Day 8: Shopping

((The image above belongs to Pugishka from Tumblr.))

Men, women, and children walked steadily around the big, hectic mall. The kids ran around throughout the building while desperate parents chased after their little ones, giving them a small lecture to behave themselves. In the middle of the mall, a luxurious, white water fountain gently sprouts water out from the top. The crystal-blue water sparkled brightly as the bright light shined over the stature, filling its surroundings with a light scent of bleach. America and Japan held each other's hands as they walked together through the mall. They looked through each window they passed by and went inside the stores that caught their interest.

As they came across a video game store, America let go of Japan's hand and dashed towards the window, leaving behind a bewildered Japan. He slammed his face against the glass frame, both hands pressed against it beside his head, as his sparkly, blue eyes scanned around the store. Japan followed the hyped-up American and calmly stood beside his right side as he kept looking through the window with great amusement. He waited patiently for America to finish but jumped from the sudden shout of excitement from America as he jumped happily in one spot. Japan looked over to his left side, awkwardly rubbing his left arm with his hand, and watched him run inside to look for whatever it was he wanted to get. Japan let out a soft sigh as he slowly walked inside to look for America. His eyes widen upon seeing so many people blocking his way. He didn't realize from the window exactly how many people were inside. Crowds were never really his thing, unlike his boyfriend, America. Japan couldn't stand being so close to so many unfamiliar people. It makes him feel very uncomfortable and unsettling. The brunette carefully backed away from the entrance and stood waiting right outside the door. He'd much rather wait for America outside than to be inside and squished by a million people.

Japan stared ahead of him and watched over the people who walked by, hearing small bits of side conversations from those quickly passing by close to him. He brought his head back and gently hit it against the wall behind him, looking up at the ceiling as his patience began to grow a bit thin. He's not quite sure how long he's been inside, but he feels like he's been waiting for days. How long does it take one person to buy one game? Japan slowly closed his eyes, trying to get himself a bit more relaxed, until he felt a hand placed over his shoulder, causing him to open his eyes quickly and look over to his left. Seeing it was only America, he placed his hand over his chest and let out a long sigh of relief. He closed his brown eyes once more as he gently rested his forehead against America's chest, giving him a soft hug as he got closer to him. "Oh, America! It's just you." America blinks his eyes in confusion as he looked down at Japan, his thin eyebrows slightly furrowed downward on his face.

"Uh, yeah...? Who else could it be, babe?" Japan blushed lightly as he shook his head a bit and lifted his head back up, clearing his throat and stand straight back up again.

"Never mind that now. What did you buy? It looked like you really wanted it." America smirked widely as he brought out a small plastic bag and held it between the two of them, letting it swing gently from his left hand before bringing it back down to his side.

"It's a little surprise, but I'm not giving you any hints what it is. ...Until the day comes, of course." America chuckled a bit loudly to himself as he finished up his last sentence. Japan furrowed his brows a bit as he looked up at the smiling, blond man. He loved video games as much as America, but he doesn't understand why he'd want to surprise him with a new game. Weirdly, he's not even going to play it until America says so, so what's the occasion? He lightly shrugs his shoulders as he reaches his hand towards America's free one, smiling lightly as they begin to walk again.

"This better be good..." The Japanese man teased as he tried to hide his small grin that was beginning to form over his lips. America raised a brow at him as he let out a small chuckle, knowing Japan was only joking.

"Oh, it's more than just good, Japan..." Japan laughed lightly in response as he looks down at the back and white tiles underneath their feet, ducking his head a bit before bringing it back up again as he inhaled a bit of air. The couple stayed close to one another as they casually continued walking throughout the busy mall, having small conversations and whispering sweet-nothings to their ears. Once they ran out of things to say, Japan smiled calmly as he leaned his head onto America's strong shoulder, causing him to rest his on top of Japan's as they looked down at the ground to see their conjoined hands swing gently against their legs. They stayed like this for the entire walk until they finally decide to go back home to rest their tired feet, feeling like they deserved it after shopping for the entire day.
