Chapter 51 - Hate

[Dedicated to @sapphiregirl22 whose book "Engaged to the Heartless Heartbreaker" has been one of the influences of this chapter. Thank you so much]

Ariel could not emotionally take it anymore. NDA or not, she decided to divulge that secret kiss to Rita, who was the next person available. Camila had been loaded with many Hollywood film projects and Beth was busy with her house hunting, wedding and honeymoon preparations.

Beth and Camila were kept in the dark for now as Ariel did not want gossipy Camila to get overly excited about it nor have Beth to unnecessary throw shade. It was already painful enough sharing it with another person apart from Evan, but she needed solace for her broken heart.

"Just hang in there, only two months left," encouraged Rita.

"Thanks for the reminder. It's unbearable to see him with his girlfriend, but I'll survive this," said Ariel. She never revealed that Jasmine was in fact, a fake girlfriend. Now, she wasn't sure anymore seeing that they were getting comfortably close to each other that it was looking believeable.

"You know we all got your back," Rita assured, which gave Ariel renewed her strength in the knowledge that her friends would never leave her in the lurch.

Ariel busied herself with her work and began drafting out plans for her future restaurant. She also did her own online house hunting for her and Andy, and for Rita whom she had promised. She found those activities pretty exciting during her break times and they helped distract her from Leon and Jasmine. She also found herself hanging out with Evan even more.

Whenever their off-days coincide on the same days, they brought their children out together to the parks and other popular kid-friendly hang-outs. Ariel found herself clicking quite well with Evan, a fellow single parent who understood what it was like being in her shoes. Andy was quite friendly with young Imogen, treating her like a little sister. Occasionally, Rita, Beth and Theo would join them, and Camila would pop by on certain weekends where her schedule would permit. Leon was off the radar as he no longer hung out with them and Cody was no more.

"Mum, why doesn't Leon go out with us anymore?" Andy asked one day.

"He's very, very busy. You know that," Ariel replied with a sigh.

"I know we live with him but I hardly see him since he works very long hours. I miss it when he hung out with us like the first time we all went to the theme park. He's fun to be with."

Ariel bit her lower lip. She could not deny that she felt that same loss as she remembered the fun times when he was out with them in his many odd disguises, but life must go on. Leon was after all, from another planet and once the contract was up, they would no longer stay with him.

"Well, you have Theo, Evan and Imogen. And me, Rita, Beth and Camil."

They were the most important people in Ariel's and Andy's life, not Leon. However, she could see that Andy remained fond of him and wondered if Leon would be open to remain in touch with Andy in future after the contract ends.


Ariel was out buying groceries on a Saturday afternoon.

While his mother was at it, Andy slouched over the backrest of the sofa, head resting upon his folded arms as he started blankly at the stretch of the massive sea through the windows. He was still in his pyjamas, with a Lego car in his hand that he had built and was playing with while running it across the sofa.

Leon noticed he looked dispirited and approached him, "Andy, you okay there?"

"Hey Leon," he muttered without lifting his head, his cheerless gaze stuck to the panoramic view.

"You look glum. Are you alright?" Leon sat beside him.

Andy did not respond.

"Tell me, what happened? Bad day in school yesterday? Or is it your arrhythmia acting up on you?" Leon stroked his head.

Andy shook his head. He looked at Leon in the eye and asked, "Leon, what's it like to have a daddy?"

"Oh...that," Leon finally realised. "Well, it depends on the kind of dad one has. For me, my dad is the greatest dad I have in my life. He puts family first above himself."

"You're blessed. Mum never tells me about my own dad," Andy lamented with downcast eyes. "Every time I asked her, she tells me she'll let me know when I get older. I am older now and she still refuses to tell me. I've never gotten to call anyone daddy before."

Leon raised a brow. Up until now, he assumed Andy might have met his father before or had some kind of relationship with him. Looking back at their heart-to-heart talks, he realised Ariel never once mentioned about her ex, and Andy never spoke about his father, until now.

"Well erm, I'm sure your mum has her own valid reasons," Leon comforted Andy and placed an arm over him. "Just because someone has a dad, it doesn't mean that his or her dad is treating them well."


"Yup. There are many terrible dads out there too and it's better to be without such people in your life."

"Did my mum tell you anything about my dad?"

"Nope, not that I know of," Leon shook his head, although he was starting to get curious himself.

Andy led out a loud sigh, "At least, I'm not alone. Imogen doesn't have her mum and I don't have my dad."

"Who's Imogen?" Leon asked.

"Oh, she's Evan's daughter."

"You've met her?"

"Yeah! Quite cute and she's only five. She almost like my little sister. Me, Imogen, mum and Evan go out together quite a lot these days."

"Really?" Leon pulled his eyebrows together. "How about Beth, Rita and Camila?"

"Well, they're kinda busy, so we hang out a lot with Evan."


"But I miss having you with us when you were Cody. You're fun to be with. Why don't you join us anymore, Leon?" Andy asked with a forlorn look.

"Erm...busy with lots of work."

"That's a shame. Oh, and I know you go out with your girlfriend too. But I hope Cody joins us when he can, will ya?"

"Will see," Leon flashed a weak smile, already not liking the mention of the girlfriend bit.

He could not help feeling resentful after hearing that Ariel was spending a lot of time with Evan, despite his early attempts to separate them.


After putting Andy to sleep, Ariel made her way to her room when she jumped at the sight of Leon leaning on her door.

"Yes, Leon?" she asked.

Leon looked at her. The appearance of his eyes were red and swollen, as if he had been crying. "We need to talk," he said.

"Is it work-related?" she asked, since it was outside work hours.

Leon shook his head.

In circumstances like this, she never once denied him a listening ear. But now, she was careful to maintain a firm distance. He could not just demand as and when he ever needed to talk. If he could mock at her being "hung up" on their first kiss together, Ariel saw no reason to bother with him anymore. They were after all boss and employee, nothing more, nothing less. She needed to keep it that way in order to ensure a sane exit when her contract was up.

"Well, I'm tired and I need to sleep. Perhaps another time," she excused.

Leon hesitated before lifting himself away away from the door. She made her way to the door but before she could open it, Leon suddenly trapped her between his arms which rested against the door, causing her to suck in her breath as she faced him with her back on the door.

"Why are you refusing me? Is it because of Evan?" his voice sounded low and dangerous.

"W-what are you talking about?" Ariel smelled alcohol in his breath as his face hovered over her/ She creeped out at a possible repeat of that drunken episode where he almost assaulted her.

"So, you like hanging out with Evan? You like him so much?"

Ariel got fearfully jittery. She glanced over his shoulders and mentally envisioned pushing him aside and running for the bodyguards guarding outside the main entrance should he try to do anything to her again.

"Yes," she gulped.

Leon's hands clenched into balls of fists, teeth clenched, "Are you in love with him?"

Ariel gasped at his notorious imagination. "Of course not! Can we stop here now? I need to sleep," she opened the door and before she could shut it, Leon slipped past into her room and locked the door behind him. Ariel's face went pale.

"W-What are you doing? Please leave my room now," she pointed at the door but he inched closer to her that she took a few steps back until her back touched the wall.

This was getting eerily similar to what Martin did.

Leon smirked, "You've forgotten, this is my house."

"Look boss, you're drunk. If you want to talk, please do so tomorrow. I need to sleep," Ariel pleaded.

"Are you in love with Evan?" he demanded impatiently.

"I just said no!"

"Then, why are you guys playing happy family together when you go out?"

Ariel gasped, "H-how do you know?"

"Andy told me."

"Is it so important for you to know? It's my personal life. Please, I really need to sleep!"

"First, it's Angel, then Martin, and now Evan. Don't you have any idea how you shamelessly bewitch us men?" His voice changed to anguish. "What have you done to me?"

What's wrong with this fella?! He really needs a therapist!

"Alright, that's enough! Please, out now," she quickly slid away from him and rushed to open the door, gesturing him to leave.

After a moment's hesitation, Leon finally made his way to the door before spinning around. "Oh, and Darryl. Yeah, you're such a man-magnet, a whore is more like it!" he grunted.

Ariel's jaw dropped at his remarks, "H-How do you know about Darryl? I never told you about him."

"Who's he? What did he do to you? Or maybe, what did you do to him?"

She felt a knife shot through her. Unable to contain her fumes, she pushed him out of the room and slammed her door shut.

"Whore! That's what you are, a whore!" Leon vociferated loudly. "How you tempt me. You just don't know the misery you've put me through for so long." Even though he was drunk, his words were unforgivable.

So that's how he saw their kiss - a temptation from a whore!

The dams of her eyes burst through.

"I'm no whore! Why don't you look yourself in the mirror and see who the real whore is!" Ariel covered her ears with her pillow and shut her wet eyes, unwilling to endure his string of slurry insults. After a few moments, it was finally quiet but she could not sleep peacefully.

Her dislike for him was now blossoming to hate. 
