7) Attention

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Chapter 7 | Attention

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The police help us hold back the surging press once Sue, Reed, Johnny and Ben step out of the vehicles we were, I was hoping maybe the flash of the cameras will do something on my skin but nothing, Red, Sue and I walk inside while Johnny stays behind teasing Ben, I'm still mad at him about him trying to take over the attention and being insensitive with everybody about this whole "powers" thing.

"Welcome back to The Baxter Tower Mr. Richards, Miss Storm" - greeted our doorman, he is a cool man, very granpa like but a lil geeky too, he is always in a good mood - "all that for you guys?" - He asked

"We are like Kardashians now, but with actual relevance" - I said

"I think I heard Mr. Silverman but I can't see him" - said the doorman

"Maybe if you take the sunglasses off?" - I said teasing about the fact that he is always using those even when he is inside - "just kidding, I'm like a ghost or something so that is why you can't see me" - I add quickly to not confuse him

"Oh...well...Professor Storm is waiting for all of you in the penthouse to reunite with all of you" - said the doorman a little confuse about not seeing me

"Thank you" - said Reed and we walk with him with Johnny and Ben finally joining us

We get inside the elevator and Richards hits the top button, the doors close but the elevator does not move, we heard a creak before it dings again as if had arrived, we look to see a digital readout on the panel that says "Exceed Maximum Weight" and we all turn to look at Ben, Reed had a guilty look on his face.

"I'll take the stairs" - said Ben sighing before walking out the elevator and he gives us one last look before the door close, he looks so depress, poor Ben

"How come Ben and I can't turn it off like you guys?" - I asked

"That's what we are going to find out" - said Reed still with a guilty look

"It's not your fault Reed" - said Sue taking his hand

"I shouldn't have let him go outside alone, but we need to figure out what happened to him and Emmet because it could happened to us as well" - said Reed

"Wait, you mean there's chance we could be full-on-24-7-fantastic?" - asked Johnny

"Grow up Storm, you want to run around on fire for the rest of your life?" - I asked

"Is that a trick question?" - Teased Johnny making everybody roll their eyes - "come on, I can't be the only one who thinks this is cool" - he said

Richards look like he is considering to answer but Sue gives him a look and he doesn't say anything, I think parts of this are cool...I just wish I could turn it off like them, the elevator door opens and we step out and see Professor Storm there pacing until he looked at us stopping and move quickly to hug Johnny and Sue.

"I was so worried and I'm so sorry for what happened to all of you" - said Professor Storm before separating from hugging his son and daughter - "I must have miscalculated the time..." - he trailed

"WE Professor, I worked with you so it's my fault too" - said Reed

"But I'm the one in charge Reed, thank you for trying to take some weight off me, but I know when I make a mistake" - said Professor Storm

Their pity party got interrupted by a pug dog coming close to me barking, but not threating, he was excited as his tail was wiggling happy.

"Jagger? You can see me?" - I asked confused as the pug started to move going through me playing and barking, thankfully it seems like I can't get inside an animal body unlike what happened with the officer on the bridge

"Emmet?" - asked Professor Storm looking at the direction Jagger is playing

"Yeah, his powers makes his body disappear like Sue, but he is more kinda like a ghost because he can go through walls, also he can get inside people's body having some certain control of them and take a peek inside their head" - explained Reed

"Don't forget that I float and the beam I shoot from my hands" - I said while kneeling trying to pet Jagger without much result as my hand just goes through him...FML

"Wow you got a whole bunch, but I think I can also fly if I try to" - said Johnny

"Oh, good for you Storm, want a cookie or something?" - I said to him annoyed

"We need to figure out the extent of our changes..." - trailed Reed until we heard heavy footsteps and Ben appears - "...and figure out how to reverse them" - he added

"Which is why I'm gonna move all your things to the apartments on the floor below the lab so you be closer to the research lab" - said Professor Storm

"So we are lab rats now" - I complain until we heard the ding of the elevator and we turn to see who it is...Doom with Leo following right behind


"Victor I..." - started to say Professor Storm

"SAVE IT STORM" - Said Doom - "How much do you guys know about what happened to you?" - He asked turning to Reed and Sue

"Not much, besides what you already know" - said Reed

"We need to run tests to see the extent of the damage" - explained Sue

"Victor, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry the mission didn't go as planned" - said Professor Storm trying to apologize to him while Victor turned to look mad at him

"Didn't go as planned?" - Asked Doom mad while suddenly lights flicker around us, that's weird - "It was a catastrophe, I put my company, my name, billions of dollars on the line and I will not let you make me look LIKE A FOOL" - He growled

"Victor, if we could understand what happened to them-" - tried Professor Storm

"I don't want to understand it!" - Interrupted Doom yelling - "this isn't one of your science projects!" - He continued to yell as the lights flicker again making him look around - "pay the goddamn electric bill and get to work on a cure" - he added - "by the way someone knows something about Emmet? He wasn't in his room" - he asked

"I'm here Victor" - I said and he turned to look around but couldn't see me

"Are you invisible like Sue?" - asked Leo confused looking around too

"It's a little more than that and I can't turn it off" - I explain

"Well, maybe you can go back with me, I think I can make some calls and get you someone to check on your condition" - offered Doom before turning to look at Professor Storm - "better than here" - he added with a side-eye to the older male

"I..." - I trailed and turned to look at the rest and thinking about what he said in the space station, but also remember how he acted - "I think I'll stay, we are all in the same lane after all, so their tests may help me as well" - I said

"Fair enough, just keep in touch" - said Doom before walking away

"Emmet, look..." - tried to say Leo

"Come on Leonard" - ordered Doom making Leo close his mouth and give an apologetic look before walking away with him and both got down in the elevator

"What the fuck was that? And what does he want with you Emmet?" – asked Johnny looking a little mad

"None of your business" – I said annoyed

"Well...ok, we may as well start to move our stuff to our new rooms" - said Reed

"Can I get someone to help me? I can't really grab anything at the moment" - I said

"Sure Emmet no problem" - said Professor Storm - "guys there is something else you should know" - he added grabbing our attention - "there is someone that called and is interested in talking to all of you about your..." - he said a little uncomfortable before turning to Ben "...problem" - he finished

"Who?" - asked Reed curiously

"Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D." - said Professor Storm

"They want us to be Avengers?" - asked Johnny excited

"Johnny, stop that already" - complained Sue

"Tell him that at the moment we can't take his call" - said Reed

"But...what...why?" - whined Johnny

"Because this are not super heroes Johnny and we are not gonna keep them" - said Sue

"Oh come on, you sound just like mo-" - started to complain Johnny before cut himself off looking at his dad realizing what he was about to say - "sorry" - he said quickly

"We are gonna find a way to revert the effects Johnny, we can't be superheroes or "The New Avengers", so we can't take Fury's call" - said Reed

"We may as well start working on that cure" - said Ben sounding impatient

"I'm with Ben, I don't want to stay like this" - I supported

"Well, let's go and move our things and meet up in the lab later" - said Reed

"Good" - I say walking away

"Hey Silverman, do you need any help?" - asked Johnny and I turn to look at him contemplating what to answer thinking about maybe remain silent just to fuck with him as he can't see me - "I can see Jagger still following you around" - He said

Well Jagger blows off my cover, but Storm still can't see me to chase after me and since I'm mad at him I may as well take advantage and have some space from Johnny while I cool off before I or both of us get into a discussion and say something we might regret, so I concentrate to go through the floor hearing Jagger whining as I do so.

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A/N: So...Emmet still mad at Johnny and can't turn back there is that, also Victor came to eat up the group for their public display this is actually a mix up of a scene from the 2005 movie and some original stuff as well, but you guys that read the about know that the base for this story is that film.

I wanna give a shout out to riverajojo951 for doing  Big 3 (Reading List, Vote and Comment), thank you all for he new support and thank you to everybody reading this, keep coming with the Votes and the Comments, I love interacting with readers very much, see you guys next Friday.

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Remember to also check out "Spider-Man: Elements of Choice" every Monday.

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