys, but I'm exhausted." With grunts of agreement from Cal and Michael, we walk into the hotel and check in. I'm too tired to do anything other than get into my pajamas and go straight to bed, the boys claiming rooms soon after.


I crack my eyes open to take notice of my aching body, twisting stomach, and searing head. Turning to turn on my phone, I notice that it is only 4 in the morning. Exactly what I need today. Looking to my other side, I see that Calum is in bed beside me. Tiptoeing and trying to be as quiet as I can, I rush to the bathroom across the hall and promptly empty my stomach. Pressing my cheek up against the cool porcelain of the toilet bowl, I flush my dinner down the toilet. Going to the couch, I know two things for certain. One, I will not be going back to sleep, and two, I will not let the boys on that I am ill. 

The rest of my night is spent over the toilet, on the couch, and scheming my secret. 

At 9 o'clock, I hear footsteps. Time to put my plan in action. Swiveling around, I see Michael rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Geez Luke, did you get hit by a train?" Micheal exclaims, probably noticing the bags under my eyes and my pale complexion.  

I force a chuckle. "No. Jet lag. Only managed to get a few hours of sleep, and it's giving me a killer headache." I schemed well. This fib will make covering my pounding head easier. 

"Ah, that's a bummer. We have a couple things to do today, will you be okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah. Don't stress about it man, I just need some sleep and some Advil." I grunt and hoist myself into a standing position, swaying a tad, but thankfully recovering from my dizzy spell before Mikey notices. 

"I'll grab some Advil. Water or tea?" Mikey offers, already making his way towards the kitchen, probably to order room service.

I smile at his kind gesture. "Thanks, dude. Tea sounds good." 

A couple minutes later, Ashton comes into the main room, all wrapped up like a burrito in his blanket. 

Chuckling, I ask, "Jet lag?"

He nods. "Jet lag." 

The two of us watch Chopped until Mikey comes back with my medicine and tea, which then prods Ashton to ask why I am in need of Advil, and my whole excuse starts all over again. I am in the middle of twisting my web of lies further when I glance at my watch.

"Someone go get Calum. We're leaving in 10 minutes for our photo shoot." 

Mikey nods in agreement and leaves the room to fetch our exhausted band mate. I trod upstairs and change into sweats and a t-shirt, because I know that Lou will end up restyling me in the end anyways.

10 minutes later, we all end up in the car. Not able to keep my eyes open another second, I fall asleep soon after the car starts to move.

After what I can only guess was about a half hour, someone is shaking me awake gently. "Come on Luke. We're here." I crack my eyes open to see Calum shaking me.

"Thanks." I yawn, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and walking inside of the building. 

About an hour later, the boys and I are fully made up, posing for photos that will most likely be put all over social media. As soon as we finish, I can feel the tea sloshing in my stomach, and I quickly excuse myself to the bathroom, throwing up almost immediately. After a few minutes, I get up and take a deep breath, preparing myself to go back out. 

The rest of the day is pretty smooth, the only other thing on our schedule being a songwriting session that I didn't really need to participate in. We got home around 10, and I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I groan, feeling my small dinner fight my insides. Ripping off the covers, I make a mad dash to the bathroom, just to puke out the entire content of my stomach, for what I can only guess to be a half hour. Walking out of the bathroom, I check the clock. 6am. I would guess I have a good 2-3 hours before the boys wake up. Knowing too well that I probably will not be able to fall back asleep, I scroll through Twitter and try to keep my stomach in tact. 

A few hours later, Ashton comes barging into my room. I quickly feign sleep, only to be 'awoken' by Ashton jumping on me. I take a deep breath, swallowing the bile traveling up my throat. Rubbing my eyes, I sit up. 

"Come on dude! We have a concert in a couple of hours!" Ashton gives me a wide smile and promptly dashes out of the room. Groaning, I pull myself out of bed. I had forgotten we had an early(ish) concert today. 

As soon as I got downstairs, we were rushed into a car and sent to the venue. Upon our arrival, security guards were pushing a path through teenage girls, and whisking us away to our dressing rooms. 

When Lou begins my make up, I see her frown as she notices my paler than normal complexion. 

"Are you feeling alright Luke?" she questions, pulling out a deeper shade of concealer and foundation than normal.

I give a nod and a short,"Yeah."

As soon as Lou finishes, I am dashing straight to the toilets. Before I know it, it's show time, and I get my butt on stage as soon as the first song begins.

The first couple of songs are a breeze, not requiring much movement, and I don't sing very much. The next few are not as easy; my throat is raw and my vision is blurry. It is in Amnesia that the darkness takes over, and I fall to the ground. 

I wake a couple of hours later, layed down in a hospital bed. 

Mikey shakes Calum. "Hi, Luke."

I wave hesitantly. "Where are we?" 

Micheal draws in a breath. "You fainted at the conference man. We're at the hospital."

"Doctors said it's stomach flu. A bad case. Why didn't you tell us?" Calum chimes in. 

I sigh. "The start of tour is not a good time to be sick. I guess I thought it would be fine."

"Yeah. Doctor said you'll be fine, that you'll just need to rest and drink a lot of water. Tell us text time, yeah?" Ashton comments.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."


hi hi

contrary to popular belief, i am not ded.

just crazy busy

sorry this took so long!

comment feedback and requests down below.


