
It was the day before Anthony and Kate would be back from their honeymoon, Colin and Benedict were finishing up the last of any miscellaneous work to be done.

"Brother if I may say, we would have been done sooner if you stopped looking at your phone every 10 minutes," Benedict curious. Since the night they talked, Colin and Penelope had been sending each other messages through text.

Colin also never went back to Penelope's flat, afraid it would be too risky to be alone again with Penelope or end up running into his sister. "No! Colin are you in love," Benedict caught his attention.

"Excuse me?" Colin looked up from Anthony's Desk.

"You got it bad," Benedict grinned from ear to ear, "Who is she? Do I know her?"

Colin put his mobile away and put the rest of the paperwork into the file they belonged in. "We're pretty much done, is there anything else that needs attending to?" Colin tried to dodge his curious brother as he got up from his seat.

"Now don't be shy, you can tell me. Cross my heart I won't say a word," Benedict wiggled his eyebrows teasing his brother, following right behind him out of the office as they grabbed their things.

"Are you talking to Marina again?" Benedict quizzically.

"Have you visited France lately Brother?" Colin hinting at Benedict's ex Genevieve Delacroix who was a well known fashion designer and a big name in Paris.

"Ouch, okay I'm sorry," his brother pretended to be hurt. "But why so quiet about this one, does anyone know?"

"Daphne does, but good luck getting it out of her," Colin walked into the elevator with his brother.

"Is it serious then?" Benedict asked.

Colin contemplated on his feelings for Penelope, it was clear he didn't want to be without her, and she was special to him.

They've known each other for so long it was funny to him how they weren't together before. Marina was part of his life and Penelope had encouraged him to be with her, if Penelope had feelings for him then, she would never forsake him.

"I want to say yes," he told Benedict.

Benedict was confused,"Are you guys together?"

"Not exactly, I mean we haven't established a label in it but we're aware of our feelings," Colin felt stupid as he tried to explain.

Benedict shook his head and patted his brothers shoulders,"Colin, let's be real. Is she she into you or are you in some kind of unrequited love?"

Colin glared at him, "Yes she is into me, and I the same. We just haven't gotten there yet." He was getting a little annoyed.

Benedict poked his brother some more,"So how'd you guys meet? How long have you guys been 'trying to get there?" Colin can tell his brother was enjoying this.

The men walked out to the parking garage, both parked in the V.I.P. section. "You can't tell Eloise-"

"It's Featherington?! Oh my dear brother how haven't we seen that coming!" Benedict gasped dramatically.

Colin bit his lip, tight lipped smile.

"Colin do not fret. But it would be nice to see the look on our dear sisters face when she does find out," his brother baffled at the idea happily.
