Rise Of The Turtles And A Ninja

[Our story begins in New York City, where beneath all of the people, buildings, and noisy cars, there is more than meets the eye in the city of the Big Apple. Everything was peaceful and quiet. As the camera moves to the sewer, we see a lair that resembles an indoor home. With the expectation of a Dojo with a large tree in the middle of a normal family. We see four sons and a human in training. From the corner, the eldest of the sons, with a blue mask with katanas, practicing with the youngest and baby of the family with an orange mask with nunchucks, while the human is wearing a gray ninja uniform.]

Daigo: Round 1. FIGHT!!

Leo: Yah!

Mikey: Oh, yeah! Michelangelo is on the move!

Leo: Heeyah!

Mikey: You don't know what to do. I'm here, I'm there. I could be anywhere. How do you stop what you can't even see?

[The youngest son jumps around until the blue one hits him in the stomach with his sword hilt. The youngest son rolls over, groans, and falls over.]

Leo: Like that?

Mikey: (Raising his flinched pointing finger.) Good one, Leo.

Daigo: *chuckles* Too Cocky, Michelangelo. Leonardo Wins. Flawless Victory.

[On the other side, we can see the third son, an incredibly intelligent and clever tall child with a bo staff and a violet mask, he also has a gap tooth. He is practicing with the fourth son, a hot-tempered and aggressive one with sais and a red mask.]

Raph: (Cracking his neck) All right, Donnie. Put down the staff and no one gets hurt.

Donnie: Uh, you said that last time, Raph, and you hurt me.

Raph: Yeah, but less than I would have.

Donnie: Yeah, right. (Raising his bo staff)

Daigo: Enough, guys. Round 2. FIGHT!!

[The two sons begin to attack, until the aggressive one grabs his bo, spins it, and breaks it in half.]

Raph: Should've dropped the staff?

Donnie: (mimics) Should've dropped the staff. (Spinning the broken staff.)

[The aggressive one started whacking his tall younger brother.]

Donnie: Ow. Okay, I'm down!

Daigo: Raphael Wins.

Leo: Onegai shimasu.

Raph: Whatever you say.

Raph: Hey Daigo, wanna get in on this?

Daigo: Why not? (Gets in a fighting stance) *Chinese* 你們兩個要下山了(You two are going down.) You first, Leo. (Pulls out his sickle)

Leo: Bring it. (Pulls out his katana)

Daigo: Round 3. FIGHT!!

A/N: Daigo is the one on the left and Leo is on the right.

A/N: Daigo is Lui Kang, Leo is evil Lui Kang.

Daigo: Flawless Victory.

Raph: My turn.

Daigo: Final Round. FIGHT!!

A/N: Quan Chi is Raph. Kenshi is Daigo.

(Raph is getting the upper hand on Daigo. Daigo gives him a couple of rapid punches and bicycle kicks. Though Daigo is struggling the battle with his sickle because Raph has two sais. So Daigo wants it to be fair.)

Daigo: Now, we're even.

(Daigo hits Raph with multiple punches and knocks him out with a powerful kick)

Daigo: Flawless Victory.

Splinter: Yame.

[A ninja master emerges from his room as the four sons are seated.]

Splinter: You all did very well.

Raph: But I did better.

Splinter: This is all about self-improvement, Raphael. It's not about winning or losing.

Raph: I know, sensei. But I won and they lost.

Daigo: What do you mean, we lost? I kicked your shell, Raph.

Raph: I did think you di-- (Master Splinter pulls his skin) Ah ah! I mean we all did our best that's all that matters. Good job, everyone! Ah!

[The master laughs amusingly at himself.]

[After training in the dojo, everyone was in the kitchen. The turtles and Splinter were eating algae while Daigo was enjoying chicken chow mein.]

Mikey: There's a little more algae and worms left if anyone wants it. Anybody? Anybody?

Leo: No. Thanks.

Raph: No.

Donnie: Nope.

Daigo: I'd rather stick to my Chinese food.

Mikey: Well, I guess no one left room for...cake!

[He gets out a cake made of worms and algae.]

All: Woah!/Disgusting.

Donnie: It is a cake.

Raph: (Tastes it) Made of...algae and... worms.

Daigo: I should've stayed home.

Leo: You live in an abandoned self-storage warehouse near the train depot.

Daigo: I make it look nice. Also, have you been keeping tabs on me?

Donnie: (Hides a device) Um, no.

Leo: What's the frosting made out of?

Mikey: You don't wanna know. Happy Mutation Day!

Turtles: Happy Mutation Day!

Daigo: Yeah, OK.

Splinter: Ah, yes. 15 years ago today, our lives changed forever and we became the unlikeliest of families.

Daigo: You met the Lin Kuei because your clan and the Lin Kuei clan are rivals, right?

Splinter: Correct.

Mikey: Tell us the story, Master Splinter.

Splinter: Michaelangelo, I have told the story so many times.

Mikey: Please, Please.

Raph: [Covers his brother's mouth.] Please. It's the only way to shut Mikey up.

Splinter: Ah, very well. [The flashback begins.] Many years ago, when I was still human, I was leaving the pet store with four baby turtles.

[The flashback in which a young man named Hamato Yoshi is carrying four infant turtles. he bought at the pet store.]

Mikey: That was us?

Splinter: Yes. Don't interrupt! I passed a strange man on the street. Something felt off about him. I decided to follow.

[The man, Hamato Yoshi, looks at the corner where the weird man is discussing something.]

Strange Man: Go no further. This place is a place where you are not allowed to be in this place. We have been seen in this place by you, so this is not a place that will be left by you.

[Angry, Hamato Yoshi defeats them, but then a green canister falls onto the turtles and Yoshi. The man mutates in agony as the turtles start to transform into their humanoid selves.]

[End of flashback.]

Splinter: That was the beginning of our life together. It was the mysterious substance in this canister that, in a way, gave birth to us all.

Mikey: Mom. So how did Daigo's dad and Splinter meet?

Daigo: The Hamato Clan and the Lin Kuei wanted peace. From what my Dad told me they met during a peace ceremony.

Leo: So sensei, now that we're 15, I think we're finally ready to go up to the surface, don't you?

Splinter: Yes and no.

Mikey: Oh man. Come on.

Leo: Lame.

Raph: I hate it when he does that. Daigo goes up to the surface.

Daigo: That's because I'm human, I can go whenever I want. People aren't gonna be afraid of me, no offense.

Splinter: You 4 have grown powerful, but you are still young. You lack the maturity to use your skills wisely.

Donnie: So, sensei is that a no?

Splinter: Yes...and no. Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from making mistakes.

Donnie: Aha! So in order for us to gain wisdom, we have to make mistakes. So we can go.

Splinter: No.

Daigo: Daaaang.

Donnie: And yes?

Splinter: No!

Donnie: Oh...

Daigo: Sick turn, sensei.

Leo: Sensei, we know you're trying to protect us, but we can't spend our whole lives hiding down here.

[The master looked at his sons as they beg with their eyes sparkling huge.]

Splinter: Hm. You may go tonight.

Daigo: Huh?

Mikey: High three!

Daigo: I'm out.

[A few minutes later, the oldest son was sitting on the couch watching his favorite TV show. Space Heroes]

Captain Ryan: [On TV] Mr. Crenshaw, status report.

Cranshaw: [On TV.] Status? I'll give you the status! We're gonna blow up in two seconds![Ryan slaps him.] Thank you, Captain.

Leo: Gentleman, I have a bold and daring plan. There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question!

Crew: [On TV] Aye sir!

Raph: You know this show is stupid, right?

Daigo: I mean the show is alright, it ain't Power Rangers or Yu-Gi-Oh. (Raph looks at him) What? I watch TV.

Leo: Space Heroes is a great show and Captain Ryan is a great hero. Someday, I am gonna be just like him.

Raph: Well, you do like to hear yourself talk, so you're on your way.

Mikey: Hey, it's go time!

[The sons prepare to go up to the surface with weapons. A bo staff, two sais, two katanas, and two nunchucks. While Daigo prepares his armor and weapons.]

Splinter: You are going up to a strange and hostile world. You must maintain awareness at all times.

Turtles: Hai, sensei!

Splinter: Stick with Daigo, he's been up at the surface for a long time.

Turtles: Hai, sensei!

Splinter: Stay in the shadows.

All: Hai, sensei!

Splinter: Don't talk to strangers.

All: Hai, sensei!

Splinter: Everyone's a stranger.

All: (annoyed) Hai, sensei!

Splinter: Make sure you go before you leave. The restrooms up there are filthy.

All: Sensei!/Dude!

Splinter: Good luck, my sons.

All: I am so pumped./Time for a tour, guys!/Surface time!/Here we go!

Splinter: Look both ways before crossing the street!

[As we moved up into the streets of New York, everything was peaceful and quiet up here. A hand opened a manhole cover and the five figures came out. The world is a strange place.]

Daigo: Welcome, to New York.

Mikey: It's so beautiful.

Leo: The city is just full of possibility. There could be an adventure around this corner...or...or this one...or this one! There's not, but there could be!

Donnie: Look at all the computers! Is that the next-generation cadmium processor with quantum encryption?

Daigo: Calm down, guys.

Raph: I don't know, Donatello. Is it?

Donnie: It is!

Mikey: Guys, guys! Check this out. A hand made out of light. Now it's an eye made out of light. And the hand again! Now the eye's back! Now the hand!

Daigo: That's called a neon sign.

Raph: Come on, genius. (Raph pulls Mikey away from the sign)

Mikey: The eye!

Donnie: So, where to next?

Daigo: We could check out the Statue of Li-

[A human pizza delivery kid stops and sees the four turtles and not even paying attention to Daigo. Raph growls at him as the kid screams and the kid drives off on his motorcycle. A single pizza box landed on the ground.]

Raph: That was kind of fun.

Daigo: You four are too exposed. To the rooftops.

[Mikey stops to see the small box there. Later they are on the roof.]

Mikey: Pizza?

Daigo: They created Pizza in Italy.

Donnie: Should we open it?

Daigo: Yes.

Leo: Careful, it could be dangerous!

Daigo: It's food!

[They open the box.]

Donnie: I think it's food.

Daigo: (sarcastically) Oh, really!

Raph: It's not like any other food I ever saw.

Mikey: I'll try it.

[The youngest took a slice of pizza and took one nip. His brain exploded. It feels like he liked it. He scarfed it all up.]

Mikey: Uh, yuck. You guys won't like it. I'll take the rest.

All: No way! Uh-uh! Back off! Told you, you'd guys like it.

Raph: I never thought I'd taste anything better than worms and algae, but this is amazing! Right?

Mikey: I love it up here!

[Later on, they were on the rooftops having a lot of fun.]

Daigo: Hope y'all enjoyed the tour.

Leo: All right, guys, it's getting late. We should probably head back home.

Donnie: Guys! look at that!

[The bottom of the city reveals two people. A man named Kirby O'Neil and his teenage daughter named April. The creature's heart started to pound and started drooling.]

Daigo: Someone's got a crush~

Donnie: She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Raph: Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen?

Daigo: Damn, Donatello.

Donnie: My point stands.

[Kirby and April stopped and saw a swift man named Snake and a group of men wearing business suits.]

Kirby O'Neil: What? What is this?

[April shivered as the men, fearing what they were about to do.]

Donnie: We gotta save them!

Daigo: Donatello, don't.

Leo: Splinter's instructions were very clear. We're supposed to stay away from people. And bathrooms.

Raph: I thought you wanted to be a hero. Since when do heroes ask for permission?

Leo: They don't. But...

Donnie: Well, I'm going!

Daigo: *sighs* Splinter's gonna kill us. (Jumps down after him)

[The others go after him, making Leo feel depressed.]

April O'Neil: Help! Help!

Raph: Hey!

[He threw a punch at the man while the rest fought, the man rose up a strange warbling sound echoed like a robot.]

Raph: Still standing, huh?

[He bumped into his brother.]

Leo: Watch it?

Raph: You watch it!

(Daigo goes to attack one of the suited men with kung-fu and ninjutsu skills, but they aren't doing any damage to the guy. He just wobbled?)

Daigo: What the?

[It started getting weird as they kept bumping into each other while trying to fight the men.]

Raph: Watch it, Donnie!

[This was not working at all. They continue bumping to each other sword hits to bo and swords stabbing to someone's shell and getting stuck with sais.]

Raph: What the-- (screams)

Daigo: Focus, guys! (Tornado kicks one of them)

[The man punched Raph as he altered the other. He was about to use the known technique as he did to the leader, but it failed.]

Raph: Oh, come on!

[The man punches him, knocking him out unconscious. The blue leader keeps jumping around and kicks the two men, but one man punches him away. We cut to the man where he grabbed April by the hips.]

April: Hey, cut it out! Stop! Ow! Let go of me!

[Donnie notices April is smuggled away and hurls his bo at him; he catches April without getting her hurt.]

Donnie: Gotcha!

[April looked up at the creature who let out a charmed smile. Without any warning, April screamed as if she saw a giant mutant turtle, causing him to scream also dropping her.]

Donnie: No, No, we're the good guys! (April screams again) It's okay.

[April turns to see that the men are coming closer and she looks at the violet masked turtle. He lets out a hand to help her up, however, his younger brother accidentally hits him with his nunchucks. The brainiac terrapin watches at him angrily.]

Mikey: Whoops! Sorry, watch out!

[The man kicked them away and took April into the Van and drove off.]

Donnie: Huh? They're getting away! They got the girl!

[The others chase after them.]

Raph: You just jabbed me with your sword.

Leonardo: Well, I didn't know you were gonna land where I was stabbing.

Daigo: *sighs and mutters* I should've stayed in China.

[Michelangelo was all alone, he was about to catch up with the others, but the man walks toward him, there's one remaining bad guy left.]

Mikey: You think you're tough, huh? You think you're tough enough to stand up to my hot nunchuck fury?

[He slashed his nunchucks around one and the man grabbed one of the nunchucks and threw it away.]

[He flees, panicked. He suddenly gets cornered in front of an alley as the man walks toward him. He slashed his kusarigama around.]

Mikey: Stay back!

[He accidentally and blindly swings his kusarigama to his attacker in a state of panic, slashing the man's face open. With blood pouring from his face, but then suddenly, weird things happen as electronic beeping sounds come around from the man. The man covers his face in pain, as he staggers a few steps back, before collapsing to the ground.]

Mikey: What the..?

[Curious, Michelangelo uses his leg to slowly move him on his back. He notices he is a robot, due to his robotic and metallic face.]

Mikey: (shocked) That is all kinds of wrong.

[All of a sudden, a pinkish brain creature screeches. The young turtle screamed as it grabbed his face. Struggling to get the creature off it slammed right on the wall and scurried away. Panting for breath, he ran off to find the others.]

Mikey: Guys! Guys! You're never gonna believe this! That dude, he.. he.. Had a brain!

Daigo: What kind of algae did you eat, Michelangelo?

Leo: We all have brains, Mikey.

Donnie: Not all of us.

Mikey: In our chests?

Leo: No, Mikey. Not in our chests.

Mikey: [angrily] You're not listening to me! [Leo slaps him.] Did you just slap me?

Leo: I was calming you down.

Mikey: Why would that calm me down?!

Donnie: I think he's delusional.

Mikey: Just-just come here. [He walks off to show his brothers.] I'm telling you. The big guy was a robot and he had a freaky-weird alien brain thing in his chest. You gotta believe me.

Raph: I'm not sure we do.

Mikey: Oh, yeah? Well, you'll change your tune when you see that he's [But there was no one in sight and the man is...]...gone?

Daigo: Yup, you've gone nuts. Back to the sewer, Splinter is gonna be so mad.

[The boys left and Michelangelo stared the way the alien and the body had been as we cut to the lair.]

Master Splinter: [Angry.] And so your inability to work together allowed them all to get away.

Raph: Well, maybe if I didn't have to waste time arguing with hero boy, I could've saved them.

Leo: Hey, if you hadn't gotten in my way, I could have done it. And you went flying off on your own. How smart was that?

Donnie: Well, it would've worked out great if somebody hadn't hit me in the head with their nunchucks!

Mikey: Well, none of this would've happened if.... somebody hadn't trusted us to go up there in the first place. Oh, geez. Sensei, I didn't mean to-

Splinter: No, Michelangelo. You are right.

Mikey: I am?

All but Mikey: He is?/What?

Splinter: You were not fully prepared for what was up there. I trained you to fight as individuals, not as a team. And as your teacher, your father, the responsibility for that is mine. Perhaps in another year, we can try again.

Donnie: Another year? Ha! Has everybody forgotten that people were kidnapped? They don't have a year! Sensei, we have to do something now! You weren't there, sensei. You didn't see the way that girl looked into my eyes. She was scared. And she was counting on me- us- to save her!

[Splinter turns to see a picture of a beautiful young woman with a baby and all he could hear in his mind was the sound of fire.]

Splinter: Yes, you must save her.

Leo: I agree, sensei. But in that fight, we weren't exactly a well-oiled machine.

Mikey: Like that robot with the brain thingy.

Raph: Give a rest!

Splinter: Hmm. If you are to fight more effectively as a unit, you are going to need a leader.

Leo: Can I be the leader?

Raph: Why should you be the leader? I kicked your butt. I should be the leader.

Donnie: Hey, I'm smarter than all you guys put together. It should be me.

Mikey: No way! It should be me! I don't really have a reason. I just think it would be neat.

Daigo: I've had more training than you guys. It should be me.

Splinter: [leaves to his bedroom] This is a difficult decision. I will meditate on it. It's Leonardo.

Daigo: Hamato?!

Leo: No hard feelings, Raph?

Raph: [gets up and leaves] Stick it in your shell.

[We cut to the rooftops.]

Mikey: [whispers] Explain to me one more time what we're doing here.

[Turtles groan.]

Daigo: Mikey, I will freeze you. (Shows a freezing fist)

Leo: Mikey, we've been over this. That building has the same logo as the van that was used to kidnap the family. So if we wait here long enough, one of the kidnappers will eventually show his face. And when he does, we'll make him tell us where they took them.

Mikey: And then we got ourselves a van!

Leo: Just hit the guy I tell you to.

Mikey: [gives a thumbs up] Will do!

Raph: Are you sure this is gonna work?

Leo: Trust me. They'll be here any second.

[So they waited... A few hours passed.]

(Daigo was practicing his fire, while the turtles were waiting.)

Dagio: Ha! Ha!

Daigo: Still got it.

Mikey: Okay, I'm thinking of something green. Ga-reen. Ga-reen.

Donnie: [Annoyed and uninterested.] Is it Raphael again?

Mikey: Man, you're good at this!

Raph: Give it up already. The guy's not gonna show.

Leo: We have to be patient.

Raph: No, you have to come up with a better plan, 'cause the five of us standing here with our thumbs up our noses.

Mikey: I don't think they'd fit.

Daigo: It's a figure of speech.

Raph: Is pointless.

Leo: You sure about that, Raph?

[Sound of a van is heard.]

Daigo: How bout that?

Raph: He just showed up, didn't he? I should've complained two hours ago.

[The van was in the alleyway while the same driver that was there exited.]

Leo: Gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan. There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question. [Noticed that his brothers are gone.] Guys? Guys, wait up!

[He joins after them. The turtles and Daigo jumped down and started to corner the man.]

Raph: All right, buddy. We can do this the easy way, or my vote, the hard way.

[They pull out their weapons.]

Donnie: Yeah, look at it logically. There are five of us and one of you. What are you gonna do?

[The man started shooting lasers at them but Daigo was reflecting them with his sickle, as the turtles jumped high to avoid them. Then he starts to get into the van.]

Raph: You had to ask!

[The van drives off.]

Donnie: He's getting away again!

Leo: No, he's not.

[The van quickly got away but the turtles started to give chase. Raph grabs onto the van but gets thrown aside and crashes into a wall. The man started to shoot lasers when he saw them go after him. The chase continued for some time while the turtles and Daigo were getting closer until Leo was close enough to throw a shuriken at one of the front tires of the van causing it to crash.]

Leo: Now we're getting somewhere.

Daigo: Hmm, nice.

[They got back to the ground. Leo began to give hand signals.]

Raph: I don't know what that means.

Leo: Go around back.

Mikey: Why didn't he just say so?

[They crept to the back of the van and as they did a single canister slipped out and rolled to the ground to Mikey's feet. Inside, there is a glowing greenish-blue ooze.]

Mikey:[shocked] Mom?

Daigo: Oh my, god...

To be continued in Part 2...

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