No. Tears

As to the moment I reach out,
whispers fill my ears and warps around an undistinguished sea.
Will there be a chance to break free from waters so thick?
My tears disappear almost instantly,
the sea absorbing it as if I am no longer sad,
and everything is going perfectly,
or at least that's the deception.
It's great, it's perfectly normal.
Buried in the rhythm of the sea and hindering sorrowed cries.
Letting it sink and dissipate into the unwanted,
closing one's eyes, just to breathe normally again for a second before it recurs.

No. Tears
A royal purple sky emerges once you're close enough.
The stars look down, as reciprocated.
But during resurgence
No tears, it's a lie.
A lie to keep away sadness.
A lock is buried deep in my heart
to never cry again.
It hurts to break a promise so fragile.
It's great, it's perfectly normal
The winds of the air clear them,
and forbids disparity.

No. Tears
Why is it like this?
The light runs off into the water
and goes to a place unknown of,
searching for glory somewhere else.
The violet rivers show no weakness to tears.
No tears, it's a lie.
To lie beneath the surface
and never return to that sea
would be perfectly fine.
Breaking free,
it's just a matter of time.

October 2022
