Bella Betrayal

I mean that was weird and betrayal! I told Nikki a secret and she couldn't even shut her mouth for three seconds! She totally hinted that I like Dean, which I won't deny unless he's near me. I told her and she obviously can't be trusted. So, I invited him to my room to watch some chick flick I didn't actually watch it, I just wanted an excuse to spend time with him. Roman and Seth seem weird and Dean doesn't mind talking or doing anything and he is really nice. I headed to the gym and minutes after getting there he was there. I watched him for a couple minutes, the sweat pour down his chest and his biceps all glowing. I started on the treadmill and the Bella's popped up next to me and they talked.
"So how was last night with Mr. Handsome?"  Nikki started.
"I don't trust you after last night, but great!" I said as they both did the three year old child's,"ooooooooh," I laughed as I shut them up. Dean walked over and started talking. I was nervous from the Bella's. It was nerve racking!
"So deep shit tonight between you and AJ in a "rivalry?" He asked.
"Of course deep shit and I ain't fucking around. I am not a pussy or a little bitch. I stand up to the plate." As I seemed to impress Dean he was also a little shocked.
"Oooow, stupid metal treadmill, sorry I stubbed my toe,"Nikki said,"Anyways Dean I have to get going to see John. Bye bitches!" As that happened Brie left with Nikki and Dean got on a treadmill.
"It's okay, the Bella Twins are a bit bizarre. Nikki always brags about her boyfriend John Cena." Dean comforting me about the Bella's.
"Well, I got to go!" As I left Dean continued on the treadmill. When I got to the arena Seth greeted me. He invited me to his dressing room and we watched the Prime Time Players against The Wyatt Family. I already knew Bray and his actual brother Bo Dallas because when I was little they taught me a little. I also was very close with Adrian Neville because we went to a small wrestling circuit in Britain. I did it because I needed to train for my parents circuit and WWE. I told Seth about that and he laughed.
"Well I got a rivalry with the COO of the company, so that's a lot to handle." Seth informed me while yawning.
"Well at least we know you aren't a punk ass bitch." I laughed as telling him that.
"Yeah I'm not Punk's Ass Bitch AJ Lee, we already knew that!" We laughed as Roman knocked and entered. Seth seemed very displeased with Roman entering. We end up watching See No Evil 2 and Roman leaves halfway through to deal with court. Seth smiles as the movie ends.
"Do you want a beer?" He asks.
"Just turned legal so sure! Why not?!" I respond. He tosses mea beer. We start drinking since we had no matches. I got a little drunk when Seth kisses me.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" As I push him away.
"I thought we had something there, you know you and me!" He replies as sits up.
"No! We're friends! Bottom line!" I rush out of there as Seth begs me to come back in and talk about it.
"No! You don't just go up and kiss a girl like that!" I slap him and walk away.

Next Day

I arrive in Florida for our show as I get to my house I turn on my TV I get a call from my friend from NXT: Emma.
E: Turn on the news! Now!
P: okay why?
E: Just do it okay!
P: Okay!
I turn on the news and it claims reports of Brie Bella being murdered in her home in Phoenix several hours ago.
"Police say she was brutally beaten and stabbed several times in her chest."
P: What the Fuck. Who would kill Brie, she's so nice. What motive would any fucker have?
E: I don't know! Well anyways head out to the arena and let's just do our job.
P: K bye!
I hang up the phone and drive to the arena. When I get there Mike Corona tells me to go straight to Stephanie's office so I head there and I find every diva in NXT and WWE there.
"As you've heard Brie Bella has been killed. We're not sure by who yet, but she was killed by someone. The locker room has been put on notice as the Bella division has been cut. Luckily nobody else was harmed and Daniel Bryan was at the arena already." Stephanie announces as Nikki starts crying.
"For now I leave Nikki in charge of the Diva's locker room and she will take order and has power to schedule matches on non-pay-per-view shows." Stephanie leaves and Nikki stops crying and starts barking commands.
"You will obey me! You fools I am the best and my sister was just holding me back. Unless you want to end up like my sister I suggest you follow my rules and you all obey. You tell the police and you will fucking find yourself in a pool of dark red blood. If any bitch in this room doesn't know who I am, I am your master and you all are my bitches!" In shock everybody's jaw drops as Nikki forces people against their will to drop to their knees.
"That's right bitches! That's right beg for mercy." She yells. Lord help the Diva's!

Author notes.
Wow. Bella taken over and killed her sister. Bella Betrayal! Drama alert! And the book just started. I know. See what's in store next chapter of 3 Bros: 1 girl. The plot coming into play soon!
