The Child

Cassandra's POV:

Well, we left the encampment, the child following in his hovering crib, when we're suddenly approached by another bounty hunter. I push the crib out of harm's way, and we fight him off. Unfortunately he's accompanied by two others of his kind. We knock two of them unconscious, and disintegrate the other to ash as it rushes to approach the child. I stomp their tracking fob to pieces, and we continue on our path until the sun sets. Little did I know, Din managed to get cut by one of our attackers. I gently set him down as I tend to the wound on his arm, ignoring his grunts and groans of pain.

Me: "Easy, I'm almost done. Leave it to you to try and hide something like this from me."

Din: "It's just a scratch."

He grunts as I finish up, and tie a cloth around the area.

Me: "You sure about that?"

I look over to see the child trying to crawl towards Din as I put my tools back in the medical kit, but gently place him back in the crib.

{Time skip}

The next morning, Din and I approach a cliff overlooking our ship to see a tribe of Jawas taking it apart.

Me: "Dank farrik."

Din pulls out his rifle and disintegrates three Jawas before they take off in their sandcrawler.

Din: "Stay here."

Me: "Wait, what? Din, you're not-"

Din runs off and leaps onto the side of the sandcrawler, much to my annoyance. The Jawas start dropping pieces of junk to get Din off. He wraps his grappling hook around the top, but they clang against it, but he manages to make it to the rooftop. They all fire their tasers at him, and he falls off the roof onto the ground with a thud. I rush over to his side, concerned that he might've injured himself further. Then, he jerks up into a sitting position as I smirk.

Me: "Gar're lucky Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. You know that?" (You're lucky I love you.)

Din gently leans his forehead against mine.

Din: "Ni kar'taylir." (I know.)

I sigh in relent as I look into where his eyes would be through the helmet.

Me: "Think we need his help?"

Din glances to the child.

Din: "I think we don't have a choice."

{Time skip}

We manage to arrive at Kuiill's home just before sundown.

Kuiill: "I thought you were dead."

He turns to us, glancing to and from the child in surprise. After a brief explanation, I gently take the child out of his crib so he has space to run after a frog, while Din does some work on his suit to fix the Jawas' damage.

Kuiill: "This is what was causing all the fuss?"

Me: "Our ship has been stripped for parts. Until we can figure something out, we're trapped here."

Kuiill: "You can trade."

Din: "With Jawas? Are you out of your mind?"

Kuiill: "I will take you to them. I have spoken."

I glance to the child, looking back again with a small laugh as he eats the frog. I gently pick him up to place him in the crib, closing it as it begins to rain, and we ride off to find the Jawas.

{Time skip}

The next morning, Kuiill provides translation as we approach the Jawas' sandcrawler.

Kuiill: "They really don't like you for some reason."

Me: "Well, he did disintegrate three of them."

Kuiill: "You need to drop your rifle."

Din: "We're Mandalorians. Weapons are part of our religion."

Kuiill: "Then you're not getting your parts back."

Din relents, placing his rifle onto the ground.

Kuiill: "And the blasters."

We place our blasters in his hovercraft and walk towards one of the Jawas.

Kuiill: "They will trade all the parts for the beskar."

Din: "We're not gonna trade anything. These are our parts. They stole them from us."

Me (Translation): "Tiwih Prawts Akriwi ours. Please, we need Chikua Yua get back home." (The parts are' and 'them')

Din and Kuiill look to me in surprise.

Me: "I read a lot in my spare time when we were Foundlings."

Kuiill (Translation): "They are Mandalorians. They cannot give you their Beskar armor. What else may they trade?"

The Jawa points behind us to the child as two others step closely towards him.

Din: "Get away from it!"

The Jawas walk away, while Kuiill tries to reason with the one standing before us.

Kuiill (Translation): "There must be something else."

Jawa (Translation): "We will require the egg. Bring us the egg."

Now, that Din and I both understood.

Din: "Egg? What egg?"

{Time skip}

So, they've sent us to do their dirty work for them by going into a Mudhorn cave and retrieving its egg. We leave the child at the entrance to the cave, while Din and I walk in with our helmet lights on and blasters at the ready. We look around the dark cave for a while, before our lights shine on a giant eye and we're flung out towards the entrance. The Mudhorn charges towards us and, as much as we try to fight him off, we're both flung onto our backs, my head spinning from the impact.

Just as it seems like we're done for, we look up to see the child holding the Mudhorn back from afar with his eyes closed and a hand extended. After a short while, the child passes out from exhaustion, and Din stabs the Mudhorn as it falls over onto the ground. Meanwhile, I head back into the cave, and find the egg the Jawas are looking for.

{Time skip}

After walking back to the sandcrawler,  I hand a Jawa the egg, and it cuts through it with a knife as the others grab handfuls of goo to eat. After retrieving the parts, Kuiill steers us back to our ship after listening to what we described happened to the Mudhorn.

Kuiill: "Is it still sleeping?"

Me: "Yes."

Kuiill: "Explain it to me again. I still don't understand what happened."

Din: "Neither do we."

Eventually, we pull up to the Razor Crest.

Me: "There's no way we're gonna get this to work without a full maintenance facility."

Din: "This is gonna take days to fix."

Kuiill: "If you care to help, it might go faster. There is much work to do."

I let out a soft chuckle as the three of us get to work. By morning, the ship is ready to go.

Me: "We can't thank you enough. Please, allow us to give you a portion of the reward."

Kuiill: "I cannot accept. You two are my guests, and I am therefore in your service."

Din: "We could use a crew member of your ability. And we can pay handsomely."

Kuiill: "I am honored. But I have worked a lifetime to finally be free of servitude."

Me: "In which case, all we can offer is our thanks."

Kuiill: "And I offer mine. Thank you for bringing peace to my valley."

Kuiill leaves the ship hatch as he mounts the blurrg and rides off to his home.

Kuiill: "And good luck with the child. May it survive and bring you a handsome reward. I have spoken."

Din and I close the hatch as we walk into the cockpit and plot a course to Navarro.

End of Episode 2
