Millie's POV

Why did I think this was going to be easy?

Amelia Fitz, the school's nerd (well maybe not the entire school's but atleast the senior year's) walking hand in hand with the school hottie, Colin Junis.

What had possessed me to think that people would actually cheer and feel good about us?

I slowly started to let go of Colin's hand as my insecurity got the better of me. But Colin wasn't going to let go.

"If you let go now Millie, we'll never last." He whispered, bending down to my ear.

The people continued staring. Even a few teachers stared in passing but then realised what they were doing was childish so became normal.

But the students stared and even glared openly. Colin's one statement gave me enough confidence to grab his hand tightly and walk with my head up.

Abby waited for me in front of our first class, which was English today. Colin walked with me till the door, where he reluctantly let go.

"Have fun babe- I think we have History together today. I'll see you at lunch." He kissed my forehead slightly and I swear I saw girls actually swoon.

I nodded. Abby grabbed my hand and smiled with all the support.

Colin finally walked away to his class which was Chemistry. Me and Abby went inside the classroom, which was fortunately not packed with people yet.

We chose the first desk and sat down together. In our school, we didn't have single seats but more of a bench on which two people could sit.

The first bench was dreaded for obvious reasons but we liked it as we could be as anti social as we wanted on the first bench.

People didn't approach you when you sat first and in the current circumstances, I really welcomed that.

"Would you tell me how you and Colin ended up together?"

"Can we not talk about that right now?" I whined. Abby rolled her eyes before getting her copy of Anna Karenina out of the bag.

"I feel the play is going to be so much more better now." Abby winked at me. I shook my head with a smile. We had our rehearsals today, school for I guess a week more and then Japan!

Our English teacher entered with a bunch of sheets in hand.

"Morning class! Pop quiz on Anna Karenina, part 2." He announced as if we remembered shit from the story.

But I did.

I was not the nerd for no reason.


Lunch seemed to be ages away but finally it was here. Me and Abby walked to the canteen, where the crowd instantly turned to look at us.

Abby grabbed my arm as we walked bravely through the sea of students towards the adjacent courtyard, which mostly was empty.

Colin and Sam sat at the table, hitting each other. "Boys." I warned casually, standing in front of them.

Colin looked up and came towards me with long strides. My heart thumped in anticipation of what was gonna happen.

He kissed me slowly, his lips moving in perfect sync with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as I smiled into the kiss.

"Ew guys. Get a room." Sam said, getting up and sitting next to Abby. We pulled away breathless.

We sat down, with our hands entwined under the table.

Sam scooted closer to Abby as she shifted a little away, blushing.

I couldn't help but show a small smile. Colin looked at me and his eyes were full of twinkles. I gave him a broad grin.

"If that exchange is over, can we go get food?" Sam asked.

I nodded. After a lot of debate, me and Abby went to get the food. Why should the men do such things?

We stood in queue for the burgers. "Ugh, you and Colin are so cute together." Abby almost squealed.

I laughed loudly but inside I was giddy. I already liked him so much.

We finally got the burgers. A double cheeseburger for Sam, single burger with fries for Colin, I got a plate of chicken wings while Abby got the gigantic fries with cheese.

We took the trays back to our place, slowly balancing them on our arms. The crowd had gotten thicker around the courtyard, where we were sitting.

We somehow pushed our way in through the crowd where the people were passing me dirty looks.

I ignored as I saw the scene in front of me.

Kasey slapped Colin right across the cheek, rendering his tanned skin a little red. I found myself fuming.

I put the trays down onto the floor as I stormed up to Kasey.

"What the fuck?" I screamed as I slapped her a good one too.

"This bitch!" Kasey yelled back as she started to tear at my hair.

I would have fought her if not for Colin, who put his hands around my waist and pulled me away from her, his slow breathing in my ear. It instantly calmed me down.

Kasey's sidekicks took her away as the crowd dispersed too. I was lucky that the school authorities had not been involved because the courtyard was devoid of CCTVs.

"Wow, that was incredibly sexy." Colin breathed in my ear. Goosebumps rose up my skin as I freed myself from his grasp.

"Why did she slap you?" I asked, putting a hand onto the affected area. Sam and Abby has rushed to get an ice pack, leaving us alone.

"Never mind. She's just stupid. But you fought for me." He said dramatically.

"You're my boyfriend, of course I would." I smiled as I tenderly kissed his wounded cheek. A girl's slap can damage even his tough skin.

"Wow, that totally healed me." Colin said before kissing me senseless.


Hey everyone!
Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

Shambhavi 💋
