
"Danceeee withhh meeee"


Work ended at 4 but I didn't end up getting to my car till now. For it being the first day it was very fun and the work environment is very diverse and everyone has been very welcoming.

I pulled out of the stadium parking lot and was really craving an iced Chai latte, luckily there is a Starbucks right by the Panda Express across the street from the stadium.


As soon as I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment my phone buzzed. It was a text from David(Fletcher).


-We're meeting at Times around 10

-Sends Time Nightclub address

Okay sounds good, see you guys tonight!!!-


Around 6:30 I took a quick shower and started getting ready, it's my first time going out to a club since I've moved back home, and I have to admit I was very excited considering today was a good first day.

I feel like I deserved a night out.

I didn't know what exact look to go for, so I simply just decided on a black silk mini dress, a pair of nude heels and gold jewelry. It was quite simple but very classy and I didn't want to look too over dressed.

For my hair, I blow dried it and did soft big curls. My makeup wasn't too different just more shimmer on the eyes and a darker lipstick.

By 9:40 I got into an Uber and was on my way to Time's. It was only a 30 minute drive from my place and I wasn't sure if I'd be drinking tonight so to be safe I decided an Uber was the best choice.

Don't drink and drive.

As soon as I arrived I immediately texted Fletch and he responded saying they had just arrived too.

I spotted them and waved, it was Fletch, Jo, Liván, Tyler, Andrew, and Andrew's girlfriend María.

I greeted and hugged everyone, "Omg I love your dress" María said "thank you!!, your hair looks so good what do you use?" I asked her.

It was my first time meeting María and omg I already love her, she's literally a goddess and she's so sweet.

As soon as we walked into the club it was already quite full, but Fletch managed to book us a lounge area near the main dance floor.

We all sat and the bartender came up to us and asked "what can I get started for you guys?" Everyone ordered then it was me "can I get a tequila soda!" I said. "Okay, any specific tequila??" the bartender asked, "Don Julio 70 please!" I responded and smiled

I wasn't too sure of  how much I was going to drink so I chose a tequila I have knowledge my body reacts to. Cazadores reposado is my favorite but it really fucks me up, and Julio 70 does the job and doesn't give you a hangover. So 70 it was for the night.

I was sipping my drink taking to María, getting to know her more, fascinated about her telling me about her music career when I suddenly see Sho walking towards where we were. I gave Fletch a confused look, but he ignored me.

I didn't know he was coming.

Sho was dressed in all black and his short sleeve button up made his biceps look huge.

I caught myself looking at them and got startled when he spoke.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late, there was traffic." He said while greeting everyone. We finally made eye contact and he smiled. I could instantly feel my face getting warm, omg he looked so fine.

He gave me a side hug and I got a whiff of his cologne, oh my god he smelled heavenly.


After a few drinks María took my hand and dragged me to the dance floor, she so fun and radiates such good energy.

While dancing Hypnotize by Biggie started playing and I got so excited. I swayed and flipped my hair to the beat of the instrumentals, when suddenly María whispered in my ear "He's starring STARRING!!!" She smirked. I knew exactly who she was taking about, I looked back and there he was. We made eye contact and he instantly looked down while sipping his drink turning his focus to the conversation he was having with the rest of the guys.

"What's going on between you guys, it looks like he likes you." she said "NO, I mean he is really attractive, and looks so hot in all black but no we're just friends and I don't think he sees me like that" I reassured her. "No girl he's interested it's so obvious, just go for it!!" she responded. I looked back at him, and smiled softly. "Even if he was, we're just friends and I don't want to mess things up incase it doesn't work out" I said.

After dancing to a few more songs we went back to the lounge, it was so hot I needed another drink. I took a couple Julio 70 shots with María, these shots were when I finally started to feel a bit tipsy.

Mid conversation with everyone Hotel Room Service by Pitbull started playing and I quick got up, grabbed María's hand and ran to the dance floor. Hotel Room Service has been my song since senior year of high school. We danced and sang to each other until Andrew started dancing with María.

I was dancing alone in my own little world when I felt a pair of hands on my hips, it was this random guy. If I were sober I'd probably say something and slap the fuck out of him for touching me but being so drunk in the moment I just let it happen. That was until I heard someone say "Get away from her" I turned around and saw it was Sho. He didn't look at me until the other guy backed off and he put his hand on my lower back. He tried leading me off of the dance floor away from any other guy.

"Danceeee withhh meeee" I looked at him while holding his hand and quivering my lip. He didn't respond but instead just put his hands on my hips swaying me, I put my arms on his shoulders and our bodies got really close. We danced like this until the end of the song.

As we walked back to the lounge I clutched Sho's arm for balance. By then it was around 2 in the morning, and I'll admit I was really fucking gone. I ended up taking one more shot with María before her and Andrew left.

Jo, and Tyler, then Lívan left right after and it was only Fletch, Sho and I that were left. I was not feeling too well and sat there with my eyes closed. "I should get Y/n home, did she drive here??" Sho asked, "No, she came in an Uber" Fletch responded. "Okay well we're gonna head out, it's late and I'm a little worried about Y/n" Sho responded while kneeling down and looking at me. "You sure?" Fletch asked

"Yeah, I only drank a few and I've been drink water, so I've almost completely sobered up." Sho said trying to help me up, leading me out of the club.
