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"Please go into the restroom and pee in this cup." He instructed, handing us the cups. I walked out of the doctor's office and into the restroom. I was about to close the door when Calum stopped it with his foot. I sighed before I opened it just enough so he could come inside.

"How the fuck am I meant to fill this cup?" He asked, looking at the cup and then at his jeans. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the toilet, pulling down my jeans as i did.

I had already done this for my pregnancy test so I was basically a professional at this. I filled the cup in no time and then screwed the lid on, to keep it from spilling. I placed the cup on top of the counter and washed my hands. I looked at Calum from the mirror and laughed as I saw him struggle.

"It's not small, it's just cold!" Calum said in defense as he turned to face the other way.

"Cal, I'm not laughing at that." I giggled. "I'm laughing at the fact that you can't fill a small urinal cup."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and concentrated on the task in front of him.

"I'll be with the doctor." I informed him walking out.

"No wait!" He called after me. "I'm almost done."

I walked back to the restroom and opened the door, walking in with him.

"I can't leave you alone with that hot doctor. " He explained closing the lid of his urinal cup and walking to the sink.

"Hot doctor?" I asked amused at how jealous he was.

"Yeah, the hot doctor." He repeated, washing his hands.

"You're exaggerating." I rolled my eyes, still holding my cup. I walked out of the restroom and walked over to Dr. Irwin's office. "Door open."

"I'm serious." He snapped. I walked in first and saw the doctor typing on his computer. I placed the cup on a tray beside me and sat down, watching Calum as he did the same.

"Good." He nodded and stood up. "Next I'll be needing your blood samples."

"Dr. Irwin-" Calum began.

"Feel free to call me Ashton." He interrupted.

"Okay... Ashton.. Um is there a way to not see the needle." Calum said nervously.

"Yeah." He nodded. "You close your eyes."

I stifled a laugh and looked at Calum who just glared at me. "What he means is, does he have to give you blood? He doesn't like needles."

"Well we'll have to get a sample of semen instead." Ashton suggested.

"That sounds so much better than having to deal with a needle." Calum nodded, looking over at me.

"Okay well here's your cup." Ashton handed Calum another cup, this one smaller than the last.

"Ma'am, come with me." The doctor smiled, standing up. I looked at Calum and his smile faded. Ashton made me sit on a chair across the room and then he walked away to grab a needle. Calum looked at me and then down at his pants. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He pouted and turned away when the doctor came back with the needle in his hand. He grabbed my arm lightly and wiped a cloth across one small spot. He tapped lightly and then grabbed the needle. He inserted it making me wince lightly.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"It's fine." I smiled weakly and then he pulled the needle out. He smiled back at me and walked to his back room which I guess is where he did his tests.

I stood up and walked over to Calum. "I'm done."

"Okay." He nodded, looking over at me. "I need your help."

"With what Calum?" I rolled my eyes.

"Come with me to the restroom and show me your boobs." He requested.

"No." I immediately shook my head.

"Please?" He asked. "Just really quick."

"Fine." I sighed and walked with him to the restroom.


Thanks for reading my english homework lol.

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It would mean a lot!

-leslie x

Idk what I was thinking while I was writing this.
